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Will Hutton really is an idiot

As it tried to elicit from them answers on whether Apple abused its monopoly with its App store, about Facebook’s monopoly of online advertising,

Google’s revenue comes almost entirely from online advertising. And what is Google, chopped liver?

And yes, this is more important than just pointing out that Hutton is an ill-informed idiot. This is the guy who insists that he and his know how to plan the entire global economy for us all. And yet he’s also proving how ill-informed he is as he does so – in which case why would we give him the power to run the global economy for us?

Short version – Hayek was right.

3 thoughts on “Will Hutton really is an idiot”

  1. I turned off my ad blocker and visited the Guardian’s website. I was amazed to discover that *There* *Are* *No* *Adverts*. Every other media website is full of ads filling the blank spaces between the articles, maybe that’s why Hutton thinks Facebook is the only website with adverts. Clearly he has never visited any other newspaper’s website.

  2. Dear Mr Worstall, the Communist’s objective is NOT to run things better. The objective is enforced equality.

    ‘This is the guy who insists that he and his know how to plan the entire global economy for us all.’

    Just chatter to get us to accept it. Signifies nothing; has no relationship with actual future.

    Like Obama’s Obamacare speech. Glorious talking points that had nothing to do with what was actually in the House bill.

  3. @Gamecock

    ‘Dear Mr Worstall, the Communist’s objective is NOT to run things better. The objective is enforced equality.’

    If I may offer a slight modification… Dear Mr Worstall, the Communist’s objective is NOT to run things better. The objective is to run things.

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