Climate change wiped out early humans, a study has found, as scientists warn that global warming could have a greater impact than previously thought.
Cousins of Homo sapiens failed to adapt to the cold tens of thousands of years ago, a new paper argues, leaving them vulnerable to extinction when temperatures dropped below the levels they were used to.
The land disappears under a mile of ice and humans will find it difficult to survive, yes. Thought this was well known?
The lesson, of course, being pump out that CO2 so the land doesn’t disappear under a mile of ice……
It’s presumptive to believe that humans really have that much influence over the climate/atmosphere of the planet.
Short of an all out nuclear war, I don’t think people are likely able to change the climate that much. Even then, on geological timescales, we would be of little significance, just a bump on the road.
A friend of mine got sunstroke once.
This proves that all life on the planet will be wiped out in 10 years by climate change.
I can remember standing on my then property, gazing over the Somerset Levels, happily thinking, “Scientists tell me thjis will soon be a waterfront property!” Then when they started projecting Warmageddon, I knew they were lying. The glaciers in the Alps were at their furthest extent this interglacial before the current bout of mild warming began in 1850. Unfortunately it will have to get a lot warmer before the savannah returns to the Sahara as it was 4000years ago.
So, to summarise, global warming is a threat to man because several millennia ago it became too cold for man.
So the land freezing over tens of thousands of years ago is just the same as global temperatures (whatever they are) rising by fractions of a degree? Bollocks. But it does generate a nice ‘climate change will kill us all’ headline. I wonder why I bother with the used-to-be-Torygraph anymore.
In my lifetime – World War 3 and nuclear winter, Reds under the bed,the Oil crisis, global cooling and the next ice age,the hole in the ozone layer and we’re all going to fry (interesting tidbit – in 2017 the Antarctic hole was the lowest ever measured – Montreal protocol and all that – trebles all round. In 2020 the ozone hole is the largest ever recorded…..,global warming and flippers going to boil (H/T Tim), Brexit, Trump,Covid etc. etc.
H.L.Mencken comes to mind.
“Cousins of Homo sapiens failed to adapt ”
The reason for their exctinction right there…
When environment changes, specialists die off in droves, while generalists tend to survive, giving rise to the next set of specialists, etc…
Last time I checked, H. Sap was still a highly successful generalist. Same as rats, cockroaches, and a host of other species. A bit of a wobble in climate will not make us go extinct. We survived much worse than that.
With sea levels rising about 3mm/year, it is essential that you do not lie down and fall asleep near the shoreline for a few decades.
“But it does generate a nice ‘climate change will kill us all’ headline.”
It also generates a belief in enough people that they will accept increased taxes, which will “fix” it.
@BiB: the nuclear winter scare was probably all baloney. Happily, no one has tried the experiment.
Interesting to note, though, that people unaffected by the last ice age didn’t amount to much. That which does not kill us, etc.
DocBud – Bravo!
October 16, 2020 at 9:53 am
With sea levels rising about 3mm/year, it is essential that you do not lie down and fall asleep near the shoreline for a few decades.
Evolution and natural selection. Some of the cousins died out, some survived. And here we are today their heirs and successors, which rather proves how little actual threat climate change is to Mankind – just does a bit of weeding at its extremes.
‘Climate change wiped out early humans’
Then where did I come from?
‘a junk science study has found’
Fixed it.
‘as scientists (sic) warn that global warming could have a greater impact than previously thought’
OMFG. Another ‘worse than we thought’ assertion. Throw it in the wheelbarrow with the rest of them.
“With sea levels rising about 3mm/year, it is essential that you do not lie down and fall asleep near the shoreline for a few decades.”
That’s Rip van Periwinkle screwed then…
The study appears predicated on the false premise that correlation implies causation.
@ljh didn’t your Somerset Levels property become a water front property for a few weeks when that moron Chris Smith was left in charge of the Environment Agency, and reversed decades of water management, leading to major flooding?
Is this the seven daughters of eve thing all over again, where all Europeans can be traced back to 7 clan mothers (think it was updated to be 30 or more world wide)