Seems to have a certain bias, eh?
“The growing reliance on private providers, some of whom are making millions, is another symptom of a system failing to prioritise the needs of children. Both the Government and councils have failed in their responsibilities by leaving it to the market.
“Many homes run by the private sector are excellent, but there are not enough of them, and they are not always in the right places.”
Council homes are better, are they? OK – prove it.
Who would take a low-paid job in a council children’s home?
@rhoda klapp: ‘which lion would want to sit by a waterhole?’
Perhaps he should commission fewer children then?
If there’s millions to be made there’ll be providers knocking the door down to get in on the act.
The article refers to some very hard and exceptional cases, the type of exceptions that bureaucracies aren’t very good at dealing with.
If they’re in the wrong places, the providers will go bust. If they exist and are making millions they are by definition in the right place.
In all the air minutes spent on this on the Today programme, not one mention of the pressure put on the care system by all the unaccompanied ‘minors’.
A kid at my school had a pet rat, we were all well jealous.
“Many homes run by the private sector are excellent, but there are not enough of them, and they are not always in the right places.”
A stinging indictment.
Who cares if the cat is white or black so long as it catches mice.
So Mrs OBE Children’s Commissar is to the left of Deng Tsao Ping. Colour me unsurprised.