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Interesting number

Bodies are being stored at a temporary facility in Surrey after the county’s hospital mortuaries reached capacity amid rising Covid-19 cases.

Some 170 bodies are being kept in the temporary mortuary at Headley Court in Leatherhead, which first opened in April to alleviate pressure during the first wave of the pandemic.

More than half of those kept at the facility died from Covid-19, a Surrey Local Resilience Forum spokesman said.

The county’s hospital mortuaries have the capacity to store 600 bodies but are currently full, while the temporary facility has room for 800.

I think that’s with, not from. But still. The big question is why this number?

An increase in deaths, the rate of them? Could be, obviously. Or is it that funerals and cremations aren’t taking place?

It would be interesting to know, obviously. And a newspaper might tell us but in the absence of one of those any more…..

14 thoughts on “Interesting number”

  1. So Much For Subtlety

    I wonder how many people are putting off funerals until the end of the lock downs? How many bodies are going unidentified and unclaimed because people can’t travel?

    You have to admit 800 is not a *huge* pile of bodies …. Not so much a backlog as a back twig.

  2. I was just thinking this. A neighbour of mine has just died (not Covid). I liked her, but realise that I and the other neighbours won’t be able to go to her funeral, because the family is quite large and will take all the spaces. Which is a pity. There is no time-limit on interment apparently, but I hardly think that they will wait until April.

  3. More bullshit from the Johnson gang and their MSM henchmen.If there were 50 thousand new cases a day and it was a deadly pandemic instead of the bad winter flu it is then there would be mountains of corpses.

    I am worried about their latest bullshit threats tho’. No more bubbles/masks in the street/allowed out 1 hour a week shite. A move to Australia-style cop thug tyranny.

    Trying to decide on best strategy. My inclination is to fight with them in the street remembering Solzhenitsyn. Lots of film of passive weak victims of the cops but if 2 or 3 of the bastards took damage for every arrest then that should discourage the scum.

  4. I learned (at another blog) this morning that, up to 1 Jan, the all-causes death rate was a little higher than average; but less than recent peak years. So, sounds like some problem in the stiff disposal system rather than over achievement in the stiff supply business.

  5. It’s half a day’s bodies in normal times. This is not a story, it is a representation of how things are all the bloody time.

  6. “Its usually where injury rehabilitation occurs for servicemen”

    Headley Court ceased that role in 2018. It is now part of the Epsom & St Helier NHS Trust.

  7. ahh…ok…i think i read it in Johnson Beharry, VC’s biography, ten years ago so yep bit out of date.

  8. decnine
    January 11, 2021 at 11:02 am
    I learned (at another blog) this morning that, up to 1 Jan, the all-causes death rate was a little higher than average; but less than recent peak years.

    Check the link below for EUROMOMO… scroll down to z-scores and England, NI, Scotland, Wales. Excess deaths England a tad above ‘normal’ and within normal range for the other three – all lower or no higher than previous years.

    You will see the same for most other Countries with dear old Sweden within normal too…. despite/because?

  9. Bloke in North Dorset

    @ John B,

    An interesting approach here, not the answer that many on here want to hear about excess deaths

    “ A far better yardstick (since we’re trying to judge this year versus similar years) is to see how this crude mortality rate compares with the years before it. Are things getting better or worse, in other words? These are what the ONS calls excess death rates (a term you’re doubtless already familiar with), and when you look at these population adjusted excess death rates, a very different picture presents itself.

    In 2020 the number of excess deaths, as a proportion of the population, rose by 12.1% compared with the average of the previous five years.

    To put that in perspective, that’s the biggest leap in any year since 1940. Bigger than during the 1951 flu epidemic. Bigger than during the Asian flu in the 1950s or the Hong Kong flu in the 1960s. In fact the only other years that come close – save for 1940 – are 1929, in which there was a global flu pandemic on top of an economic crash; 1918, year of the Spanish flu; and 1915, during the First World War.“

    I read from the top, there’s some good charts as well.

  10. BiND, with a brain one can’t dispute that there has been a minor increase in total death this year in many countries. What it is depends of course on the baseline, which is noisier than I would have expected, and shows more long-term trend than I would have expected. I have learned quite a lot about demographics from this.

    The important question, still playing fair and assuming this isn’t some kind of global elite shenanigans (which is a very fair assumption to me) is “was the (ongoing) Chinese Communist-instigated Lockdown a price worth paying for that number not being higher by whatever it would have been without the Chinese Communist-instigated Lockdown”? You can answer a robust “no” on the civil liberties basis before we even get into the details of how effective Lockdown has been (CF Sweden, most of Africa, not very effective at all, lockdowns either are implemented after “cases” are falling (April) or cases continue to rise steeply after their implementation (November)).

    And yes, this has to be caveated with “If Chinese Communist-instigated lockdowns are effective, not having one might increase the risk that I myself get it and die and I accept that risk so that my fellows may still have a life worth leading, ideally free of Chinese Communist Party influence, after this is done”.

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