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Yes, of course you were wrong

I thought I was over my Catholic guilt about being gay. Maybe I was wrong?
Antoun Issa

It’s the defining result of being Catholic – feeling guilty. Doesn’t matter what it’s about, it’s always possible to find something……

12 thoughts on “Yes, of course you were wrong”

  1. I’d argue that anyone can feel guilty over anything, if you’re bought up right—-oops wrong.

    I suspect Issa would be outraged if someone managed to overcome their guilt about their homophobia.

  2. Hang on in there; the left-footers are going down the same route as the CofE. There’ll be no need for Catholic guilt about being a gayer within 5 years.

  3. It’s the defining result of being Catholic – feeling guilty. Doesn’t matter what it’s about, it’s always possible to find something……

    . . . and absolution is provided by the same organisation.

    It’s the greatest scam going. No wonder the Left has copied it. The only way out is to tell ’em “fuck off” (“and die, if necessary”).

  4. MC – Catholic seminaries are basically holy gay discos.

    PJF – It’s the greatest scam going. No wonder the Left has copied it.

    Narp. Christianity offers expiation and salvation. Social justice offers only damnation – doesn’t matter how much you grovel to them for being white, male, heterosexual, whatever, you will never be washed clean of your original sin of being yourself. Best you can hope for is subordinate status as a perpetually apologising “ally” who can be cancelled at any moment for any reason. Unless you cut your dick off.

    Also the purpose and nature of doctrine. Christianity contains a fairly simple, though not easy, set of rules aimed at preventing self-destructive or antisocial behaviour. (Don’t lie, don’t murder, don’t covet, etc.) The social justice catechism is an MC Escher illusion wreathed in shadows and fog – what’s hip and woke today will get you denounced as phobic tomorrow. The Red Queen’s treadmill of absurdity. And most of what it promotes is self-destructive and antisocial (lie, covet, indulge your basest whims, hate).

    Re: the guilty Guardianista. Has he tried maybe not bumming loads of guys in tight white t-shirts and moustaches? Hope that helps.

  5. Christianity offers expiation and salvation . . .

    . . . from the product of its own propaganda. You’re in a scam cult. Wake up.

    The social justice catechism is an MC Escher illusion wreathed in shadows and fog . . .

    That’s the revolutionary phase. There was all sorts of writhing nonsense in the founding years of Christianity too; down to what, three main branches now? If and when the leftists hold power the SJWs will be among the first against the wall. Then like the church, the left will want a stable system where they take a percentage of your shit, make you doff your cap, and burn the occasional heretic / village pour encourager les autres. The church had to share the spoils, of course; the Left will be its own enforcer.

  6. Theophrastus (2066)

    “And most of what it promotes is self-destructive and antisocial (lie, covet, indulge your basest whims, hate).”

    Socialism delegates compassion to the state and so encourages individuals to think caring for their neighbour is not their responsibility but instead a function of government. Socialists regard the care of others through individual acts of kindness as demeaning to the recipient because they believe what is received should be taken as a right rather than accepted as a gift.  Arguably, socialists dislike charity because it places a claim on them as individuals, which they’d rather shrug off. This sloughing off of personal responsibility by socialists corrodes their humanity.

    Rant over.

  7. PJF – You’re in a scam cult. Wake up.

    Repent, sinner!

    There was all sorts of writhing nonsense in the founding years of Christianity

    I don’t think this is a good comparison, no.

    Then like the church, the left will want a stable system where they take a percentage of your shit, make you doff your cap, and burn the occasional heretic / village pour encourager les autres.

    I think you misunderestimate how bad things are, and what the permanent revolution of social justice idpol entails. This isn’t about trying to substitute one habitable order for another, it’s literally about madness and death, a Hobbesian final war waged by deranged eunuchs, fetish-crazed sexual predators, and hysterical women with dessicated wombs. They want you broken and dead, your children raped and brainwashed, and they think it’s hilarious.

    Theo – Yarp, but we’re way beyond that now.

    This isn’t Grampa Jeremy’s 70’s Crackerjack socialism. These are people at war with the biological substrate of reality itself.

  8. “This ability to de-emphasise identities in certain settings was a common coping mechanism identified in a study of gay Polish men and Catholic guilt. It found that the men de-emphasised their sexual identities in environments perceived as hostile, such as church and family, while de-emphasising their religious identities in LGBTQ+ environments.”

    Crikey, who could have predicted that?

  9. Repent, sinner!

    Heh, you can wash your snarky chutzpah down with some Koolaid.

    I will agree the SJWs are getting pretty satanic nowadays, near as damn.

  10. Being gay itself isn’t a sin or even a problem for Catholic Church, it’s the having sex with other men that is the issue. The guilt is over the shagging men in white t-shirts and moustaches as mentioned earlier

  11. Theophrastus (2066)

    “These are people at war with the biological substrate of reality itself.”

    Nothing new there, Steve. Marxism preaches that there is no human nature. The ‘nature’ of humans is determined by the ideology of the economic substrate. People are ‘blank slates’ and indefinitely malleable. Environmental determinism rules within the ideology. Radical liberationists can step outside of the ideology of “late capitalism” and become anything they want to be – including the opposite sex.

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