Speaking as she signed the article of impeachment after the vote, Nancy Pelosi said she did it “sadly, with a heart broken over what this means to our country.”
She added: “Today, in a bipartisan way, this House demonstrated that no one is above the law – not even the president of the United States.”
If they’re so certain that he’ll not win if he runs again – 2024 – because the nation rejects fascism etc, Then why are they trying so hard to ensure he can’t run in 2024?
Because if they don’t, the accusations of him encouraging a riot are going to look like the BS they are.
Nothing says healthy democracy like barring your opponent from running.
America sure is having a lot of “bad luck” lately.
Both sides of the house are terrified of The Donald aren’t they?
They know Biden is going to be a disaster and are starting to prepare for the 2024 election.
I was listening to a discussion on the point about impeachment and banning people from future office and the point was made that it was aimed at those not in elected office eg judges and it wasn’t clear that it could be applied to elections.
If they go down that route I expect it to end in SCOTUS as its fairly close to a Bill of Attainder.
I do hope North Korea and China save this one up for when they are next criticised by th incoming administration…
They are fighting the wrong fight. Its not Trump they should be worried about. Its what he stands for that the voters will flock to. Particularly after Biden has done his stuff. There are people capable of standing in Trump’s shoes!
Is she sadly, solemnly, and with a single tear rolling down her plastic face, handing out free pens to her chums?
So, the political equivalent of a kangaroo court, presumably to be followed by a lynching by the media
And these are people that supposedly support the civil rights movement!
Those that don’t learn from history….
All that now happens is Trump’s 70 odd million supporters have their suspicions completely confirmed
Depending on what happens here, this could be an extinction event for the Republicans
For God’s sake people, Trump said
“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”
If that isn’t a direct incitement to forcibly overthrow a government, what is?
We thought Alex Salmond was bad, but then we got Nicola Sturgeon. Trump’s Wee Nikkie Krankie is in the wings just waiting to take over.
Can the Dems import enough third-worlders in the neat four years to ensure they are in permanent power? Maybe, but if Trump appealed explicitly to White people instead of pandering to blacks and Central Americans, he might have a fighting chance.
After all in 2016, 40 million White people didn’t vote. I can’t find a figure for 2020, but if he got even 10% of them to turn out and vote, that would demolish the Dems.
However, the chances of him running again are slim and the chances of the Establishment ever allowing any pro-American candidate to run again are even slimmer.
Wonko speaks sanely.
Donald J Trump (pbuh) is 74 years old now. He’s enormously energetic for his age, but irregardless of America’s current ridiculous gerontocracy with its wrinkly fingers stubbornly clinging to power, it’s not really a good idea to try to shoulder the burdens of presidency in his eighth decade on this planet. (78 year old Biden’s rapid decline in the last couple of years could happen to anyone at that age)
If the only idea the American right has is “vote Donald Trump” (it isn’t), they need more ideas. The last four years have been a lesson in how deep the swamp is. Trying the exact same thing and expecting different results is for socialists.
As to why Nancy Pelosi (80 years young) thinks it’s a good idea to BLIMPEACH BLUMF a second time, it’s probably a combination of hubris and fear. The enemy’s tails are up at the moment after stealing a presidential election in plain sight, obtaining control of the Senate via similar magic 4am vote dumps, and cowing a formerly great nation into pathetic Covid-helotry.
A yuge amount of modern left politics is about humiliation – “rubbing their noses in it”, epater le gammon, etc. They really do hate you and want to do bad things to you.
Fear because the election of Donald J Trump, outsider, signalled a potential extinction level event for the kleptocracy. They’ve successfully beaten him now, after 5 years of the entire political establishment, the mass media, the FBI, the CIA, Big Tech, etc. etc. bitterly fighting to oust him, but it was a long and stressful campaign.
And they quite literally shat themselves when Trump invited some of his supporters to a rally last week and accidentally nearly reenacted the French Revolution.
So they think if they stake the Head Vampire, hound him into jail or the grave, maybe everything he represents will just go away.
It won’t, of course. They’re falling into Thucydides’s Trap writ domestic.
Jon asks Can the Dems import enough third-worlders in the neat four years to ensure they are in permanent power?
The short answer is no, long answer is that nothing is permanent including the United States.
And latin America doesn’t tend towards gay technocracy (which is what the Dems are selling), it tends populist and authoritarian. Ask Brazilians or Vuvuzuelas. Mr Tromp made yuge inroads with the taco enjoying community, not through pathetic pandering like Jeb and his goblina wife, but by being a charismatic tough guy. The dagos love that, and absolutely hate BLM.
Re: whites. Of course you’d want to max out the white vote, but there’s a natural ceiling for any candidate or party. A large percentage of whites will never, ever vote populist-right, and they’ll beat you with their limp noodly arms or get their wife’s boyfriend to punch you if you say different.
The only way to save these people is to burn down the universities and Starbuckses, smash their Apple fondleslabs, strap them to a bed, and get a young priest and an old priest (preferably heterosexuals, if you can find any) to exorcise their soy-maddened demons in the name of Jesus Christ.
Also, a large part of outreach to blacks is actually aimed at whites. Most white people don’t want to be racist, so it’s reassuring to them to have a Candace Owens or Thomas Sowell on their side.
