The data watchdog has closed its investigation into Cambridge Analytica, concluding that the controversial data company did not directly misuse data to influence the Brexit referendum.
Elizabeth Denham, the information commissioner, said her team also found no evidence Cambridge Analytica aided Russian intervention in the UK political process.
The striking finding with this social media influencing howd’yedo will be that 99% of the time it doesn’t work.
Took its sweet time to conclude but since remainers dont believe the banana law exists trying to correct them about this will be almost impossible.
Yet another big ol’ nothing-burger without fries.
Doesn’t really matter, nobody’s listening anymore and those that wanna believe will keep believing because there’s enough wiggle room for them:
…..instead employed the services of AggregateIQ, a Canadian data targeting company which had historic links to Cambridge Analytica.
Oh dear, that’s started another hare running!
The Nutty Catlady – “Cover-up!!!!”
It is remarkable how much damage the Left will do to our institutions just because they cannot accept losing.
They are willing to trash the electoral system and what is left of freedom in order to express their pain at losing Brexit.
Clearly, the Russians have conspired to fix this investigation with the help of Darren Grimes
It’s like the Trump investigations they find nothing, but then claim the lack of evidence is suspicious so the faithful can have something to cling to