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These people are insane

The number of calories found in pizzas, chips, crisps and other unhealthy foods beloved by Britons must be cut dramatically to help the fight against obesity, the government has declared.

Cafes, fast food takeaways and restaurants have been told to reduce the calorific content of the goods they sell by 20% by 2024, given their key role in fuelling the obesity epidemic.

Public Health England has unveiled a series of targets for calorie reduction that it expects both supermarkets and out of home food outlets to deliver within four years. It is part of the agency’s ongoing efforts to persuade the food industry to reformulate its products by including less fat, salt and sugar to help people live more healthily.

Just jaw gapingly mad.

And I thought we’d just fired them all?

35 thoughts on “These people are insane”

  1. The good news, of course, is that PHE won’t be there in 2024 to check on compliance, thank goodness.

    But remember, we must lose weight because Boris is too fat.

  2. The Meissen Bison said:
    “But remember, we must lose weight because Boris is too fat.”

    Even worse, we must all lose weight because Boris’s girlfriend tells him he’s too fat (he’s never seemed bothered about his weight before).

    Not sure why I should be given smaller portions just so that Boris can get his leg over.

  3. ’ Under new PHE guidelines, pizzas and pastry products such as pies and sausage rolls will have to become 20% less calorific regardless of whether they are bought to take out, eat in or have at home.’

    I foresee a renewed interest in GBBO and the Food Channel.

  4. Bloke in North Dorset

    I foresee lots of restaurant/pub conversations along the lines of …

    “That wasn’t very satisfying, I think I’ll have an extra large pudding”


    “The portions are always so small nowadays, give us an extra side order of chips and some of those fried onion rings as well, please”.

  5. It is rather to deny reality to try this… the local pizza place for example does already have a range of sizes, so I choose exactly how much I want to get… a medium, a large, or possible 2 mediums if the large is made smaller. It’s really just a pi * d calculation based on how hungry I feel and how many of us there are. And isn’t that Med diet supposed to be healthy anyway? We keep reading that.

    Which is all besides the point as replacing things like oil and butter with some chemical fat substitute didn’t work well last time with trans/poly fats, so I don’t see why we should expect a better outcome from these busybody experts this time.

  6. There’s a cliche that there’s no such thing as unhealthy food, just unhealthy diets.

    It’s more right than wrong.

    P.S. PHE = Public Hanging Expected.

  7. Full Ecksian treatment . . . on a day he hasn’t taken his meds.

    ‘pizzas, chips, crisps and other unhealthy foods’

    Do they pass Gamecock’s Dachau test? Then they aren’t ‘unhealthy.’ They are just food. And food is innocent.

    ‘Obesity’ is a human issue, not a food issue.

    This is just like government gun control. Someone misused a gun, so we’re going to take guns away from everyone else.

  8. So Much For Subtlety

    An Ecksian solution seems inadequate. But it is a start.

    RichardT September 8, 2020 at 8:18 am – “Even worse, we must all lose weight because Boris’s girlfriend tells him he’s too fat (he’s never seemed bothered about his weight before).”

    But we are back with the Ginger Mug issue. What does this girlfriend offer that means Boris listens? I may be naive but I notice Boris has shagged not a few girls. Some of them toasty. Some of them not so much but I try not to judge. They did not object to him being fat. Not so much he cared or listened – or they refused to put out.

    I can’t believe national policy is being made because Boris likes his blowjobs or whatever it is.

  9. The rare times I buy a supermarket ready-meal I’ve noticed the lack of salt compared to the 90’s and 00’s when I used to buy a lot of lasagnas, curries etc from the supermarket. Nowadays even a pizza express pizza from a supermarket is tasteless. So I cook myself.

  10. Blojob is a BlueMarxist buffoon. This is S O P.

    He picked Brexit as his route to power which–like Bottler Brown– is what his life is about.

    The good moves on Brexit–inc the latest 38 day deadline (assuming Bloj doesn’t bottle/Uturn) are likely Cummings doing.

  11. “So a 20% reduction in price then?”

    price remains the same to pay for compliance see every damn chocolate bar these days.

  12. Cutting down on salt led to an increase in calories.
    Anyhow: eating pizza does not, by itself, make you fat. #1 son has been enjoying pizza since a small boy and until recently was even skinnier than I (he still isn’t fat but thanks to office working his waist has increased to 30″).

  13. ‘And I thought we’d just fired them all?’ Fired from the mouths of cannon perhaps?

    But I’ve decided to give up buying a steak at the local pub. The bloody thing is so small it’s not worth the bother. Naturally I’d rather pay more and get a decent meal, but that doesn’t seem to be on offer.

