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Jeez people, get this right

The figures confirmed that the UK suffered the steepest recession in the first half of the year of all G7 advanced nations

No, ONS is the only statistical agency which has counted the economy properly, by including the loss of state provided services like health care and education.

2 thoughts on “Jeez people, get this right”

  1. Always have to know the details/backstory before knowing if any statistical comparison is valid. A similar case is life expectancy or child mortality #’s by country – a lot of variation in what is counted, not to mention some countries fudge the #’s. Of course, that doesn’t stop people from using them to argue for or against their preferred policy.

  2. Dear Mr Worstall

    “…by including the loss of state provided services like health care and education.”

    All paid for, just not delivered.


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