Britain’s only NHS gender clinic for children has suspended referrals for hormone therapy after a ruling on the experimental use of puberty blockers.
Judges at the High Court found it was “highly unlikely” that 13-year-olds, and “doubtful” that anyone aged 14 or 15, would understand the full implications of the hormone treatments, and therefore could not give informed consent.
Has Twitter exploded yet?
m’learned friends will be busy as a result.
If they cannot – rightly – give informed consent for non-destructive use of these bits, as nature intended, how on Earth can they give informed consent to have these bits cut off?
Or perhaps I have this reversed. Once you can establish a child can give consent for such mutilation, they can presumably….
Putting the P in LQBTWERT perhaps? Is that what lies behind this odious concept?
Completely. It’s hilarious how batshit crazy they all are.
In other news, the actor formerly known as ‘Ellen Page’ has decided they is a man. That’s obviously their choice. But the Guardian article on this story is excruciating: they’re so woke, they insist upon referring to him as ‘him’ throughout. So, apparently ‘he’ was once nominated for a best supporting actress Oscar (for the film ‘Juno’, in which ‘he’ played a woman). Quotations for emphasis, not to misgender.
As someone said on Twitter, once these things happen in the world, they form part of my memories. You are more welcome to change your mind about who you are, but you cannot waltz in and insist I change my mind about who you were.
A pleasure to see a decision I actually agree with.
Great, now can we close this unit down and prosecute all the child mutilators working there?
I find it bemusing that we make a fuss about FGM, but this shit is apparently OK.
the actor formerly known as ‘Ellen Page’ has decided they is a man
I’m sure she’ll be much happier with her tits cut off.
They have also declared that they are gay, and are currently married to a woman.
I’m old and confused. Kids today.
Is that the one that used to appear on “The Two Ronnies” every other week, singing songs from musicals?
Re: Ellen Page.
Yarp, it’s turboguano. “He” is a five foot nothing elfin lesbian with a squeaky little voice. Doesn’t get less masculine than that.
Quoth Al-Beebra: “how remarkable it feels to finally love who I am enough to pursue my authentic self”.
Stop me (stop me, oh stop me) if you think that you’ve heard this one before, but… there’s no “authentic self”, no “personal truth”. It’s all a mirage conjured by people who think they’re too sophisticated to believe in the soul.
Much like mirages, if that film with Omar Sharif taught me anything, it’s dangerous to chase the illusion of there being some sort of metaphysical “self” that exists seperately from the body. You’ll never find it and might literally die on the quest, as many trannies do.
Instead of finding oneself, the typical trajectory for AGP trannies is obliteration of the personality, which becomes subsumed by their addiction in much the same way hopeless alcoholics and junkies are reduced to biomechanical dopamine-chasing drones who literally only care about their next sesh. Our friend Gary is typical – formerly a lad of parts, now seems to only exist to talk incessantly about his “lady” parts and related ishoos.
There’s different psychological factors at play with little girls who want to be boys, but the prognosis is still grim – sterilisation, mutilation and alienation from their own bodies, which will never live up to the fever dreams of authentic selfhood.
As a great maritime philosopher put it, “I yam what I yam and tha’s all I yam.” The spirit may be willing, but the flesh is weak. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish – so sayeth St Jules the BMF. There is nothing more selfish than the delusion of self that contradicts biology and the shared reality you inhabit with your friends, family and neighbours.
You can check out from reality any time you like, but you can never leave. The world is a vampire, sent to drain. There’s no cheat codes or respawns and you really can’t customise your character very much – best to play the hand you’ve been dealt because the alternative is a portal to madness.
aaa: “In other news, the actor formerly known as ‘Ellen Page’ has decided they is a man.”
I assume it’s a canny career move, he/she/it having given up on progressing by just being a good actress…
Very good
jgh December 2, 2020 at 12:06 pm – “They have also declared that they are gay, and are currently married to a woman.”
The very definition of eating your muff and having it too. If she is a man, then she is heterosexual, not Gay. A man married to a woman is by definition cis-het. But if she is Gay, then she is a lesbian and hence not a man.
