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M’Learned Friends

The Duke of Sussex has launched a libel action against Associated Newspapers, publisher of the Mail on Sunday, the sixth lawsuit filed by either him or his wife in little more than a year.

Documents were lodged with the High Court by the Sussex’s legal team at Schillings on November 27. The claim relates to a story published by the Sunday newspaper in October, which alleged that the Duke had failed to maintain contact with the Royal Marines after formally stepping away from his role as a working royal in March, the Telegraph understands.

We know that he certainly – and she by reputation – has some cash lying around. As Jarndyce v Jarndyce tells us, this isn’t necessarily the end state of affairs after calling on m’learned friends.

9 thoughts on “M’Learned Friends”

  1. Who will rid us of this turbulent twat?

    Please Brenda will you just cast him and his dreadful bint into the wilderness. Please media will you stop reporting anything about them. We all need a Christmas moment of joy. 🙂

  2. My understanding is that his money doesn’t come from the civil list but from his father’s personal fortune. So if he wants to spend it on lawyers that’s his privilege. It would be nice of it was spent on something other than lawyers but it’s not really any of my business.

  3. Perchance they will learn that the actual purpose of the law is the enrichment of lawyers, any other effect is purely incidental.

  4. It’s not obvious to me why saying he doesn’t have much to do with the Royal Marines these days is even libellous – though I’m sure his solicitor and barrister have been careful how they said that.

  5. I’m finding it hard to imagine anything that would lower people’s opinion of Harry. Is there anyone who doesn’t think of him as a complete chump?

  6. from his father’s personal fortune
    Which father?

    the Duke had failed to maintain contact with the Royal Marines after formally stepping away from his role as a working royal
    Why should he keep contact with the Bootnecks? Does he have some sort of contractual obligation to them?

  7. Diogenes: Is there anyone who doesn’t think of him as a complete chump?

    Yes, me. I used to think of him as a complete chump but now I think of him as a hag-ridden, publicity-seeking, litigious, woke raindrop of a chump with a parched shrivelled walnut of a brain.

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