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How in buggery does he manage this?

Longer-term, we cannot discount the possibility that trends, including demography, may exert upward pressure on inflation. But government itself can influence the impact of those trends, for example by enabling greater female participation in the labour market through improved childcare and by engaging in other more active labour market policies, thus reducing the ratio of retired to employed people.

That’s pretty scary. Labour’s anti-inflation policy is based on getting more working-age women to work and on increasing the pensionable retirement age.

The initial claim is that if more non-working women become working women then the ratio of working to retired changes. Which seems obvious enough really.

Ritchie’s started complaining about raising the retirement age.


There will also be those with long memories who recall his authorship of the TUC budget submission one year. Where he made the insistence that top end income tax rates should rise so as to force more non-working women in upper income households to go out to work…..

6 thoughts on “How in buggery does he manage this?”

  1. The irony is that turning more non-working women into working women will certainly influence the impact of the one inflation which matters to most people – house price inflation. More two-income families will bid up prices, forcing more families to become two-income families to compete…

  2. Well, the larger the pool of workers, the less wage inflation will take hold. But then, that’ll mean real wages fall over time which he won’t want either.

    He really should have been a (manual) tradesman of some kind – they can’t think more than one step ahead either.

  3. One point rarely mentioned is how a wife not working can boost a husband’s career. If you have to leave the office at 5pm on the dot because it’s your turn to drive little Olivia to her ballet classes, it can negatively impacts your career. Depending on the line of work, obvs.

  4. by enabling greater female participation in the labour market […] thus reducing the ratio of retired to employed people.

    More women in FTE = fewer babies = a worse ratio of geriatrics to working age people, you absolute fucking potato.

  5. If you are a working man who transitions into a woman, do your wages go down?

    (Asking for a friend, obvs.)

  6. Agree with Steve I was under the impression that more women in the workplace leads to smaller families and eventually even being below replacement rate as parts of Europe found before importing a load of people with a very different opinion of a woman’s role and place in society

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