So, the local supermarket started selling the 1/2lb jars of Marmite. Which I have been indulging in, one every couple of weeks. Likes my Marmite on toast I does.
This might not have been the wisest move ever for someone who can, sometimes, get gout.
We’ll see if my having looked it up and found out about this makes any difference. Because it would be nice to stop limping…..
It goes well with peanut butter on toast
A pound of Marmite a month sounds rather a lot… I like Marmite, but the 1/4 pound jar I am just finishing has lasted 3 months.
Allopurinol sorted my gout out. Once you get the dose right, take it every day and no problems.
A pound of Marmite a month sounds rather a lot… I like Marmite, but the 1/4 pound jar I am just finishing has lasted 3 months.”
Marmite used to occasionally have some promotion which required the customer send in three jar labels. Very clever of them, I thought, as there was little chance of the average customer getting through that much Marmite before the promotion ended.
RichardT – Allopurinol does not agree with me. I find that when the dreaded gout strikes drinking cherry juice neutralizes the uric acid in my bloodstream without having to resort to anti-inflammatories.
Henry Crun
Interesting. Allopurinol works perfectly for me. It’s like a miracle cure. Have never tried cherry juice but if I ever need it (please God no) I’ll give it a go.
Allopurinol sorted my gout out. Once you get the dose right, take it every day and no problems.
When I was having a bad time with gout the doctor prescribed it and I found it worked quite well. However I didn’t like the idea of being on any medicine for the rest of my life so I decided to lose some (quite a bit) of weight and that has mostly sorted the problem. I self medicate with Naproxen as soon as I feel a twinge, but mainly I drink lots of water.
Allopurinol does not agree with me. I find that when the dreaded gout strikes drinking cherry juice neutralizes the uric acid in my bloodstream without having to resort to anti-inflammatories.
Ten years ago I met a guy who got crippled by gout and nothing worked and he then discovered cherry juice. He was so impressed that he was starting an import business. That was a mutual friends’ birthday and I haven’t seen him since so no idea how it went.
I’m allergic to cherries so never gave it a try.
Bloody hell! Does everybody here have gout?
Are you all living on a diet of Stilton washed down with port? Or are you role playing an C18th squire?
I had an encounter with gout. Well worth avoiding.
Here in Tejas it gets bloody ‘ot in the summertime. If – as I did – you go do your 2+ miles of walkies to keep body in form, you will sweat out a rather significant amount of water. And then gout can strike.
I took to weighing meself before and after walkies. A litre of water is a kilogram – 2.2 pounds – so I knew how much I needed to drink.
But now we try to spend summertimes in Normandy, where the water expulsion rate is much lower.
Another sufferer here. Most gout is hereditary – a small mutation* that prevents the system from eliminating uric acid as well as it should. My grandfather had it, and he was a riveter in the Hartlepool shipyards, 5’6″ and thin as a whippet – grouse, port and Stilton did not feature heavily in his diet.
I’ve been on allopurinol for 25 years without any problems, but my younger brother (also a sufferer) went down the dietary route. My sister (a GP) keeps telling him to take the tablets, as even if you’re asymptomatic, you’ve probably still got excess urates in your blood, which can give rise to other problems.
* probably on the Y-chromosome, as it’s mostly males who suffer, though females can get it as there are other forms than the hereditary one
Maybe all these gouty types are descended from C18th squires. Or just the one who got about a bit… Despite his gout, of course.
We are all 18 th c. squires, we’ve just mislaid our century. And the rolling acres, gooseable chambermaids and so on…..
Chris M
Grandfather “was a riveter in the Hartlepool shipyards…”
My grandfather was a successful naval outfitter in Hartlepool.
I was born there – a true monkey-hanger.
I only have a small amount on toast, so by rationing myself to only having it once or twice a week could get a medium-sized jar to last a year while overseas (other tastes of home I’d take were Twinings Earl Grey teabags and a jar of Branston pickle).
I recommend Marmite on toast with tahini. Marge, then Marmite, then a slightly thicker layer of tahini.
we’ve just mislaid our century
Ah, how true!
Can’t get it locally anymore, much missed even though it was rationed as it cost a fortune anyway. Wife is of course very pleased
Great comments from Theo and Chris regarding Hartlepool. Quality ancestry.
Marmite is mainly yeast extract apparently.
But a thing that makes little sense to me is malt extract being so dear, but malt loaf being so cheap despite Soreen being the only large player in this market. Adam Smith and his thoughts on the butcher and the brewer springs to mind.
“ It goes well with peanut butter on toast”
They sell Marmite peanut butter now, in both the crunchy and smooth varieties.
I put it in toasted cheese sandwiches. Can’t get any cheese here that bites back.
I am another gout sufferer. I can dispel the notion that it’s caused by alcohol as I’m not a drinker (not on conviction grounds, just never liked the taste bar the very occasional cider).
Allopurinol works very well for me, just the odd twinge every so often that Naproxen gets rid of.
Bovril was the best – until they forgot to add the beef. Vegetarian Bovril, I ask you?
Quelqu’un à son gout.
Allupurinol works a treat for me. The pain of gout is something else – there is a middle ages type picture somewhere describing the pain. It is of a rat gnawing on a blokes foot.
24 comments and no one has mentioned the horror of Marmite and its fitness for human consumption!
I’d ban it as a cruel and unusual punishment 🙂
@Theo & Bongo
Always great to hear from fellow Monkey-Hangers. I was born in Hartlepool General, but my grandparents lived in (British) West Hartlepool, which makes them cods’ heads.
Marmite Cheddar anyone?
Las few times I’ve been in Morrisons – loads of it in ‘reduced’ fridge. 6pm Tuesday 2nd there were about forty ‘Use Buy 2 Dec’. Doubt they sold as only 25% off
Experiment/Trial? Anyone seen Marmite Cheddar elsewhere?