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I hope he declares this

Colin Hines and I are the partners in Finance for the Future. It’s been going, quietly, since 2007, largely helping to raise funds to keep Colin working on the Green New Deal. But now it’s spreading its wing slightly, and we are both working for the next three years at least on QuEST – or how to use quantitative easing, savings and tax to fund the Green New Deal.

There are two items in the media by us in the last two days on this, both featured in full on the Finance for the Future blog (newly launched. The first is my article in The National, yesterday. The second is Colin’s letter in the FT this morning.

He’s being paid £10k a year to write fluff pieces about how to confiscate pensions to pay for the Green Dreams.

Hmm, well, OK.

He’s being paid to write a column for The National. Well, OK.

It’s very naughty, one of those true sins, to be accepting money for writing a piece without letting the editor who is paying you know about it. The division is strict. Write for an editor for payment? Then that’s the only payment for that piece. Write for payment for someone other than that editor? That’s fine but you’ve got to say so and most importantly you’ve got to say so to that editor.

Ethics matter, no?

4 thoughts on “I hope he declares this”

  1. Not just ethics. Unless he has a special deal he’s probably breaching copyright, which would vest in the National if it is paying him?

    But he could always try his “in the public interest” defence, which he uses for his legion breaches of copyright.

  2. “It’s been going, quietly, since 2007”

    It’s been dormant. Done nothing for years.

    Then resurrected because charities don’t give grants to individuals.

    The first grant it got was paid almost in full to Hines.

    If you called it a scam, I wouldn’t argue.

  3. “we are both working for the next three years at least on QuEST – or how to use quantitative easing, savings and tax to fund the Green New Deal.” I don’t need 3 minutes to work out what Quest means – MOAR TAX, MOAR tax and theft of savings, and a raid on pensions.

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