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No free trade with Poland or Hungary then

The story quoted a leaked extract of a video call between Raab and staff in his department in which the foreign secretary said it was possible the UK could strike trade deals with countries whose human rights records breached the European convention on human rights (ECHR).

For, of course, the contention is that both countries are breaching ECHR rights by not being woke.

And, well, is there any Council of Europe member that hasn’t lost a case about such rights?

16 thoughts on “No free trade with Poland or Hungary then”

  1. The Hamza RoP/Marx abolition of free speech in Scotland–which Blojob Johnson seemingly intends to do nothing about except perhaps copy down here –and shite like Rabb calls the kettle black? Or would if he wasn’t BlueLabour scum himself.

  2. The bigger picture is UK Gov is determined to follow the same neocongame as Blair, Cameron, etc. Hard on Russia, a country that we have no rational reason to quarrel with. Soft on China, a much more blatantly evil regime whose capabilities and ambitions grow more troubling every year.

    It might’ve been written by the US State Department, and maybe it was.

    If and when WW3 kicks off, my guess is it’ll be because NATO did something daft in Ukraine out of hubris and the batshit insane desire to procure regime change in Moscow.

    Anybody know why Russia – an economic basket case run by gangsters that is nevertheless a lot more respectful of human rights than many of our bosom buddies in the international community – is our mortal enemy? Why are we supposed to care about their border squabbles with Georgia, or their response to the ham-fisted CIA/EU colour revolution in Kiev?

    The story seems to be that Russia is incredibly dangerous because they sometimes poison people with a deadly nerve toxin that so far most victims have easily recovered from. I doubt it very much, but that’s what we’re told.

  3. “Countries whose human rights records breached the European convention on human rights (ECHR)”

    What about countries whose records breach the Nigerian convention on human rights? Or the Chinese convention? Or some other random foreign convention?

  4. Hard on Russia, a country that we have no rational reason to quarrel with.

    Historical momentum may not be rational, but it exists nevertheless. Russia is a geopolitical foe now because it has long (always?) been. A rich and powerful Russia would probably be a danger to the status quo, so there is a good (status quo) argument for keeping it poor and weak. Not nice, and no, I don’t like it either. But I do like my current freedom and wealth . . .

    Soft on China, a much more blatantly evil regime whose capabilities and ambitions grow more troubling every year.

    A shorter, but perhaps stronger, momentum of corporate interest. Cheap/slave labour being good for (some) business. It was probably worth a try encouraging capitalistic tendencies in China, in the hope that the Communists would weaken. They clearly haven’t and show no signs of doing so. It’s long past time to undermine them with prejudice. But I do like my Apple iPhone and my BenQ 32″ monitor and my Olympus camera (and half my other shit, and half of the shit in the other half).

  5. Quite frankly, I couldn’t give a rat’s arse about the Ouija Muslims in China. They shouldn’t be meddling in the occult anyway.

  6. About the only reason I can see for worrying about Russia is its Soviet legacy of all those nukes.

    I suspect that any stupid meddling would simply produce something worse. As you point out Steve, look at the Ukrainian mess.

  7. Are we signatories to the ECHR? If so can we de-sign pronto? There are many Euro things we should leave. Probably NATO too.

    On the other hand maybe we should make an offer to Russia. Would they like to form a free trade area of the UK and Russia? Would the pissed off EU countries in Central Europe like to join too? It would be a genuine Free Trade area, not a nascent Fourth Reich. Quite what the handlers of Crazy Creepy Joe would make of it, Lord knows.

  8. I think the reason ‘they’ hate Putin so much is because he doesn’t play along. He doesn’t even mouth the platitudes. Blue haired lesbians protesting about shit get the living daylights kicked out of them, which is something I would very much like to import here for the XR bollocks. Is Russia big on the climate scam? Not sure.

    Putin is obviously a cunt, but he’s not slippery, like our cunts, he looks you in the eye. For that at least I commend him.

  9. Quite frankly, I couldn’t give a rat’s arse about the Ouija Muslims in China. They shouldn’t be meddling in the occult anyway.

    Which makes you a weapons grade arsehole.

  10. Poland and Hungary both experienced ‘woke’ rule for 40 -odd years and have no desire to experience it again; that’s why Eurotrash hate them.

    Russia is a geopolitical foe now because it has long (always?) been.

    Hmm. When Britain had an Empire (boo, hiss!), Russia was a potential threat to British rule in India; now everybody says that it’s still a threat but to what exactly they never can say.

    Ukraine – don’t care, Mussies in China – don’t care, Hong Kong – don’t care.

  11. Bloke in North Dorset

    I think the reason ‘they’ hate Putin so much is because he doesn’t play along.

    No, its because he used his magic powers to get Brexit and then Trump and Boris elected.

    But the left have caught on to his magic, I’d call it black magic but Id get cancelled, and used their super human powers to rig campaign in such a way that they efetated him and Trump lost.

  12. Not sure how Russia has always been our geopolitical foe when it barely had a navy for most of that time. It has generally been an ally against either France or Germany. There was a silly spat over the Crimea, that’s it until 1917.

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