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Why is this bad?

The Conservatives are now the party of England. Changing that will be hard
John Harris

Ethnonationalism in the Celtic countries is not just accepted but applauded.

Why shouldn’t the Anglos be allowed to punch down?

9 thoughts on “Why is this bad?”

  1. i think it’s an illusion, based on whatever the fallacy it is that thinks things will stay the same when you change something. Take Scottish and Welsh seats from Westminster, the non conservative parties will have to adjust to have a scooby. So they will.

  2. Bloke in North Dorset

    Slightly OT but perhaps the ScotsCon (Scottish Contingent, not Scottish Conservatives) on here might point out something I’ve missed ….

    I’ve been pondering recently whether the Scottish Conservative and Labour parties would be better off splitting from the national parties and setting themselves up along the lines of the CSU and having a relationship similar to the CSU/CDU one at the national level.

    Obviously not that simple, but it would allow the Scots Conservatives to at least maintain a bit of distance from their hated England counterparts. Whether that would allow them to counter some of the anti-(English) Tory rhetoric would have to be seen, but as an outsider looking in they do seem to be fighting with one hand tied behind their backs.

    Labour’s problem doesn’t seem as bad, they tend to suffer from being taken for granted for so long and need to demonstrate at least a semblance of independence.

  3. Our government does not favour the English in any overt fashion. They make allowances for poor performance by the minor nations, over-subsidise them and give their pathetic parliaments a free rein to fuck up the lives of their citizens. We still make concessions to Ireland with the free travel area and voting rights, concessions made in the presumed hope that they would eventually see the light and be welcomed back into the UK.

    They will never give the English any special consideration, at least overtly. Luckily we get all the goodies without being openly favoured.

  4. The Conservatives are the party of the United Kingdom (it is, after all the Conservative and Unionist Party); the nationalists and decentralists who hate London are lauded by the press in Scotland, Ireland and Wales but demonised in England so moderate decentralists support SNP, Plaid, Alliance but not BNP or “English Democrats”, hence in England, the Conservatives. John Harris is trying to distract attention from the fact that Labour is, as it has always been, the party of trade unions (which are now overwhelmingly public sector or quango unions) [railways are quango thanks to NUPE] – he admits that Conservative voters outnumber Labour voters by 3 to 2 among the poor – and spends most of its time lobbying for subsidies to its base at the expense of the harder-working majority.

  5. Given that Labour are now, almost explicitly, the anti-English party and an absence of any alternative for English voters, what do they expect?

    Our government does not favour the English in any overt fashion.

    Or even any covert fashion. The idea that there is any pro-English party in Parliament is deluded nonsense. Can anyone imagine any MP for an English constituency standing up in the HoC and declaring that they’d put the lives, liberties and wellbeing of the English first? They’d be expelled before the sun had set.

  6. Indiv Tory members maybe staunch but are amazingly deluded as to the BlueLabour–indeed BlueMarxist shitshow they are keeping solvent.

    Johnson is Marxist-controlled greenfreak garbage. If you are a greenfreak then you are doing marxism’s anti-western dirty work and bollocks to whatever fantasies fools may strive to entertain.

  7. BiND

    “….whether the Scottish Conservative and Labour parties would be better off splitting from the national parties ….”

    The Scottish Conservatives are already well down that path. Douglas Ross, the putative new leader, has already stated that that is the strategy.

  8. “whether the Scottish Conservative and Labour parties would be better off splitting from the national parties and setting themselves up along the lines of the CSU and having a relationship similar to the CSU/CDU one at the national level.”

    All that would do is allow the media to take any slight disagreement between the two and magnify it into a ‘split’ and constantly go on about it. I can see the BBC headlines now ‘Scottish Tories slam Boris over policy on X’

  9. The Conservatives are now the party of England. Changing that will be hard John Harris

    For those of us on the other side of the pond. What is a hard John Harris?

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