Zuckerberg met Hancock as he faced heavy criticism for failing to appear before a committee of MPs investigating the issue of fake news. He is recorded in the minutes as saying Facebook was “considering looking elsewhere” for a European territory to invest in because of the bad publicity the company was receiving from the cross-party House of Commons culture select committee.
If you make it difficult for me to do business in your country I might look at doing business in other countries.
Sneaky, eh?
At least he didn’t demand a billion pound bung like the Japanese carmakers did.
Zuckerberg funded the poll workers in the most dodgy contests of the recent election. Will that fall under RICO or treason? I guess he won’t stay in charge of FB and will probably have his assets forfeited as well as his ability to fix things.
“If you make it difficult for me to do business in your country I might look at doing business in other countries.”
Fine, we will stop you doing business in our country
No-one *needs* any Facebook product
“a committee of MPs investigating the issue of fake news”: golly, starting with the Guardian and the Beeb, I trust?
Can we have a campaign to get Attenborough vaccinated against covid?
“Zuckerberg complained that the UK government was “anti-tech”.. ”
“Incompetent” is a better word. Same as in many, many other areas.
A big reason the Left wants global government is that they don’t want people to be able to escape their governance.
In related news, Musk* announced he has moved to Texas. Tax avoidance, no doubt. California will surely audit him annually to try to squeeze any money from him they can. He better keep good records. He better not visit California. If there only a day, they will demand tax on 1/365 of his income.
*Another Californian leaving to spread their poison into another state. I’m thinking we need a new Kansas-Nebraska Act, to require Californians to stay west of the Sierra Nevada.
He is recorded in the minutes as saying Facebook was “considering looking elsewhere” for a European territory to invest in . . .
France fines Facebook €150,000 for ‘unfair tracking’
The EU could hit Facebook with billions in fines over privacy violations
Go right ahead, asshole.
Forty-six states and the Federal Trade Commission filed lawsuits on Wednesday
Thanks for helping us defeat Trump, weasel boy. Now fuck off.
Good news. Get this fucking weirdo out of the country and keep him out.
It could be that DJT has Markie’s nuts in a vise? NooYoik (D) ain’t noted for going after sympathetic media folk after all?