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This is especially important with respect to climate change. The Stern Review was the report for the British government that laid out, proved, the case for doing something about climate change, probably the most important part of which is that we must use the cheapest method of doing said something. The logic is irrefutable: We humans do less of the more expensive things and more of the cheaper things. Therefore, if we use expensive methods of dealing with climate change, we’ll actually do less climate change prevention. If we use cheaper methods, then we’ll save the planet more, or save more of the planet.

Thus follows the rationale for our producing some part of wind turbines, even if not the blades, in Beijing rather than in Pittsburgh.

10 thoughts on “Elsewhere”

  1. Oh come off it. “laid out, proved, the case for doing something about climate change”: no economist is likely to have read and understood enough of the early work on Anthropogenic Global Warming to prove any case.

    But I did the homework and I was equipped to do so. It started as a bunch of duds doing weak science and then fell into the hands of a bunch of crooks who simply lied. Has British weather since the 1940s been a bit milder than in the days of my parents’ childhoods? Very possibly. Does that mean that Catastrophe awaits? Nope.

    It’s certainly true that if you insist on believing the fake Science there is still a case for reacting intelligently rather than stupidly. But that’s a plain different thing from proving “the case for doing something about climate change”.

  2. The left has fantasies about manufacturing, presumably without much automation, but then they have the conflict of also being anti-building, and so they wrestle with how do you get manufacturing without a plant, or at least not one near me.

  3. And the less climate change is talked about, the less expenditure there’ll be made on doing something about it. The two ideal figures being zero & zero. Debating the particulars gets you precisely nowhere. It’s like debating with a surgeon the procedures to be used to amputate your perfectly healthy leg. The thing to do is to stand up on it & walk out.

  4. That 3% human contribution to atmospheric CO2? Half of which is made in China? For that we’re supposed to wreck the wild places with toxic and unrecyclable solar panels leaching heavy metals and subsidy farm unreliable wind with bird choppers? Revert to preindustrial levels of comfort?

  5. Rilly? That 3% human contribution to atmospheric CO2? Half of which is made in China? For that we’re supposed to wreck the wild places with toxic and unrecyclable solar panels leaching heavy metals and subsidy farm unreliable wind with bird choppers? Revert to preindustrial levels of comfort?

  6. If I’m flying from Aus to the UK, I prefer the more expensive option at the front of the plane. Thanks to our North Korean inspired government, that won’t be happening until at least next year.

  7. There is no global warming outside of Marxist plotting against freedom and free markets. So the only action we need is to destroy the Marxist scum.

    Doc Bud–Yeah Doc you Aussies have really turned into weaks.

    You better all start watching “Australia’s Toughest Criminals” crap show and get your nads back.

    You need to start by hanging that cunt from Victoria.

    Then a one-day police sort out on lines I prev suggested. One day when cops are turned out on the street to walk a beat –or lose their jobs/pensions. The public can then have a go and batter any copper with no legal comeback so long as you don’t kill or cripple the fucker for life.

    Crims of course will not be allowed to be involved and any copper battered by a known crim CAN go after said crim. But woe betide any Plod who goes after a solid citizen who has given him /her a well deserved hiding.

    Are Aussie Plod armed? If so they need to be disarmed for the day or guns to be used by the public as well.

  8. ‘Revert to preindustrial levels of comfort?’

    Yep ljh. That’s the bit that really pisses me off. Of course if the Greens all volunteered to be the slaves keeping me in the manner to which I’d like to become accustomed, I might consider it.

    But I’m not holding my breath.

  9. Comments thread universally hostile to the empty assertion that climate change is a problem that has to be dealt with.

    Don’t hold your breath waiting for Tim to acknowledge that there is something in what you say. Those blinkers are welded on.

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