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That was quick

The right-wing will argue that climate change is just a means to spread socialism with more taxes resulting. Their usual short term fear agenda will be in play. Saying in response that this is about survival is not enough in that case. Showing that the capital to deliver this change is available without hitting people’s pockets (as it is) is as important. That we can have survival and a better life free from fear by better using the resources already available in society is key in that case. Of course, having the idea to do this is vital. Bit what is critical is convincing people that this can be done. Then, and only then, can the right be beaten. Ideas won’t come into that; who can deliver will.

He only got the £10,000 a year bribe to produce propaganda in favour of the Green New Deal last week.

And the idea that we can move, expensively, to a more expensive energy production and delivery system without hitting peoples’ pockets is an interesting one, no?

Note that if this were true then there would be no need to pay bribes to gain the propaganda, would there?

7 thoughts on “That was quick”

  1. Even more deranged than usual from Capt fuckwit. the only people spreading fear are people like him talking about climate catastrophe /emergency / 5 years to save the planet and rubbish here like”we can have survival and a better life free from fear ” No wonder there are reports that fuckwits like him have scared innocent children into believing they are all going to die before reaching adulthood. Bastards. When one of these fuckwits can explain how all the historical evidence shows 1)the planet goes through periodic warming and cooling phases 2) rises in CO2 in the atmosphere actually lags behind temperature rises not precedes it . I’d further like to know what happened to the ice age we were threatened with in the 1970s ?

  2. Well, we could use the resources of society to provide us with non-CO2 emitting energy. But the Greens are nukes most rabid enemies.

    As is obvious, they’ve decided that their national socialism is the answer, so how they gaslight us into it is the only question.

  3. I see captain Thumbs still uses neither a spell-checker nor proofreader for his Sageacities..

    Other than that… holes in the logic you can lose tank divisions in and an amazing amount of self-delusion.

  4. “I’d further like to know what happened to the ice age we were threatened with in the 1970s ?”

    I’m more concerned about what happened to the Mediterranean climate that I was promised.

    Oh, and the reason that we argue that climate change is just a means to spread socialism with more taxes resulting is that climate change is just a means to spread socialism with more taxes resulting.

  5. “And the idea that we can move, expensively, to a more expensive energy production and delivery system without hitting peoples’ pockets is an interesting one, no?”

    It always comes back to this notion that “better using the resources already available in society” is somehow totally cost-free and painless. All throughout history.

    “No, no, no. You idiots are doing it all wrong. Give it here… oh. Well, you know what went wrong there…”

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