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Weird, just weird

Stonewall about trans:


OK, no doubt it happens. We’d like less of it. This is, from their placing it on hte same page, clearly one of their examples of discrimination and abuse:

I was raped. Police kept referring to me as ‘she’ and ‘female’ and
using my birth name. The doctor they brought to examine me, made
me uncomfortable and continued calling me female.
Angus, 24 (Scotland)

Note that it’s not the rape itself which is being claimed as the discrimination and abuse. Yes, rape upon males is indeed possible and does happen. But again, that’s not, I think, what is being talked about here.

Someone vaginally raped is claiming abuse as the doctor referred to them as female.


27 thoughts on “Weird, just weird”

  1. Dennis, Gender Solid

    Police kept referring to me as ‘she’ and ‘female’ and using my birth name.

    Will the injustice ever end?

  2. It’s gold (always believe in your soul)

    Two in five trans people (41 percent) and three in ten non-binary people (31 percent)
    have experienced a hate crime or incident because of their gender identity in the last 12

    Those are rookie numbers.

    One in eight trans employees (12 percent) have been physically attacked by colleagues or customers in the last year.

    Prostitution ain’t as glamorous as Julia Roberts would have you believe.

    More than a third of trans university students (36 per cent) in higher education have experienced negative comments or behaviour from staff in the last year.

    Who knew universities were so awesome?

    The waiting lists are excruciatingly long on the NHS to the point I feel I’m not mentally strong enough to wait this long, and hormones/surgery are incredibly difficult to get hold of but are something that will greatly improve my mental wellbeing. Dominic, 24 (North West)

    The thing is, as those horrible transceptics keep pointing out, there’s no reason to believe mutilating and sterilising mentally ill people produces better mental health outcomes. All the evidence points t’other way.

    The prognosis for trannies who get their dicks inverted is particularly horrifying, with extremely high rates of substance abuse, suicide attempts and premature death. The typical AGP trans winds up socially isolated, miserable and poor in pursuit of his fetish.

    They rarely even “pass” as the sex they’d like to be – most of them look like the League of Gentlemen in drag. It’s not worth it, particularly as it’s now obvious that genderspaz is contagious in the same way anorexia is.

    Nota Benny, Tim says:


    OK, no doubt it happens. We’d like less of it.

    Should we? What if our tolerance is the problem?

    Cain, the first murderer, sarcastically retorted “am I my brother’s keeper?”. Libertarian thought tends to travel along similar tracks – just let adults completely fuck themselves up if they want to.

    But if we love our brothers, we are in a sense their keepers. Like a shopkeeper selling unsuspecting patrons a bottle of ginger beer with the surprise ingredient of decomposing snail, we owe each other a duty of care. Remember, this fragile gossamer we call “sanity” is a crowdsourced social construct.

    So… DISCRIMINATION and ABUSE. How much of this is the social currency equivalent of prices – valuable information we signal to each other to keep the tribe sane and healthy?

    What if the people saying “No, Steve(ella), you can’t just black up your face and shimmy into a fabulous cocktail dress and expect us to call you Diana Ross” have the right of it, and the alternative is a dereliction of our most basic human obligations?

  3. “When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself.” – Dalrymple

  4. “More than a third of trans university students (36 per cent) in higher education”

    I see what they did there. They make it sound like 36 per cent of university students* are trannies. Maybe there are 3.

    *Who are in higher education.

    Somebody in the writing profession actually wrote, “university students in higher education?”

  5. The mind boggles. Assuming the event happened, what would the crime be here? Have the legals caught up sufficiently with the woksters to define a crime in this context that does not outrage the victim’s feels.

  6. Yes, It’s outrageous…
    How dare officers who are to uphold law and order actually proclaim the evidence of their eyes!!

  7. “One in eight trans employees (12 percent) have been physically attacked by colleagues or customers in the last year.”

    A bloke walks brazenly into the Ladies’Room claiming to be female. Expects to come away without lumps…

  8. I hope – for the sake of justice – the rape was up the Gary, not the front entrance.

    Because, how could a person which insists it is for all purposes “a man” possibly be raped in a front entrance which cannot exist in a man? Surely competent defence counsel would have the case thrown out

  9. ‘Children with gender dysphoria no longer have to seek court approval to undergo surgery’ says Family Court.

    I wouldn’t like you to think that Oz isn’t as idiotic as elsewhere.

  10. Should we? What if our tolerance is the problem?

    I have a feeling that there were fewer fat people when small boys stood pointing at them in the streets and laughing.

    The number of unmarried mothers increased once they stopped being a source of shame to their families but candidates for a council flat instead.

    What is trannydom other than a condition between eccentricity and the loonybin which the wider community may need protection from instead of being required to induldge.

  11. “The waiting lists are excruciatingly long on the NHS……..are something that will greatly improve my mental well-being”.

    Thanks to Covid all the bloody NHS waiting times are off the charts including those addressing genuine life-threatening conditions. That’s not you Dominic (24) North West so STFU.

  12. Bloke in North Dorset

    Thanks to Covid all the bloody NHS waiting times are off the charts including those addressing genuine life-threatening conditions. That’s not you Dominic (24) North West so STFU.

    Talking of the deranged, Guido’s reporting a story of a Labour candidate complaining that if the Covid vaccine isn’t “totally vegan” it will breach his human rights.

    Science has just broken all records to produce a vaccine for a disease that’s brought the economy crashing down and is filling up the morgues, and they’re worried about it being “totally vegan”.

  13. I’ve never been clear why chopping bits off people is thought to cure their mental ailments.

    I believe the headsman used to get some remarkable results.

  14. There’s a trans person already suing NHS over waiting times, when women can’t get mammograms or surgery for breast cancer complaining about not having your healthy breasts removed takes a special kind of narcissism

  15. ‘I believe the headsman used to get some remarkable results.’

    Thank you BIS. I believe you’ve solved the problem.

  16. Science has just broken all records to produce a vaccine for a disease that’s brought the economy crashing down and is filling up the morgues, and they’re worried about it being “totally vegan”.

    I hope that’s sarcasm BiND.

    The disease didn’t crash the economy, the hysterical response by the government and MSM did.
    Filling up the mortuaries? I never realised mortuary capacity was so low. If 0.11% of the population dying over a 8 to 9 month period fills up the mortuaries then that’s third world standards.

  17. Bloke in North Dorset said:
    “ a vaccine for a disease that’s brought the economy crashing down”

    We can vaccinate for politicians now?

  18. “something that will greatly improve my mental well being” – actually, No. Srsly, No. Turns out it doesn’t actually help. But let’s keep doing it & forcing the public to pay for it. Because, reasons.

  19. As in other arenas, note how they’ve lowered the threshold for “abuse”. No one beat or threatened or even taunted the daft bloke.

    We were told we needed to coexist with Trannies, don’t be cruel, all well and good. But a bloke in a dress is a bloke in a dress and we don’t have to pretend otherwise.

  20. I’ve tried to put together a ‘Steve’s greatest hits’ but can’t pull together enough servers to handle them all – absolute genius

  21. ‘Children with gender dysphoria no longer have to seek court approval to undergo surgery’

    All children have gender dysphoria. They are children.

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