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It’s worse than this, it’s an error

The plight of hundreds of Afghan interpreters who have served alongside British forces over the past 20 years is becoming increasingly desperate. They are hunted by a resurgent Taliban. They are executed for “collaboration”. They are ignored by a Home Office refusing to grant many of them a right of resettlement. Our national failure to acknowledge our obligation to these men and their families is a moral catastrophe. In putting things right, we might begin to rescue not only them, but also ourselves.

Incentives matter.

They have helped our military. Therefore, in order to gain help from indigenes for our military in the future we should be flying planeloads of them here. Right now. And being liberal about it too. Better that we bring too many than too few.

Not doing so is worse than being illiberal or whatever, it’s an error.

16 thoughts on “It’s worse than this, it’s an error”

  1. Low Hanging Fruit.

    It is easier to turn someone down who politely asks for help than someon who,literally, storms your beaches.

    One thing that struck me, watching a docu on the UK army’s withdrawal grom Helmond was the contempt that the Afghan army held for the British. This came out in the subtitled conversations, noticeably there were no interpreters running to Major General Farnsbarns MC DSO to tell him that his Afghan counterpart thought him a twat.

  2. The British establishment has a long history (probably since the Norman occupation) of shafting our own people who sacrifice. Why should they be different to foreign suckers?

    We don’t kill nearly enough of the stupid, treacherous British establishment. Incentives matter.

  3. ‘ Therefore, in order to gain help from indigenes for our military in the future we should be flying planeloads of them here. ’

    Or better still keep our military at home for our defence and not globe-trotting meddling in the affairs of indigenes, then we won’t need help from indigenes.

  4. ‘Or better still keep our military at home for our defence and not globe-trotting meddling in the affairs of indigenes, then we won’t need help from indigenes.’

    I do like that approach John B.

  5. “We don’t kill nearly enough of the stupid, treacherous British establishment. Incentives matter.”

    There are neither votes nor knighthoods in it.

    Major General Farnsbarns MC DSO. What gong will he, in due course, be adding to his collection?

  6. So if we don’t bring all those Afghan interpreters here, we’ll be unable to mount future invasions in far-flung parts of the world of no strategic importance? That sounds absolutely terrible.

  7. Seems a high probability of Taliban control, and if so, extremely high probability these guys (+family) face persecution to a life changing or fatal degree… I’d say they have a legitimate claim to asylum, and with our involvement in cause of that claim we really ought to be stepping up here.

    Of course, the asylum system is under attack, and it’s easier to reject the far afield reasonable cases than the on your territory bogus. That doesn’t make it right to do so.

    If we shouldn’t have gotten involved in the first place (a not unreasonable point of view), that does not in any way permit shafting those who helped us.

    Incentives? Totally, in both directions; look after those who helped, and TPTB aren’t remotely scared enough of us peasants

  8. . . . we’ll be unable to mount future invasions in far-flung parts of the world of no strategic importance?

    Afghan invasion / removal of Taliban was due to them hosting terror groups attacking us domestically. They’ll now be doing that again. Plus the vermin are literally jumping out of landing craft and running up our beaches.

  9. PJF–So UK political scum not only failed to finish our self declared enemies off but are now allowing ever larger numbers of potential revenge attackers onto our shores.

    The only good thing about the planned Globo “elite” social credit tyranny and greenfreak marxistic ruin and immiseration of the UK is that there will be nothing to lose by taking the bastards on.

  10. Andrew M,

    “So if we don’t bring all those Afghan interpreters here, we’ll be unable to mount future invasions in far-flung parts of the world of no strategic importance? That sounds absolutely terrible.”

    Yes, we shouldn’t have done it. But if you’re going to do it, you do it right. Because next time we might have a war with some strategic importance and need people.

  11. Afghan invasion / removal of Taliban was due to them hosting terror groups attacking us domestically.

    I must have missed the Taliban bombing campaign against Britain. I do remember the fucking Pakis hosting Bin Laden and being the source of all of Britain’s recent terrorists OTOH.

  12. The Taliban are a subsidiary of Pakistan. They used to be wholly owned but China is now buying a stake.

  13. We’ll need those interpreters here, to distinguish between Iranians, Pakistanis and Iraqis who all claim to be Afghans.

  14. “They are hunted by a resurgent Taliban”

    But, but, surely that can’t be happening, since we successfully brought peace and harmony to Afghanistan. The government told us we did, and surely governments don’t lie to us?

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