If you were to draw a Venn diagram showing the makeup of the mob – the neo-Nazis, the anti-vaxxers, the anti-semites, the racists and the guys who just want to break stuff – transphobia is where the circles overlap. And the same applies to their cheerleaders in the media, the pundits who’ll spend the coming days and weeks telling you that violent armed mobs are less dangerous than my pronouns. They will ask you to try and understand the angry mob and urge you to listen to their “legitimate concerns”.
We already understand them, because we’ve been listening to them for years. The far right and its enablers always target marginalised groups first. Those groups have spent years trying to tell you about the violent rhetoric, the science denial, the conspiracy theories, the misinformation, disinformation and radicalisation, the rage. We should all be horrified by what happened at the Capitol. But nobody should be surprised.
Storming the legislature is not just the same as it’s actually caused by your mispronouning me.
Summary of 2000+ words…
“It’s all about meee!!”
I’m afraid I’m guilty of the greatest crime of all. Not transphobia, no no. Of never thinking about trams people at all, and not giving a fuck about their problems one way or the other.
On Wikipedia that first sentence would be flagged “citation needed”.
I found my old vaccination card.
Tub, BCG 14 Sep 1966 and 3 Mar 1981
Polio myelitis 18 Sep 1995 5-10year
Tetanus 18 Sep 1995 10year
MMR 1985 (MPR)
Quite sure I got quite a few several shots in the army 1985-86 too. Probably many other shots never recorded.
So obviously I am not an anti-vaxer, but never felt obsessed to get some. When you swim in raw sewage as a child you hardly even get sniffles when older.
After reading such a gob of mental poison I can only see than one side must kill the other. I don’t want it to be so but such zealots as that cow cannot by ignored or avoided. Only met head on.
Lol, trannies
“Science denial”??? Did that person really just go there? The very people who would have me believe that an XY human can become an XX human just by saying so, and that an XY human with some bits cut off below and some bits added above is biologically indistinguishable from an XX human?? Seriously? Biologists and geneticists just have to shut up because the trans mafia says so. Right. Who’s “denying” science here?
Yes, being a bit hesitant about vaccines or climate change is denying science, but men can menstruate and give birth.
Amen to that, or should I say A-women? Womxn?
What’s going to happen in 2021? Call me a nutter but I wouldn’t be surprised if the aliens finally parked their spaceships above Central Park and said woah! Wait a minute! We gave you a bloody chance since the 1950’s but this is taking the piss?! I wish this would happen and they would colonise the whole fucking cesspit.
“After reading such a gob of mental poison I can only see than one side must kill the other. I don’t want it to be so but such zealots as that cow cannot by ignored or avoided. Only met head on.”
So you are as zealously fascistic as your opponents, Ecksy. Such poisonous cows need to be refuted repeatedly, not martyred by your violence.
PS Trump lost, sadly. Biden won. Yes, there was voter fraud; but not enough or in the right places to over-ride the result.
Trump supporters have self identified as winning and feelings “Trump” facts these days.
Yes, there was voter fraud; but not enough or in the right places to over-ride the result.
Did you know “gullible” isn’t in the dictionary, Theo?
CLR – trannies have invented an entire branch of Science™ based around how their penises are lady-penises and whatnot. Because one of the first things an autogynephile does is to destroy any connections he had with normal family and social life, they have a lot of time on their massive, hairy hands to seethe online and try to get the cops to harass people who disagree with them.
So there’s really no point arguing with the mentally ill, we should just stick em in loony bins, maybe roll them out during theatre intermissions like they used to do with Bedlamites.
@ Ecks:
” I don’t want it to be so but such zealots as that cow cannot by ignored or avoided.”
To quote Mr A Powers: “That’s a man, baby!”
If you were to draw a Venn diagram showing the makeup of the mob – the neo-Nazis, the anti-science, the anti-semites, the racists and the guys who just want to break stuff … you’d get Antifa.
Chester D
My thought entirely
Yet another example of the makeup of the politically active leftists being straight up mental defectives.
Theophrastus January 8, 2021 at 8:06 pm – “Such poisonous cows need to be refuted repeatedly, not martyred by your violence.”
Off you go Theo, show us where you have refuted these people even once. The fact is that you would be thrown in a cell if you tried. Banned on social media. Fired from your job. The Right is losing this argument, as it has lost every argument since WW2, because they have no scruples and gutless “conservatives” have no spine.
They have made peaceful change, err, conservation, impossible which makes violent change inevitable.
