The needs of all should be satisfied before wants are met.
There are children in Africa without toys. Yet a man in Ely runs a model train set.
There are areas of Africa that desperately need proper trains. Yet a man from Ely travels across Britain to see entirely leisure based railways.
We cannot presume consent: it must be actively given by another able to grant it.
That rather buggers the idea that peeps consent to higher taxes then, doesn’t it?
We should be aware that people can hold differing opinion in good faith. We should differentiate those doing so from others who hold opinion for personal gain.
No comment – because I’d be banned for commenting upon that.
If someone ventures to disagree with him, he invariably assumes that they are not acting in good faith. That is his hypocritical get-out clause for the number of people he has banned from his blog or taken action to harm in real life. He is a thug and a bully. Few people seem to want to have any dealings with him long term
In is head, no doubt Spud was delivering this sermon on the mount surrounded by an attentive, adoring crowd.
It’s the sort of meaningless mumbo-jumbo doggerel that a 12 year old girl would write.
I think the theory of Young-Girlism expressed here, but transposed to Young-Boyism in the case of Murphy fits him well
That end terrace in Ely has 4 bedrooms – Four! It also has two lounges and a kitchen diner.
That’s seven rooms apart from the sh1tter, but let’s exclude the kitchen diner to make it six rooms.
For a single man with a need for one bedroom and one living area that’s a surplus of four rooms.
I’m not allowing a separate office, or the room that holds the trainset.
That’s one hell of an excess over “need”.
Tine to bring back a window tax for the fat fvcker methinks.
It makes a great location for our films
We should be aware that people can hold differing opinion in good faith. We should differentiate those doing so from others who hold opinion for personal gain.
“My tribe, their tribe”
It’s just one of those socialist irregular verbs isn’t it?
My need
Your want
Their cost
I wonder which camp somebody who thinks that an independent Scotland is financially viable falls?
It’s the kind of random stream of consciousness that I’d expect from a first year undergrad.
So many gems on offer, it’s a veritable De Beers sale
‘Within our commitment to others is the freedom to be ourselves’
‘We have a duty to care’
My favourite one was this:
‘We should be, and expect others to be, honest.’
I’m surprised he’s still financially solvent with an attitude that naive at nearly or around the age of 60. In some ways, I’m almost feeling sorry for the guy. At the age most of us will (hopefully) be reflecting on a life well lived and contemplating retirement to still be obsessed with adolescent socialist fantasies and require the level of grift that he needs to apparently even simply sustain his lifestyle. It’s almost approaching the level of a Greek tragedy. Then you contemplate the level of evil he supports with regards to taxation, government control and the environment and you realize – we’re dealing with a fundamentally mentally unhinged individual who is extremely dangerous and who in a more civilized age would have been sectioned both for his own good as well as that of the wider community