A destructive, dangerous exclamation point, too, which is why the commission isn’t going far enough. It should cancel the coming Trump-Biden debates altogether.
Worried that at some point the true Joe Biden will shine through so therefore don’t allow the possibility.
How come if Joe won the debate they don’t want to have him beat Don two more times? Joe’s on a roll now!
I tend to assume Democrats have priced-in his senility, in the same way that Republicans did with Trump’s seediness and vulgarity, and so they will knowingly vote in effect for President Harris.
In other words, let’s say the dope wears off on stage and he tells the moderator to ‘fuck off’, for instance. Would it make any difference?
Maybe, M’lud, but it would be quite dramatic if he actually soils himself on stage and forgets his own name.
Assuming Biden wins, which looks almost certain, how long can he last? Or will he a just a stumbling puppet president?
Agreed, MC. The extent to which the MSM then tries to smooth it over will be Kremlinology Plus, for those of us who recall the waxworks who used to gurn at tanks in Red Square in the 70s and early 80s.
And actually, I think this is probably all a bit moot. I can’t see America coming peaceably out of this election.
The best one can hope for is that the lions with the flamethrowers deal with it promptly.
The fact that a chorus of lefties started clamoring for Biden to ditch the final two debates by the morning after the first debate tells you all you need to know about who they think won.
They dodged a bullet. Probably because of whatever anti-dementia drugs they’ve got Biden on at the moment (and why they’re reluctant for him to do a drug test). However, they are worried that they might not be able to dodge the next two bullets.
Meanwhile, Donald Trump continues to channel his inner “Teflon Don” on all engines. It would have been better if he had marshalled his facts a bit better and presented his case more coherently, but then again, if he’d done that he wouldn’t have been the POTUS that the US voted for in 2016.
My biggest concern is not Joe Biden’s obvious mental decline, it is that the Democrats (party and voters) seem happy to elect Harris by proxy and think this is a perfectly acceptable end result.
The fact that a chorus of lefties started clamoring for Biden to ditch the final two debates by the morning after the first debate tells you all you need to know about who they think won.
Scott Adams predicted that if Biden made it through the first debate without a major senile incident the Dems would take it as a win and quit while they were ahead. Looks like they’re laying down sand for that.
M’Lud – You’d think that, but narp, hence all the kvetching and crying after that debate.
They hadn’t factored it in at all – Joe has been hiding for the past several months (he literally stopped “campaigning” after 9.30 AM nearly a dozen times in September alone) with the complete support of the entire US media. (There’s an enormous propaganda infrastructure in place to help liberals avoid unpleasant reality, and actively avoiding the truth is an absolute necessity to remain liberal in 2020)
So most people still had a mental picture of the slightly goofy, rambly, but still reasonably hale Joe of the Obama administration and seem to have expected him to put Orange Man in his place. As if it was still 2012, when he easily made Paul Ryan look like the unlikable fool he is.
Seeing him stand there looking completely decrepit and befuddled like an extra from Cocoon as Trump gave him the verbal equivalent of a particularly brutal prison rape wasn’t the plan.
Trump came across as a bully, but that probably doesn’t matter. He’s not running for president of the Cliff Richard fanclub. Not many people are going to be persuaded to vote for the feeble old man out of sympathy, hence the libs munching on handfuls of sertraline over this. It’s all going Pete Tong again for them again.
I read today in another blog that it has been usual for the debates to be quite destructive and abusive, there’s long history for that – Adams versus Hamilton, “son of a Scott peddlar” and my favourite, “hermafrodite!”.
Today Steve Peoples of Associated Press and The Seattle Times is reporting that the Biden Campaign has reversed gears and is now hiring for door to door canvassing in battleground states. This is after months of Biden’s campaign managers saying they saw no need for door to door canvassing.
Given that there is a month left for campaigning, its hard to see how Biden’s people are going to get this accomplished… They have no organizational/administrative framework in place in the battleground states, and all those being hired will have to be trained before they can actually get out and canvass.
The Trump Campaign states that as of today they have knocked on 19 million doors.
You don’t put up want ads for canvassers one month before an election because things are going well. You do it because your internal polling has gone to hell.
Isn’t it dangerous to go knocking on strange doors in potentially Trumpian neighbourhoods?
I’m guessing that what Killary did in macro, Biden will do in micro. They will target the middle class suburbs where they won’t get a shotgun stuck in their faces. In essence they will be trying to convert existing Democrats and never Trumpers.
Good luck turning that into a Road to the Whitehouse…
Dennis – looks like they’ve noticed the enthusiasm gap. Is anyone actually excited about the idea of voting for Joe Biden? (Maybe Joe Biden is when they remind him he’s running for president)
And what about the dog that didn’t bark – Kamala has been practically invisible to date. (Polling on her must be a lot worse than Biden’s)
The Biden campaign has requested rule changes for the next debates, and the commission is considering them. Seems like a great way of ducking the debates – by getting Trump to refuse to take part.
Clearly they’ve never even met Trump.
“Trump came across as a bully, but that probably doesn’t matter. He’s not running for president of the Cliff Richard fanclub. Not many people are going to be persuaded to vote for the feeble old man out of sympathy, hence the libs munching on handfuls of sertraline over this. It’s all going Pete Tong again for them again.”
He would have been more effective if he’d given Biden a bit more room to hang himself. The switch from “I don’t know about Beau, but I do know about Hunter” was smart. Biden had spoken about one of his kids, so that made the other fair game. Biden then switched from “not true” to “all above board” about the payment. Trump could have made that clear. Let him talk then say “yes or no, was your son paid by the richest woman in Moscow?”.
Agammamon October 1, 2020 at 10:55 pm – “Those are probably the safest places in the country right now.”
Places that vote Republican always have been. The problem in America is Democrat voters.
The switch from “I don’t know about Beau, but I do know about Hunter” was smart.
I’m not so sure. It could come across as callous about an ex-serviceman who spent time on active service and not play well with the female voters who were more anti Hilary than pro Trump. He could have at least acknowledged the military service and then switched.
Not sure this has anything to do with Beau, but Trump is sensitive to accusations that he dodged the draft (as did a lot of the US elite of the time) whereas other, poorer American kids died in vain in Vietnam. Trump’s shut that down with his attack on Hunter. It might be seen as graceless, but there wasn’t much “Grace” in the whole debate to be quite honest.
No debates for 14 days, or longer if Trump gets ill.
Yeah, Biden’s camp will take this “out”. Definitely aren’t going to be any more debates now.
Trump is at risk because of his age, but seems very robust for an older man so will probably be fine.
What a crazy year and election tho.
The conspiracy nuts are gonna go mental.
but Trump is sensitive to accusations that he dodged the draft
John Galt, didn’t Billy-Bob Clinton do pretty much the same? Offered to join the ROTC and then reneged when he received a draft number that ensured he wouldn’t be selected.