Finally, Trump’s appeal to minorities worked. He’d be preparing for his second term right now if (GOP controlled) states hadn’t deliberately failed to secure the electoral process in their backyards. The only obvious peaceful, legal way to vote their way out of this mess involves completing the populist takeover of the GOP.
On day 1 of being installed as Speaker she re-purposed the now Democrat controlled committees with but one aim in mind pretty much abandoning any pretence at carrying out their legislative duties for two years. Perhaps it’s partly an old woman wishing to fulfil her self-proclaimed destiny and establish her legacy as the one who “got” Trump before the end of his term.
Anyway he should be a lot more worried about what the SDNY are going to be throwing at him than any relatively empty gestures the uniparty might make.
There is going to be an election in 2024?
‘There is going to be an election in 2024?’
Of course. The Dems’ll get 200% of the vote.
2 minutes hate writ large. 1984 was a warning not a manual….
“If they go down that route I expect it to end in SCOTUS as its fairly close to a Bill of Attainder.”
Putting myself in Trump’s shoes, I wouldn’t do that. Banning Trump will turn him into a folk hero, the spiritual leader of La Resistance. He’ll turn up on someone’s webpage endorsing candidates for primaries, all with very little effort saying “you can’t have me, but I like this guy”, so he can make a Trump media network and play plenty of golf.
There are people capable of standing in Trump’s shoes!
Maybe (I think he’s probably unique), but the destruction of Trump (you ain’t seen nothin’ yet) is intended to ensure none ever dares.
Bipartisanship in the name of National Healing is off to a flying start.
I wonder how many centrists who voted for Biden just because they wanted to lower the level of noise and chaos in Washington are now starting sense they might not get what they want.
Putting myself in Trump’s shoes, I wouldn’t do that.
Do you think it is in Donald Trump’s nature to walk away from a fight? I don’t.
I hope so, and I hope they can take the tories down with them. Both parties are part of the problem, and both are blocking a centre-right alternative to permanent socialism in their respective countries.
We don’t need a centre-right party we need an actual “right” party. I know wet Tories claim you can’t get voted in without pandering to the centre, but Labour thought the North was solid Red and they were also wrong.
Note, “Right” these days is somewhere around the Social Democrats were in the 80s.
Putting myself in Trump’s shoes, I wouldn’t do that. Banning Trump will turn him into a folk hero, the spiritual leader of La Resistance.
But if they let them get away with it this time it sets a precedent and next time the GOP will have tied their own hands.
“irregardless”: Christ, Steve’s a Yank. Whoda thunk it?
deariemie, Steve’s irregardlesses are deliberate. I look forward to them as much as the Jesus bombs.
Wonder if Trump can play the ‘hey I’m being impeached that takes precedence’ to put off/delay other legal actions.
Personally I think this is playing right into his hands, he now has another stage to play on and it effectively extends his time in the spotlight, the ‘careful what you wish for’ comment was just him taunting Pelosi like Brer Rabbit and the bramble patch.
Even the BBC which is passionately anti-Trump grudgingly admits the wording of ‘incitement to insurrection’ is difficult and called on calmer heads to take more time and frame it in easy to win terms. Just like the last Impeachment they are too carried away with the process to think it through. That is what Trump relied on, make them rush it through angry and go with the wrong option.
The fact that the last week he has been effectively silenced by the entire MSM and social media is helping him as it plays into the martyr scenario
“We don’t need a centre-right party we need an actual “right” party. I know wet Tories claim you can’t get voted in without pandering to the centre, but Labour thought the North was solid Red and they were also wrong.”
You do have to include the centre, because to win the election you need 40+% of the population.
The problem with the wets is that they have a rather different definition of where the centre is to where it actually is. They think choo-choos, eco-nonsense and foreign aid are popular, and they just aren’t.
And if you push a party too far over, you lose people at the edge. They’ll figure they have sod all to lose voting for UKIP, so will do that rather than voting for you.
Every civil rights movement needs martyrs
Anti Trumpers consistent accuse him of not thinking things through, kneejerkism etc but if you look at his time with perspective I believe he has a strategy
Depending on what happens here, this could be an extinction event for the Republicans
Or the Democrats. If they start to look like the crazy party, it will be difficult to pull back. Whereas the Republicans can run without Trump and all the crazy is gone.
The Democrats are very short term. They pulled the nuclear option with the Supreme Court and it resulted in — several very conservative members being placed in it, precisely what they didn’t want. If they had not been in such a rush to get their one guy they would have not faced Trump being able to replace several without their votes.
Obama ruled by executive order, which made rolling back much of what he “achieved” extremely easy. Since Biden is no more able to rally the Republicans than Obama, his “achievements” will be equally transitory.
I’d argue the most important thing for the Republicans is to dodge all the ‘bipartisan’ nonsense.
It’s clear the Dems want the Reps to do their dirty work for them. The Reps need to force the Dems to publicly take all responsibility and be seen to be the ones sinking the knife in against heroic Republican resistance.
A prolonged squabble in the Senate about impeachment would be a good way to go. I understand some of those trials have taken a couple of months. The longer the better.