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Blimey, he’s hard done by

I have experienced bullying at work. It is not fun.

Since Snippa were a trainee accountant – when bullying is rather the point of the exercise – he’s been working for himself. Imagine having a character where you do bully yourself.

42 thoughts on “Blimey, he’s hard done by”

  1. His bullying at the recent Fabian meeting was pointed out to him. That was different, because reasons.

    What an utter bell-end he is.

  2. Re: the Priti transparent scheme to pick off Boris’ allies one by one.

    I have no problem believing Ms Patel is a bossy cow who probably owns a leather catsuit and a whip and leaves her fingernail imprints deep in your back like the extremely naughty minx she is. (Candidly, I’ve given this matter some considerable thought)

    Otoh, have you seen “Sir” Philip Rutnam? He looks like the human equivalent of a limp stalk of celery, with his pained, fearful smile and gleaming bald head.

    I’d bully him just on general principles, probably by grabbing his noodly arm, slapping him in the face with it, and asking “Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?”

    The civil service thoroughly deserves to be bullied. I’d hire “The Fucker” from Armando Iannucci’s genius The Thick of It to give them a daily enema with a fire hose.

  3. What the likes of Spud and the Civil Service consider ‘bullying’ is what the rest of us call ‘being held responsible for the complete balls-up of a simple task you’ve just presided over’.

  4. Dennis, Flexing His Pecs

    When you’re male and sixty and you’re whining about being bullied during adulthood, all you’re really doing is advertising the fact that you’re a world class pussy.

    And let’s not overlook the fact that his wife is a director of Spud Worldwide Holdings, LLC… It could have been her doing the bullying.

  5. Dennis, Neither Polyamorous Nor Well Endowed

    I have no problem believing Ms Patel is a bossy cow who probably owns a leather catsuit and a whip and leaves her fingernail imprints deep in your back like the extremely naughty minx she is. (Candidly, I’ve given this matter some considerable thought)

    Got a thing for the chunky ones, eh?

  6. I imagine that Spud has always been “bullied”, all through his life, in the sense that everyone around him will have been mocking him without mercy without him knowing what is going on. His overbearing personality and total self-regard are, candidly, attract those who enjoy roasting the pompous

  7. Steve/Denis

    Well not really – what she undoubtedly enjoys in terms of girth is compensated by a diminutive stature which is why, incidentally, she is more likely to leave searing fingernail tracks on your buttocks rather than your back unless you happen to be a bit runty yourself. (Candidly, I’ve also given this matter some considerable thought).

  8. This is getting rather Ugandan, if you ask me. But, on further reflection, if the Golden Wonder Spud has experienced bullying in the workplace, isn’t it more likely that it was as the bullyor rather than as the bullyee?

  9. Bloke in North Dorset

    Is there any story Spud doesn’t make about him?

    This is as cringeworthy as his concentration camp claim.

  10. This is getting rather Ugandan

    Appropriately so, in context

    If she follows in the footsteps of the Grocer’s Daughter, will she be known as the Newsagent’s Daughter?

  11. Richard West of Wales

    Bullying is an evil crime. Bullies should not win in life. Bullying is just like any other crime, fraud, or theft. In fact is can be worse. Bullying can cause suicide, mental illness, depression and is evil. Bullying is done by people out of ideologies. Bullies often hate a group of people and get a kick out of causing pain others.
    Bullies hate different types of people such as gay people, shy people, Jewish people, other races, other religions, women, old people, poor people, middle class people, upper class people, working class people, autistic people, disabled people, mentally ill people, people with learning disabilities, people with facial problems, and lesbians.

    Bullies main reason for bullying is they get pleasure from pain in others. A true definition of evil.

    Bullies are evil and get pleasure from causing others pain. In my view bullies should be punished in some way. With proportionate punishments.

  12. @ Richard West of Wales
    On your definition *Bullies main reason for bullying is they get pleasure from pain in others.* Priti Patel is not a bully as the investigator found that she was aware of the effect her behaviour was having.

  13. Spud is going a bit Pastor Niemöller here.

    “I fell out with the Labour leadership but I did not mind as they were wrong and I am right.
    I fell out with the the MMT crowd but I did not mind as they were wrong and I am right.
    I fell out with the Progessive Voice but I did not mind as they were wrong and I am right.
    I fell out with the Fabians but I did not mind as they were wrong and I am right.
    And when I looked for someone to listen to me, all I had left were some sycophantic fuckwits who visit my website”

  14. Off topic but I’ve just noticed his accounts for the year to 31/3/20 are now on the Companies House website

    Income for the year was just £19k (excluding his City University salary) so no surprise he is asking for donations.

