I’m all locked down with nowhere to go – but that hasn’t killed my lust for fashion
Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett
Modern feminism, eh?
100 years ago men said that women were only interested in fripperies like fashion. 50 years ago women proclaimed that they were strong, independent and interested in the important things in life, not the fripperies. Today the self-proclaimed feminist is back to the 1920s and flappers talking about hemlines.
It’s as with that thing about periods over the same time. Can’t employ women old boy, they go mad once a month! The Dworkins and others pointed out that this was bullshit because of course women have been dealing with life while menstruating for as long as the species has existed. Today the demand is that extra days off must be granted in order to have periods.
Can’t help thinking there’s a certain regression going on here.
“The Dworkins and others pointed out that this was bullshit because of course women have been dealing with life while menstruating”
Why longnose tribe say Stig wife hunt mammoth instead make Stig babies. Mammoth slay hard work and not as fun as Stig wife told.
I’ve just had a most distressing thought. Could they have simply been lying to get what they wanted?
’ Today the demand is that extra days off must be granted in order to have periods.’
And even for men…
There’s a broad spectrum: some women can work through it, some are incapacitated for several days every month, and most are in-between those two positions. We might expect differences across population groups too, based on genetics. In short, what works for the Dworkins of this world might not work for others. She does not speak for all women.
After I regained single status, my first girlfriend was particularly beset by PMT. Two weeks* out of the month were egg-shell-walking time. That may have something to do with my now being married to someone else.
To be fair, the other two weeks were quite fun…
@Julia: And even for men…
Hence the “men” in “dysmenorrhœa”!
“100 years ago men said that women were only interested in fripperies like fashion. ”
Representation of the People Act 1918
Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919.
“100 years ago men said that women were only interested in fripperies like fashion. 50 years ago women proclaimed that they were strong, independent and interested in the important things in life, not the fripperies. Today the self-proclaimed feminist is back to the 1920s and flappers talking about hemlines.”
The third wave feminists are mostly spoiled, weak, entitled woman who are LARPing.
The second wave pretty much delivered what independent, kick ass women want. Things like going to study at university and working. So if you’re a kick ass woman of the 2000s, you’re just getting on with kicking ass.
Look at how much they have in common with Mary Whitehouse and the Festival of Light. Anti-sex, anti-offence, pro-censorship. They even invoke “think of the children” by talking about role models for girls. Sure, they dress like rebels, but they’re deeply conservative.
Fashion? Why isn’t she switching out her car’s engine in the garage?
Fashion? Is that to try to distract you from noticing that Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett has a face like a blind cobblers thumb?
…bag of spanners…
… yetis arsehole…
@BOM4: “Things like going to study at university …” That started in the 19th century.
” … and working” Impediments to that were removed in 1919. Thus:
A person shall not be disqualified by sex or marriage from the exercise of any public function, or from being appointed to or holding any civil or judicial office or post, or from entering or assuming or carrying on any civil profession or vocation, or for admission to any incorporated society (whether incorporated by Royal Charter or otherwise), …
Bloke on M4 January 23, 2021 at 3:35 pm – “The third wave feminists are mostly spoiled, weak, entitled woman who are LARPing. The second wave pretty much delivered what independent, kick ass women want.”
The recognition that women and Blacks cannot compete with White men on an even playing field has meant they all tacitly recognise the only way to get what they want is to blackmail weak men into giving them money, jobs and prizes. If they had to work for them they would fail. The Second Wave assumed women were as good as men. The Third Wave simply accepts the reality that they are not.
“Look at how much they have in common with Mary Whitehouse and the Festival of Light. Anti-sex, anti-offence, pro-censorship.”
Every corner will have its icon. If you force the Protestants out of the Mary Whitehouse niche in the social/political spectrum, someone else will find it. The Lesbians have. Good for them. Not so good for the rest of us.