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What doubling?

Will Hutton:

The breathtaking scale and speed with which the US doubled economic production to support the war effort after Pearl Harbor was 80 years ago,


What doubling?

10 thoughts on “What doubling?”

  1. I think I prefer his bizarre contention that vaccinating people is a warning to China. I presume there is a train of thought there but on what planet? What is it about these people that, when they look at Bidet, they see a caped crusader where most people see a bumbling idiot?

  2. Will Hutton is an idiot.

    The US then was a ,largely, ethnically and culturally homogeneous country. The US today couldn’t even fight an equivalent of WWII, let alone win it, thanks to the destructive effect the 1965 immigration act has had on the nation. Import the third-world, become the third-world.
    Let’s be honest, most of the so-called ‘Greatest Generation’, if they were alive today, would be regarded as hate-filled, racist bigots.

  3. Needless to say, the starting point of the graph shows USA already producing arms and vehicles for the Commonwealth ( and possibly Soviet) war effort. FDR had hamstrung the economy with regulation so much, that the USA struggled out of the Great Depression throughout the 1930s. As you often tell us, Tim. It took British gold to restart matters.

  4. ” It took British gold to restart matters.”

    Don’t forget the Frogs:

    ” On May 28, 1940, a civilian ship sailed for Casablanca with 212 tons of gold. In Casablanca the gold was transferred to the USS Vincennes that brought it to New York. The United States insisted all the French gold be exchanged for US dollars upon arrival at the Federal Reserve.”,arrival%20at%20the%20Federal%20Reserve.

  5. But can’t you see? The line went from halfway up the scale, to nearly all the way up. So, doubled. (Sarc)

  6. Woke maths is your friend.

    If this is a willy hutton article, we know maths isn’t his strong suit. Just ask the Industrial Society.

  7. Let’s be honest, most of the so-called ‘Greatest Generation’, if they were alive today, would be regarded as hate-filled, racist bigots.

    That’s what they say about Trump voters… and they’re weaponizing the FBI and DHS to go after them.

    Hold onto your hats.

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