    Nothing in the accounts around tax or becoming carbon neutral, so he’s still not willing to disclose what he demands other entities with limited liability do.

  15. Richard West of Wales

    In reply to Dennis, Flexing His Pecs.
    You are saying it makes you a pussy to be bullied. Wrong.
    The bully is the one who has something wrong with them.
    If someone is nasty and abusive you have right to complain.
    Would you claim someone is a pussy if they got mugged, or defrauded, or robbed, or beaten up by a gang of thugs?
    If someone spread slander or lies or abuse about you would you call yourself a pussy if you sued?
    If some thug beat up your father, or wife, or children would you call them pussies if they complained to the police? Your logic is that of narcissistic nihilist Hell.
    It is just a bully logic to claim the victim is the bad guy.
    It is the same in any crime. I can assure you there are thugs who would call you a pussy if you complain about them mugging you. You are no different to any other thug or criminal.

  16. Dennis, Not Mohamed Ali

    Richard –

    Most bullies are cowards, and besides… there are worse things than losing a fight. I know, as I lost more than I won. Stand your ground and take your lumps. End of bullies.

  17. So Much For Subtlety

    Richard West of Wales November 22, 2020 at 9:22 pm – “You are saying it makes you a pussy to be bullied. Wrong.”

    I believe he was saying that it makes you a pussy if you are still complaining about it when you are over 50.

    “The bully is the one who has something wrong with them.”

    Bullying is an entirely normal human function like breast feeding. There is nothing wrong with bullies. It just takes a great deal of education and supervision to stop children doing it. Sometimes adults fail. That’s all.

    “It is just a bully logic to claim the victim is the bad guy.”

    And yet there is often something wrong with the victim that causes them to attract attention in the first place.

    Human beings are social animals. Fitting into a human community usually involves a little bit of what is now called bullying. That is, bullying has been defined down to include a great deal of normal human interaction.

    Big deal.

  18. Richard WW: Are you channelling Kipling?

    If someone’s being horrid then you must protest
    Would they risk being nasty if you sued?
    If someone spreads slander or lies about you
    You’d litigate whenever folks are rude.
    If some cruel thug beat up your aged father,
    Or wife, or child would you be slightly cross?
    Or would you quickly ring up your insurers
    And ask them kindly calculate your loss?

  19. So Much For Subtlety

    Richard West of Wales November 22, 2020 at 7:33 pm – “Bullying is just like any other crime, fraud, or theft. In fact is can be worse.”

    Bullying is a crime it is? Would you please point out to me which law in the UK makes bullying a crime?

    “Bullying can cause suicide, mental illness, depression and is evil.”

    So can sleeping with people. Going to ban that too?

    “Bullying is done by people out of ideologies. Bullies often hate a group of people and get a kick out of causing pain others.”

    It can be. When Muslims attack Muslim girls for not wearing a head scarf for instance.

    “Bullies hate different types of people such as gay people, shy people, Jewish people, other races, other religions, women, old people, poor people, middle class people, upper class people, working class people, autistic people, disabled people, mentally ill people, people with learning disabilities, people with facial problems, and lesbians.”

    So what you probably want to say is that White people are uniquely evil but it looks like you are saying bullying is a universal human constant. Everyone does it.

    “Bullies main reason for bullying is they get pleasure from pain in others. A true definition of evil.”

    On the contrary. Causing pain to others is delightful. Bullying is hugely fun. You would have to be a psychopath not to enjoy it. Which is why children do it.

    “Bullies are evil and get pleasure from causing others pain. In my view bullies should be punished in some way. With proportionate punishments.”

    Yes but would that give you satisfaction? Would you enjoy it if they were?

  20. @Sam Jones

    It’s unlikely Spud’s uni salary would be included in his LLP accounts. It was an employment.

    His balance sheet shows he’s been taking more out of the LLP than was going in so he was running short of money. Hence the begging bowl.

    When he was grandstanding about the government reducing overseas aid I asked why he didn’t suggest his donors donate to starving children in the third world rather than to him. He didn’t publish that comment.

  21. So, according to Potato because no one ever took him to tribunal he isn’t a bully. He’s a big fat fraud, full of weasel words that he uses to cover his blatant hypocrisy. I do hope the Young Fabian’s release a recording of the event he attended.

  22. Seems like “bullying” has slipped into the realm of “sexual harassment”. It could mean anything from he criticized my work (even if it was crap) to I was physically assaulted weekly.

