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Well, yes, but……

Davis might have fared better if he had not rejected a young hopeful named Reg Dwight, who auditioned to replace Winwood.

The impression I get is that Reg auditioned for everyone and everything back then. Undoubted skill and talent etc but no one was really quite sure where it was going to fit in….

8 thoughts on “Well, yes, but……”

  1. I believe he even auditioned for King Crimson. I’m trying to imagine how that would have worked out but it just doesn’t compute.

  2. “but no one was really quite sure where it was going to fit in”

    Not least Reg Dwight by all accounts.

  3. Dennis, The Beau Brummell of Central Ohio

    The idea that Elton John could replace Steve Winwood is laughable on its face. The idea that Elton John would have enhanced the sound of the Spencer Davis Group is even more laughable.

    Treacle on Marmite.

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