“PS Trump lost, sadly. Biden won. Yes, there was voter fraud; but not enough or in the right places to over-ride the result.”
There is no evidence of this at all. Trump won. He clearly was more popular. There was voter fraud – but if you are going to cheat, you have to cheat big enough to win. And the Dems did.
Chester D & Bloke in T.
Yes indeed. I also agree.
It must be allowed, this person is just like a hysterical woman.
Theo–you are a chump who pays the expenses of a Party that laughs in your face even as they knee your values in the bollocks repeatedly.
So many times in fact that it becomes moot if your values are anything but hot air. Taking shit about the Johnson gang being a “bulwark against Marxism” even as Blojob is literally destroying the businesses and enterprises of those who were its chief supporters.
Dead eyed psychopath Stumour sits back and (apart from an occasional verbal fart to show he is still alive) supports your lovely BlueLabour crew because he is a BluePeter Marxist who wants socialist state tyranny and “here’s one the Tories prepared earlier”.
As for the freakshow above–if the female was an lone escapee from a mental home your point might be valid. She is part of a large pack of scum who–as SMFS rightly points out–are winning hands down after the US steal.
It is an interesting point if the present delusions of Tory chumps like you are at this point anymore delusional than the horseshit the female is spouting. In terms of depth of delusion rather than content.
@ Chester Draws:
” … you’d get Antifa.”
No. Antifa are a communist/ anarchist terrorist group and it’s origins are explicitly Jewish and anti-western:
Amazing bit about the recent riot in DC – we’ve had riots all over the U.S. this year, far more destruction, injuries & loss of life. Ignored, excused or encouraged by most of the media & Dems. But, they attacked the CAPITOL! Yeah, so what. I’m not sure if this is a sign of their elitism or just being opportunistic.
A couple of things:
1) The fact that Carrie is using Venn diagrams makes me even more suspicious that it is Richard Murphy in drag. Maybe the Norman Bates and his Mom sort of thing?
2) There is no such thing as a “bizarre” anti-trans rant. Carrie don’t know irony, do it?
3) Ecks is still a fact-free, highly polished knob of a human being.
Really would be nice if we didn’t have to endure your poor imitation of Julius Streicher on this site.
Go and find some “da Jooz” conspiracy site to dribble your slime.
I have noticed that Bruce Jenner now looks like Steve Tyler from Aerosmith.
This is kinda ironic because that dude does not look like a lady.
@Recusant +1000 Jonathan is a nasty little bigot.
@ Recusant:
” Go and find some “da Jooz” conspiracy site ”
Israel actually doing something and it being widely reported isn’t a conspiracy theory, dimwit.
” Jonathan is a nasty little bigot.”
It’s ok when Israel actually subverts our political process, but not when China tries to. Got it.
I’d better keep quiet about muslim rape gangs too…..
Ignore my 6:06 post, Replied to the wrong thread….
Recusant and BC, it’s not me saying that Antifa is Jewish, it’s Jewish media. Just click the link…
You seem determined to ignore actual evidence when it comes to Jewish involvement in evil deeds. Odd.
BTW, if you sensitive souls are upset by me noticing things, don’t look up who carried out the first ‘sex -change’ operation and who pioneered all this trans nonsense.
If you don’t want to know the answer, look away now!
I can’t speak for the other commenters here, but as far as I am concerned sex change operations aren’t the problem (apart from having to pay for them on the NHS, but that is a problem with the NHS in general not the operation per se) and I couldn’t care less if that type of cosmetic surgery was pioneered by a Jew or a Martian.
Where I have a problem is the 1984-style thought policing, being forced to believe a fiction that some bloke in a dress with XY chromosomes is actually a woman and always has been a woman; and even though he still has a cock and balls, 3 kids, and a beard that puts Karl Marx to shame, referring to him as “him” is a heinous crime that should cause me to be strung up.
Over the years I’ve known 4 trannies, 3 of them M to F and 1 F to M, some rather better than others. Some I know have had the op, the others I don’t know and I really don’t care. As far as I can tell all of them would much rather live quietly as themselves, in a dress or otherwise, and all this attention seeking, pronoun demanding, bullshit being whipped up by loud-mouthed idiots such as the author of the site quoted above would horrify all of my friends or acquaintances. Like BLM setting back race relations by decades, the alphabet soup activists are doing vast amounts of harm and it’s the “ordinary” trannies that will suffer the most.
Did you know “gullible” isn’t in the dictionary, Theo?
“Paranoid” and “delusional” are. I know that.