    Sorry, but you’ve got to be a wee bit more specific about what’s going on before declaring it a crime or a serious societal problem.

  23. Yes, Esteban, when I was growing up, ‘bullying’ normally meant a big kid beating up a smaller kid and stealing their dinner money. If society wishes to redefine the term to include (the Internet equivalent of) writing “____ ______ is a fat slag” on a toilet cubicle wall, then we will need a new term to describe the former activity. Or is it the case that it no longer occurs (which I beg leave to doubt)?

  24. Murph can’t be a bully.

    Psychology Today:

    ‘Bullying is a distinctive pattern of repeatedly and deliberately harming and humiliating others, specifically those who are smaller, weaker, younger or in any way more vulnerable than the bully. The deliberate targeting of those of lesser power is what distinguishes bullying from garden-variety aggression.’

    Since no one could be lower than Murphy, he can’t be a bully. Everyone he targets with his aggression is his superior.

  25. Richard West of Wales

    So Much For Subtlety
    You should ban bullying because of the damage it can cause, and that fact is is evil in itself. Just like fraud and theft, and murder. Would you argue for rape, sex abuse and stalking to be made legal?
    Going without sleep can cause mental illness but if that is not anyone else’s fault then you can’t blame it on someone else and punish them.

    Why are you put forward straw men arguments about Muslims. I don’t support Muslims bullying Muslim girls. I never said I did.

    Not everyone bullies people. I don’t. I never bullied anyone at school. And I knew loads of people who never bullied anyone. I also knew dangerous kids who put knives to other kids throats. They were psychopaths, and sadists. Why would someone torture someone for hours, if they did not enjoy it?
    Not everyone wants to gain pleasure from causing pain to others.
    And How does listing the groups that get bullied make you think everyone bullies people. That is a warped and twisted logic.

    Then you admit you enjoy causing pain to others and in your warped, ignorant and twisted logic, claim it makes you a psychopath to not enjoy bullying. That shows you have some very disturbed and warped ways of thinking. Sadists often are serial killers, and torturers and they specifically enjoy causing pain to others. That just shows you are a very dangerous scary individual, who should be in jail.
    You are so warped you have decided, that if you do not gain pleasure from causing pain, then you are the scary one. That just shows how warped, creepy and twisted you have become.
    You seem to think if you enjoy humiliating or hurting others then that makes you normal. I can assure you, you are not safe, and that you are in fact re a deeply warped, depraved and twisted creature.
    There is no evidence that psychopaths don’t enjoy causing pain to others.
    There are serial killers, rapists, dictators, and mass killers who enjoy torturing people from sadistic mindsets. Why do you think they do it, if they don’t enjoy it?

  26. Richard West of Wales

    Esteban – Writing slander or abuse about someone on a toilet wall is bullying, and harassment. If someone wrote offensive graffiti about you or your children on your house wall. Yo would want them charged. Surely?

    Henry Crun – If I wanted the opinion of an ahole I would have farted.

  27. RWWW – booo hoooo hooo. You are a bully and you smell of wee.

    You’ve been rumbled Newmania – fucking saddo that you are.

  28. RWW – It would be OK if they wrote “Esteban is a bully, of course”. Srsly, though, if you write anything on my house walls I’d want you charged, that’s vandalism.

    But my main point is that “bullying” is so very ill defined that we’re in the territory where if you felt bullied, it must be bullying. Or, as is the case with the Poundmetoo movement, beating someone up is treated the same as hurting their feelings.

  29. Richard West of Wales

    Henry Crun – Yikes what a creep. Now you have to resort to swearing. You are just an attention seeking loser. You sound like you have a low IQ. Like all bullies you are arrogant, and stupid.

    So Much For Subtlety – Also bullies like to claim they are the normal ones and their victims are freaks and weirdoes. As you are trying to do to me. The bullies develop an ideology to justify their bullying. I know bullies who call their victims weirdoes and freaks, to break them down. And to make their victims think they are the ones with the problem. Well in my life I will give you four examples.
    1. There was a guy who killed a and raped and small child, near where I live. That child murderer was found out to have bullied people at school regularly.
    2. There was a cocky bully from my home town, who was arrested for rape.
    3. I had a friend who was sexually abused by her step father. She was also bullied at school. And she equally hated the bullying and sex abuse.
    4. I had a friend who was bullied at school. And his bully was found guilty of child sex abuse.

    So I know that often the bully is a creepy guy who abuses children.

  30. john77 (not even Jimmy Wilde)

    @ Dennis, not Mohamad Ali
    Well said, and quite true.
    Most bullies give up when someone fights back hard enough for them to feel it.

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