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Umm, Hello?

But there is no evidence suggesting that asylum fraud occurs on a wide scale. The Trump administration has often cited the national asylum grant rate, which is currently about 12 percent, in arguing that most asylum claims are illegitimate, but that’s disingenuous: Being denied asylum says nothing about the credibility of an asylum seeker’s underlying account. Rather, it simply means that an immigration judge has found that they don’t qualify for the specific kind of protection afforded under the law.

21 thoughts on “Umm, Hello?”

  1. Australian immigration used to (probably still do, although it’s much less of a problem now) employ people with experience in the various areas that asylum seekers claimed to come from. Specifically to test their claims. Literally quizzing them in language, knowledge of the area, etc. No figures but the number of people given refugee status was always low. Because generally their credibility was pretty low.

  2. Dennis Von O' Luingeachain

    Being denied asylum says nothing about the credibility of an asylum seeker’s underlying account. Rather, it simply means that an immigration judge has found that they don’t qualify for the specific kind of protection afforded under the law.

    That is so glorious in its obvious stupidity that it has to have come from Vox.

    Nicole Narea wins the coveted Dennis’s Modern Day Moron award for October 3, 2020.

    What makes this impressive is the fact that there’s no way Ecks could top this, even with the 7.5 or so hours available to him over there in Wogistan.

  3. the coveted Dennis’s Modern Day Moron award

    At my local we had the DCD award, generally conferred by acclamation, and she would certainly qualify. Usually for Dumb Cunt of the Day but if you could be sufficiently bone headed occasionally Dumb Cunt of the Decade would get handed out.

    I miss my pub. Hope they’re allowed to re-open soon.

  4. If you ever read or hear anything that starts with ‘There is no evidence’ your BS alarm ought to go off. It’s a weasel construction. It means nothing, except possibly it can say ‘Dig Here!’

  5. BlokeInTejasInNormandy


    This may come as a surprise, but that Tweet sounds awfully fake.

    I can’t imagine any vendor suggesting folk shop elsewhere

  6. I proudly refuse to join in with the self-flagellation of British history and being told to feel guilty because I’m white. Anyone who doesn’t like this is kindly invited to fuck off.

  7. @ Andrew C
    Thirty-odd years ago I concluded that the answer to the then feminist line was “Why do I owe you because your grandfather was rude to my grandmother?”

  8. Being found guilty of murder says nothing about the credibility of an blood-stained axe-wielder’s underlying account. Rather, it simply means that a judge has found that they don’t qualify for the specific kind of protection afforded under the law.

  9. Denise–Still waiting to hear how 2+2 of each means the Demos cant steal the election. You have managed to spell the word moron correctly several times but answer arrives there none.

    Almost hope they do win it–the sight of the cop video of you begging the cops for mercy after your “cold dead hands” moment turns out to be your usual hot air would make up for a lot.

  10. So Much For Subtlety

    MC October 3, 2020 at 10:42 pm – “Being found guilty of murder says nothing about the credibility of an blood-stained axe-wielder’s underlying account. Rather, it simply means that a judge has found that they don’t qualify for the specific kind of protection afforded under the law.”

    I hate to agree with the loonie Left but there was a time when you could rely on the Court system to find the truth. That time has past, especially for the British legal system. You only have to look at the framing of Rolf Harris or the persecution of the Catholic Church – world-wide now. Or take the murder of Stephen Lawrence. The fact three unpleasant young men were convicted does not mean they were guilty. It means the British legal system was happy to pervert the process to secure a conviction.

    That said, my guess is that asylum claims are not randomly determined as a criminal conviction probably is these days. Rather the state has its finger on the side of the “asylum” claimant.

  11. Dennis, Judger of Morons

    Pretty lame, Ecks. If you want that award you’re going to have to do better than that.

  12. Saw some comments by Syrian ‘asylum seekers’. All, without exception, were about how richer they’d be in Europe.

  13. LTW “I miss my pub” – Me too.

    I can go into this building where my pub used to be (only after having to wait outside in the rain because to go into the doorway without permission incurs the wrath of the gatekeeper with a clipboard who won’t let you in unless you’ve got a mask on, got ‘The App’ on your phone, you’ve given them your name and phone number and washed your hands in sanitiser), but it’s not the same. Ordered where to sit (usually the darkest spot in the place without a view out of the window), cattle pens for a maximum of 4 people where the tables used to be (a lot less tables too), staff all with the same expressionless faces and no singing and dancing (ok, that’s not so bad)and evryone very subdued and not talking very much. I’ve decided i’d rather have a pint at home

  14. @Dennis. Sainsbury’s lost my business when they went overboard with making us queue in the car park just to get in the store. This latest virtue signalling merely means that I will take them up on their offer to shop elsewhere. Their loss, not mine.

  15. SMFS: there was a time when you could rely on the Court system to find the truth

    I don’t think there was ever such a time. If your complaint is that political correctness now often works to obscure or even overturn the truth, then fair enough but that’s a rather different point.

  16. @bitin
    “I can’t imagine any vendor suggesting folk shop elsewhere”

    Amazing as it is, such things are indeed happening. New times we live in.

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