Richard O’Brien of Rocky Horror Show:
His openness and inclusivity made it surprising when he remarked in 2016 that a trans woman “can’t be a woman. You can be an idea of a woman.” It felt like an inflexible statement from the man who in Rocky Horror preached the ultimate message of empowerment and self-actualisation: “Don’t dream it. Be it.”
Does he still hold that view on trans identity? “You and I have to be very careful here,” he says, sounding wary for the first time. “We’ve seen what’s been happening with JK Rowling. I think anybody who decides to take the huge step with a sex change deserves encouragement and a thumbs-up. As long as they’re happy and fulfilled, I applaud them to my very last day. But you can’t ever become a natural woman. I think that’s probably where Rowling is coming from. That’s as far as I’m going to go because people get upset if I have an opinion that doesn’t line up with theirs. They think I’m being mean-spirited and I don’t want that at all.”
As ever I can’t recall whether it’s a metaphor or a simile but it isn’t be.
And just for the avoidance of doubt your life you live it as you wish. As a metaphor, simile or be of anything you like – in the absence of that third party harm.
“That’s as far as I’m going to go because people get upset if I have an opinion that doesn’t line up with theirs.”
Just about sums up where we are today.
What metaphor or simile do you think you are seeing? Because I can’t detect any examples of either figure of speech here.
“anybody who decides to take the huge step with a sex change deserves encouragement and a thumbs-up”
That’s the big issue though. There’s a lot of evidence of social contagion, of kids egging each other on, talking themselves and each other into trans stuff.
A decade ago there was a big fuss about pro-anorexia websites. Everyone agreed that it was bad for girls to starve themselves, especially as it could interfere with their reproductive capabilities. Size zero models were vilified (and banned from catwalks in France); social media companies agreed to clamp down on “pro-ana” videos.
Contrast with transgenderism, where videos and blogs about trans experiences are widespread, and nobody dares say a word against them.
The can’t be a woman but can be like a woman…..
. . . in the absence of that third party harm.
Sadly, that’s been co-opted that to include a third party being upset if someone has an opinion that doesn’t line up with theirs. Which is why we “have to be very careful here”.
anybody who decides to take the huge step with a sex change deserves encouragement and a thumbs-up
I would use the word “support” rather than “encouragement” if it was someone I knew and cared about. “indifference” otherwise.
Same way I’d support someone I cared about if they decided to have an abortion, or decided to visit Dignitas, even though I personally generally lean towards the pro-life side.
The can’t be a woman but can be like a woman…..
It’s that ‘like’ that has triggered your simile sensor.
“The face staring our of your TV screen like an over-assertive suet pudding is that of the health secretary.” Simile.
“Whitty and Vallance are the bookends that keep the tired, dog-eared and considerably foxed prime minister on the correct path.” Metaphor
“Whitty and Vallance are the bookends that keep the tired, dog-eared and considerably foxed prime minister on the correct path.” Metaphor
Mixed metaphor.
Indeed PJF. ‘Correct shelf’ would have unmixed metaphorically. And preferable. On the shelf is where Bunter belongs. Top with the dirty mags.
I would have said the bottom of the hamster cage as long as the hamster’s not too fussy.
Some might say that a perfectly sensible and accurate view of the trans issue would have the back sight aligned with the fore sight
And just for the avoidance of doubt your life you live it as you wish…in the absence of that third party harm.”
Very much no. We are a sexually dimorphic species. That’s hard wired in. We react entirely differently to a member of the opposite sex as we do to the same sex. They want to be trannies inside their heads, no problem. They go around imitating a sex they aren’t they mess with our reactions. That harms us because we are reacting inappropriately for us.
We have trannies here that can pass as attractive young ladies wearing a bikini in broad daylight. I feel some other descriptive should be used for hairy arsed blokes in frocks. Fucking nutter springs to mind.
“This Is A Perfectly Sensible And Accurate View Of The Trans Issue”
Yes – that’s why it will get you cancelled by the mob that most certainly does NOT want people to having sensible and accurate views of the issue.
“you and I have to be very careful here.” Yes you do richard, yes we do. Perhaps the best way, Richard, for you to get your views across is to write a satirical musical romp- where a man in a lounge suit meats a woman in a twin set and pearls, they fall in love, marry, have sex, have children and do some gardening.
“Sadly, that’s been co-opted that to include a third party being upset if someone has an opinion that doesn’t line up with theirs.”
I thought it had been co-opted to include fourth parties who exhibit vicarious outrage on behalf of some third party who might not exist and might not take exception to the opinion.
BiW – I’d encourage anybody I loved (and even my sworn enemy) not to cut his dick off or kill himself (same thing).
Transubstantiation: The belief that putting on a frock literally transforms a man into a woman.
Every situation is different. If someone I cared about had carefully weighed the options, availed themselves of all the help that could be proffered, and had still reached such a difficult conclusion, then I would absolutely support them. If I thought it was just a passing fad or an attempt to gain some attention, I’d be the first telling them to grow a pair.
“ telling them to grow a pair”
Of tits?
Would show their commitment 🙂
Directly comparable. You’d support someone who wanted their legs removed so they could enter the Paralympics?
Not comparable at all. And no, I’d need plenty of convincing that wasn’t in the attention-seeking category.
where a man in a lounge suit meats a woman in a twin set and pearls
An amusing little typo in the context
It’ s a real condition: Body Integrity Identity Disorder or Body integrity dysphoria. Sufferers may request the amputation of a limb which they don’t recognise as belonging to their perceived identity. Their wishes are rarely acted upon, unlike cases where the genitals are the part slated for removal.