Still I am sure it will do her career no end of good. I hear they are looking for a new James Bond. If that fails, Stallone is not doing any more Rambo movies. And if neither of them pans out she is a sure fire bet for the next Jack Reacher film. She is about the same height as Tom Cruise.
Putting the P in LQBTWERT perhaps? Is that what lies behind this odious concept?
Kate McMillan at Small Dead Animals blog has been suggesting for years now that this is the desired outcome of this wank. “LGBTQ+P” she calls it. I think she may be correct, what with eight year old boys prancing at “pride” events on youtube. Even if it’s not by design, you can be sure the paedos are watching and waiting their turn.
Steve- oh yes! brilliant- I’d like to say though jools was the one losing it/ denying who he really was/ ascribing miracles to fucking hand cannon incidents. Yes its wrapped up in an amazing crazy redemption story line- we all like that but i think most shared vincent’s skepticism – so you decided to be a bum.
Jools- I’ll just walk the earth
Vincent- whatcha mean walk the earth
Jools- you know like Caine in Kung Fu walk from place to place, meet people get into adventures..
Vincent- so you decided to be a bum.
Cynical but I suspect true. She’s a former teen starlet who can no longer get the big bucks movie roles and has been sidelined to being 3rd fiddle on a Netflix TV show. Since she’s already playing the non-femme lesbian role why not light the blue touch paper and see if she can reignite her career. Even if he/she/it just gets a few roles for pity or the sake of a film’s publicity it’s probably worth a few million buckeroos.
It’s a declining value opportunity though. When the first one does it, it’s shock and awe. By the time the fifth aging sleb does it it’s just “Meh”.
Cue rounds of chat show interviews and on Ellen Degenerate until the novelty wears off.
Good. Hopefully they fail to square the circle and remain shuttered permanently. It’s all very well some 40 year old bloke putting on a frock and saying “Call me Jessica”, but a whole other line of argument to brainwash kids into demanding life charging hormones and bits being chopped off ’em.
Bloody Wiemar all over again.
Say it, brother.
They’re still wrapped up in their Cartesian Dualism problem, but Descartes had an excuse, being French.
Cue rounds of chat show interviews and on Ellen Degenerate until the novelty wears off.
It’s Elliot Degenerate now, you fucking TERF.
I used to work with someone who decided to take a month out to “find herself”, by going to India*.
I asked what would happen if she “found herself” when she was sitting in the departures lounge at Heathrow. She was less than impressed.
* it’s always India, isn’t it? Never somewhere like Bootle.
I remember when the Beatles went off to find themselves Wondering, do I need to find myself? How does one know? And how do you lose yourself in the first place? Is it the drugs?
In the film Juno, Ellen Page played a teenage girl who has (heterosexual) sex, gets pregnant, and decides to keep the baby. Can’t get much more female than that.
Funny to see how the Americans take such things far more seriously than us Brits. They’re all lapping up Page’s transition; whereas I seem to recall increasing levels of derision greeting Sam Smith’s announcements that he was gay (2014), genderqueer (2017), and non-binary (2019).
Will this actor (can’t be bothered to fight through the pronoun jungle) continue to play the same mono-expressioned person in all future films, as they have done in all the previous ones?
I see the actors wiki entry says that they were ‘assigned’ a female gender at birth. I’m new to all this gender fluid whatiscalled, but is it a bit like company cars, then? You know, when you first start in a qualifying role you are assigned any old shit in the car pool until you prove yourself through a probationary period, then you get a shiny new one of your choice?
What I don’t get about this chap called Page who used to be a woman but now wants to be a man, is where does it leave Page’s wife? She was / is a lesbian married to a woman, but now overnight she’s married to a man. Does she now have to go straight or are they getting divorced?
So as trans women are women, trans men are men. Elliot (pronouns nobody / cares) therefore is guilty of rape and my soggy knees by association right? Like the rest of us?
Interesting take on the teenage girl gender dysphoria thing (heard on Joe Rogan, IIRC): society is so screwed up at the moment in terms of what gender roles are, and with everyone going on about how victimised women are by this terrible patriarchy, it must seem easier to decide to ‘be a boy’.
