The federation’s argument in defense of paying Ellis so much less than coaches on the men’s side is the same one for hiring Markgraf at a lower salary than Stewart: market value. It cost more money to lure Stewart away from his sporting director job at the Philadelphia Union after similar stints for Dutch clubs than it cost to hire Markgraf, who had worked outside of soccer in academia.
The pay for this job is largely determined by what the same person can earn elsewhere.
How much did the Federation pay Servalan ?
Who cares? Murca is the only place where enough people care about wimmins football (and few care about men’s) for any sane argument about pay.
Everywhere else there’s more interest and money in the equivalent of the third division.
I tried watching women’s cricket last year, because a local lass was playing for England but Jesus it was rubbish. Only a couple of players on each team who looked competent.
Markgraf, meanwhile, started her role as women’s GM in 2019 on a salary of around $500,000.
Truly a horrifying age of Patriarchal oppression we live in.
I was reading a feminist’s critique of Jane Austen recently. She made a great point about how Mrs Bennett, usually thought of and portrayed as a buffoonish character, is the most sensible person in Pride and Prejudice apart from Charlotte Lucas. Her girls face the options of marrying a wealthy man or destitution, and unlike Mr Bennett with his complacent witticisms or moon-eyed Elizabeth pining for love, Mrs Bennett is actively working to secure her children’s future from poverty.
Then she railed against the oppression inherent to the society of Georgian England. Well, sure. Millions of illiterate ditch-diggers, coal miners and sailors would have happily swapped their problems for Miss Bennett’s one thousand pounds in the 4 per cents. But that’s not what she meant, obvs.
Aren’t all societies hierarchical, and all hierarchies oppressive to some degree? Hopefully the benefits of playing this game make it a better bet than bellum omnium contra omnes, but that’s not always immediately obvious when we have to suffer the depredations of HMRC.
A great deal of feminist ink is now spilled furiously complaining about how the lavishly remunerated sinecures of elite women are less lavishly remunerated than some men’s. Relatively few feminist tears are shed for much greater number of women beaten, raped and killed by the acolytes of Mahound, or the larger still number of people who live in actual poverty, where a lifetime of poorly paid drudgery is the good option. This doesn’t in itself mean that they are wrong, but it’s a strange and rarified set of priorities that seeks to avenge the comfortably well-off from the intolerable condition of not being more well-off.
Feminism is motivated by jealousy and anger, and angry people are not always wise, as Ms Austen told us.
Quite a bit more than Travis?
Ottokrinh February 18, 2021 at 9:56 am – “How much did the Federation pay Servalan ?”
A lot less than Rocco would – and she would be worth every penny.
Some times I think that fans can take these things too far, given there is a very good website devoted to the chairs of Blake’s Seven, but then I remember those black dresses and wonder if I can sue the BBC for, well, things I would only tell my therapist.
You have become Vietnamese?
A great deal of feminist ink is now spilled furiously complaining about how the lavishly remunerated sinecures of elite women are less lavishly remunerated than some men’s
Yes, third wave feminism is the campaign to replace white, upper middle class men from the 1% with white, upper middle class women from the 1%.
But Tim, you are missing the fundamental point. It’s. Not. Fair.
My pay should be set by what someone else could earn doing something else. That would be fair.
You have become Vietnamese?
It is a pseudonym. So people wouldn’t think that I was some saddo who had collected both Jenna’s and Calli’s autographs.
Jenna? Respect!
Actually wasn’t that long ago. Old Jacqueline wasn’t there, I suspect that she was already quite ill by then.
They were both lovely and very funny and still have the same hair.
“I tried watching women’s cricket last year, because a local lass was playing for England but Jesus it was rubbish. Only a couple of players on each team who looked competent.”
I could be given a place in the England Women’s cricket team and not be totally embarrassed, and I’m a 50 year old bloke who has only ever played village cricket. Its that poor a standard. You can judge the standard it is by the fact that no women ‘professional’ cricketers play cricket in mens leagues anywhere, which you assume they would in order to play at as good a standard as they were capable of in order to improve their game. The fact is they’d have to play at such a low level it would be embarrassing for a ‘Professional England cricketer’ to be turning out for Upper Snoddington 2nd XI in Div 3 of the Barsetshire League. They wouldn’t get anywhere near the standard of ECB Premier leagues, or even the regional leagues below that.
A club I played for had a young girl who turned out for their 2nd XI quite regularly, she was no great shakes, if she was a boy of the same age you wouldn’t have considered she had much potential. Took the occasional wicket, didn’t score any runs, and we’re only talking lower divisions of a village cricket league, the sort of teams that are mainly middle aged (and older) men and a few young lads starting out. Yet she was in England Ladies set-up for her age group.
“A great deal of feminist ink is now spilled furiously complaining about how the lavishly remunerated sinecures of elite women are less lavishly remunerated than some men’s. Relatively few feminist tears are shed for much greater number of women beaten, raped and killed by the acolytes of Mahound, or the larger still number of people who live in actual poverty, where a lifetime of poorly paid drudgery is the good option. This doesn’t in itself mean that they are wrong, but it’s a strange and rarified set of priorities that seeks to avenge the comfortably well-off from the intolerable condition of not being more well-off.
Feminism is motivated by jealousy and anger, and angry people are not always wise, as Ms Austen told us.”
I arrived at the conclusion that most feminists were the daughters of successful people who somehow didn’t get much going for them, and feel themselves slipping down the social ladder. Women can succeed in one of two ways: by being charming, or by being smart and working hard. Miranda Kerr or Mrs Thatch.
But they aren’t as attractive as Miranda Kerr, and they aren’t as smart as Mrs Thatch. They bluff smart by following the proper trends, learning the right acronyms. It’s regurgitation of approved knowledge, and if you don’t know it, it looks like intelligence. They try and gain smart-sounding awards, like degrees or memberships of institutions that have been corrupted over a generation. It’s all about getting into or building empires, often leeching off taxpayers or money that has been endowed to institutions.
Because the thing with actual smart women in fields like business and science is that they aren’t like 3rd wave feminists. Many of them do not want to be associated with it.
Provided they select college boys of lower semi-pro ability who have just decided to be called Louise it’s a job pretty much anyone can do.
@Jim – the girl in question – Sophie Ecclestone – did play for her local mens team, and very well, going by her stats. However, that team plays in the 3rd division of the Cheshire cricket league. She was one of the better-performing England players in the match I watched, although her fitness would have been called into question in 1980s county cricket….
“her fitness would have been called into question in 1980s county cricket”
That’s just not cricket.
A rather sexist anecdote.
I went to a 20/20 match at my local county ground a few years back and got talking to the guy sitting next to me. He loved his cricket, was a club member and went as often as he could. He said that he had watched England Ladies play Australia the week before and while having a pint in the clubhouse was invited along to a reception for the two teams.
” They are all quite glamourous in the field, with their hair tied up and make up and in their kit. But when you get up close they’re a right bunch of bulldogs, real bruisers…”
Glamorous women playing cricket? Against Australia? A quick google turns up this wonderful speech in the Australian Parliament:
The NSW Anti-Discrimination Board revealed itself to be a total nonsense in the matter of the Australian Women’s Cricket team last month when it said it had no charter to investigate a charge of discrimination brought by Mrs Denise Annetts, who claimed she had been dropped from the teams because she was married and determinedly heterosexual.
Being attractive enough to find a husband is grounds for being kicked out of Australian women’s cricket. I doubt the British team is any different.