  14. What gets me is this will have no effect on people’s weight, whatsover. People comfort eat. I doubt there’s a single person posting here ever been genuinely hungry in their entire lives. Societies like the UK’s don’t produce hungry people except occasionally by accident. That’s what a “developed” economy means, amongst other things. No-one goes hungry.
    If you give comfort eater a smaller Mars bar, they’ll just want to comfort eat sooner. Maybe immediately with another Mars bar. So they now will have eaten more Mars bar. The only way you could reduce comfort eating would be to price it out of people’s reach. Effectively, become poorer.

  15. This oppressive health nonsense, like the oppressive green nonsense isn’t being forced on Boris by the bird he happens to be shagging. She’s not made him build HS2 either.

    I noticed early on that this government’s tactic for pretending that it gives a shit about the desires of the people who voted for it but is pretending to be sadly helpless to do what they want. “Sorry we simply can’t stop or deter migrants, we are powerless to stop BLM and XR, we’re awfully sorry about statues being torn down and history rewritten, but what can we do?”

    Literally the only thing they are – so far – keeping their promises on is Brexit. My hopes are not high.

  16. Dennis, He Who Just Wants To Be Loved

    Full Ecksian treatment . . . on a day he hasn’t taken his meds.

    You’re going to wait a whole two days?

  17. BiS: I doubt there’s a single person posting here ever been genuinely hungry in their entire lives.

    Anyone who was at boarding skool in the 1960s knows what hunger is!

  18. I pity my kids, who will never know what proper Irn Bru tastes like.

    It’s come to the point where even the simple pleasure of beans on toast involves adding salt, sugar, tomato paste and a fair dash of chipotle sauce just to make it taste good.

    Even my younger daughter has gone off her beloved Heinz tomato soup because as she says ;
    ‘it doesn’t taste as good as I remember’.

    The pendulum will eventually swing back the other way of course, but hopefully only after the prodnoses swing first.

  19. @ Richard T
    Not sure why I should be given smaller portions just so that Boris can get his leg over
    Maybe he should insist she goes on top.

    @ Jussi
    I cook myself
    Can we all have a taste?

    @ TMB
    I went to boarding school in 1949 – together with my Ration Book. The 1960s must have been a comparative gourmet paradise.

  20. @ TMB
    @ bis
    Yes, I have – but not for lack of money. Not just TMB’s example: my standard response to an attack of food poisoning is to eat nothing (and drink only the essential minimum) for 24 hours or so; I once overbalanced a broke one of my front teeth – got immediate treatment for the blood pouring down my face but then spent a weekend unable to eat anything other than soup, when I had no cooking facilities, until I could ‘phone the dentist on the Monday.

  21. @ asiaseen
    Certainly not for gourmets – more food for those with absolutely no discerning tastebuds but some of it wasn’t safe to eat.

  22. “This oppressive health nonsense, like the oppressive green nonsense isn’t being forced on Boris by the bird he happens to be shagging. She’s not made him build HS2 either.”

    Seconded, MC. Blaming the bint is just a variant on the age-old phenomenon of blaming the courtiers: if only the king knew what they were up to, he’d put a stop to it kind-of-thing.

  23. You thought we’d just fired them all?

    You were naive.

    Nothing will change except the name on the door.

  24. ‘told to reduce the calorific content of the goods they sell by 20% by 2024’

    Pardon me, but if this could work, the ~50% of Brits who are not overweight will die.

  25. Mad? Deluded, innumerate, stupid and insane control freaks – like Hancock

    They need to re-focus on farmers and demand they grow low calorie corn,wheat, potatoes, cows, pigs etc

    Mackerel & Herring are ‘unhealthy’ high calorie & fat too – PHE need to ask God to change them

    I’m 100% sure not one PHE food nazi will lose their public sector job when PHE “Closed” – numbers will increase

    @Mr Lud
    +1 Businesses should stand up for themselves and their customers and say No

    Gov’t then has to back down or anger voters by making it law

    btw if Businesses cave again on “Max 200 Calories Guideline”, Mars bars etc to become even smaller

  26. Bloke in North Dorset

    “ Pardon me, but if this could work, the ~50% of Brits who are not overweight will die.”

    I went on the NHS website to look up my BMI out of duke curiosity. It turns out I’m just in the “oversight” category and they recommend, without knowing the slightest bit about me, that I drop my calorie consumption to 1,800 per day.

    Great, but according to my FitBit Charge 2 my daily burn is an average of 3,100 per day. Allowing for 10% error that still means that within a few weeks I’ll be starting to feel ill.

  27. ‘it doesn’t taste as good as I remember’

    Ahhh . . . I know the feeling.

    As a kid, I loved Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. Good ol’ PBR. It doesn’t taste the same now as it did in 1965. If they started making it the same as in 1965, they’d sell a gazillion barrels of it. It’s just a junk beer now.

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