Traditional roles are out, but no one can agree on what the new roles are. Girls are supposed simultaneously be asexual, dress like whores, and be Disney princesses too.
Ben- not to say you’re wrong, but the independent female, tomboyish i’m as good as any man idea- has existed for quite a while in culture and in fact. The difference was that in past fiction, and probably in fact too, that was a specific period between 16 and 26 and there was a resolution.
Biggles had a run in with a competitor taking aerial shots of the riff rebels in algeria for the daily pictograph (or whatever it was). The competitor was good a pilot, had a good machine (as they describe them) and took greater risks to prove themselves and get the goods to the customer quicker. Capt W.E johns resolves the issue with Biggles,smearing her lenses (not a euphemism), so she can’t sell her photos, telling her he loves her. She agrees she loves him too and the best thing for them to do is get together. Situation resolved.
@Hallowed Be
Which Biggles story was that…I thought I knew them all by heart!
And what was he doing in Algeria!!!! Helping out Marcel again?
“Judges at the High Court found it was “highly unlikely” that 13-year-olds, and “doubtful” that anyone aged 14 or 15, would understand the full implications of the hormone treatments, and therefore could not give informed consent.”
Etch those works in stone somewhere, along with abortions being for medical reasons (I’m actually fine with lifestyle abortions, but let’s be clear that they are lifestyle).
Give it 5 years, the tranny industry will find ways around that “doubtful”. If you don’t literally ban it and have a prison sentence, people will do it.
TTC- ha well i don’t, not by a long shot i’ve probably read only 5 or 6. i pulled from memory. definitely interwar. They weren’t based in algeria. THey were based in brooklands aerodrome (i think) and the job was to fly to algeria which they did over france and spain. Heroine was an heiress of a cpt of industry. possibly. I don’t have the books anymore– hmm – let me check.
TTC- effing hell you’re right. Not Biggles. but it is by Cpt W.E. Johns. Story called. All’s Fair.
-the intro script-
Peter Logan had logged more than six thousand hours in the air: Sheila Sanderson, twenty-four. Yet she played to beat him in a man’s job. Did she win or lose?? When you have read this story you will be able to form your own opinion.
Thanks Hallowed Be, I will go to my WE Johns shelf and search…
I have some of the non-Biggles originals, but mostly only the Norman Wright republications…
I may be some time! 🙂
this is from an anthology of Wings quarterly. if that helps. Sorry for the spoiler.
and yes i’ve now glanced over it again. Isn’t memory a funny thing? I would have sworn it was Biggles. I would not have sworn it was the daily pictorial, that seemed to be a generic made up by my mind name. Now that i read it again – it was indeed the daily pictorial.
Oh christ i’m chuckling out load here. “he glanced casually upwards in the direction of the sound. His eyes found and focussed on an aircraft coming in to land from the south, and he watched it at first curiously, and then fixedly. It was a Gypsy Moth, and his lips set in a straight line as he picked out the identification letters, “G-AAAY.” He knew the machine well. It was Sheila Sanderson’s.”
To be fair, all WE Johns is “Biggles”, just the name changes….and sometimes, the gender….was never keen on Worrals myself.
Seems we have moved a long way off topic. Ho humm.
TTC- yeah off topic, but i think i mentioned Bigglesworth once before here. Beginning of this pandemic thing, aircraft pilot friend of a friend found himself grounded. Then suddenly he gets a gig flying to china -special missions to get PPE for NHS and the strange thing? Outward journey is flying in gold bullion to pay for it. Instantly reminded me of Biggles and co (i should check that but hopefully you’ll not mind another howler) where he gets involved in bullion flight transfers to france that go missing, (and Teutonic foul play is suspected)
Aye, you are spot on.
von Stalhein was behind it, not dead in Palestine as Biggles thought (end of ‘flies East’, perhaps the best Biggles story IMHO).
“Your powder appears a little damp, Major Bigglesworth” is a lovely line.
Carstairs was the inside man I recall. Shows horror when Biggles fibs about hiding a bomb in the gold.
I assume your pal reappeared after this gold-for-PPE flight? Didn’t do a John ‘Jeff’ Hawkes?