“The Head Master felt that some of the ideas put forward in my lecture – such as the view that men and women differ psychologically and not all of those differences are socially constructed – were too dangerous for the boys to be exposed to,” Mr Knowland said.
The difference between Eton and the state sector being that in the state no single one of the teachers would believe that this idea was even worth presenting so obviously wrong it is.
“The Head Master felt that some of the ideas put forward in my lecture….were too dangerous for the boys to be exposed to..”
The Head Master was quite right. If those ideas had been aired at his school he and the boys would have had to contend with bad publicity, boycotts, protests and physical attacks, which could have resulted in injury or death. At the least this would have cost the school millions, at worst it could have resulted in multiple deaths and legislative attacks on the Public Schools, resulting in their destruction.
The French are a nation governed by reason, and might have risked all that for the principle. The British are a pragmatic race, and prefer to avoid a confrontation they cannot win…
off topic but…..
“at Queen’s University Belfast we’d like to set up a discussion group to increase our understanding of the functioning of the economy. One of the first topics we’d like to discuss is Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) as presented in the book ‘The Deficit Myth’ by Stephanie Kelton. We’d like to gain a deeper understanding of the merits and potential shortcomings of the claims made in this book and by MMT more broadly.
We will start off the discussion by having Professor Richard Murphy from City University London summarize the main ideas of MMT and Professor Cédric Tille from the Graduate Institute in Geneva offering his reflections.”
Tickets to join this zoom conference are available here:
“It is meant to be an informal exchange of ideas.”
oops. Should have added…
“Wednesday December 2nd from 7 – 9PM (UK time).”
“The difference between Eton and the state sector being that in the state no single one of the teachers would believe that this idea was even worth presenting so obviously wrong it is.”
The main difference is that the people who think that in the state sector keep their mouths shut. They know that they’ll get in the shit for it. Private schools used to be different, but they’re pretty much in the same place as state ones, teaching the same stuff now. The results mostly correlate with how smart the kids were when they arrived, social attitudes mirror the state school indoctrination, so why spend the eye-watering sums.
You can see why Jordan Peterson and The Last Psychiatrist exist though? If schools are going to avoid the simple physical facts and their effects on behaviour (sperm is cheap, eggs are not, chemical levels of testosterone and estrogen are different) then someone else is going to do the job. The old “men are like X and women are like Y” was crude, but more accurate than the “we’re all the same and it’s society” thing.
The insanity is that a transgender individual should not need hormone therapy if sexual differences are just a social construct.
. . . so why spend the eye-watering sums.
Contacts and networking, old boy.
Slightly OT but even the Royal Mint has gone woke now:
The Long March is pretty much complete now, isn’t it?
Woke is high status now, the religion of the upper middle classes. It has spread like wildfire, or rather, like fashion. No-one wants to be seen to laugh or even disbelieve, especially when it can get you fired. It really is remarkable how quickly and widely this nonsense has spread, and makes you understand how irrational lunatics like the Khmer Rouge happened. Humanity are infinitely stupid and evil, anything is possible.
Anyway, we won’t be winning any more battles on the playing fields of Eton by the looks of it.
I wonder why noone has tried packing the front row of the 1st XV with 13 year old girls? After all, everyone is the same.
Surely it would be educational for pupils to be exposed to at least one flawed idea, or is the goal to teach them that the schoolis infallible.
And how principled is Mr Knowland? This seems a vital piece of information to the story. What does he do if the pupils say he is spouting nonsense? That would be the real test of free speech.
“we won’t be winning any more battles on the playing fields of Eton”: we never did. The quotation was almost certainly a fabrication.
But let’s not forget Orwell’s re-casting of the fabrication:
‘Probably the battle of Waterloo was won on the playing-fields of Eton, but the opening battles of all subsequent wars have been lost there.’
Feminists, in their glorious inconsistency, will claim that women are essentially different from men (which is why they need menstrual leave, protection from harassment, assertiveness training, etc) only when it is to the advantage of feminists. If it pays to claim that men and women have no essential differences, the same feminist will claim that, too.
Andy xT
Thanks for the link! “Diversity built Britain” is an epic and shocking lie, worthy of a totalitarian state. The British state began to emerge with the Union of the Crowns, 1603. For the next 350 years, the British population was ethnicly homogenous – and the population of England was ethnicly homogenous for nine centuries after the Norman Conquest.
oops. Should have added…
“Wednesday December 2nd from 7 – 9PM (UK time).”
Sorry, Andrew C – I’m busy that evening, meeting with my extended family and twenty-five of my closest friends to celebrate the end of the Great Lockdown……
Reminds me of the numerous clips of Jordan Peterson owning leftists/feminists when they make a claim & he calmly smacks them upside the head with a few facts and some data.
The lecture that got Will Knowland into trouble
I believe that technically, he got into bad trouble for refusing to take it down from his channel when asked to.