I strongly suspect that is deliberate. You have sought to make TJN something that the founders never intended.
That TJN was a network is forgotten. It’s now a not very good econometrics outfit.
That it was set up to campaign is also ignored or downplayed.
TJN’s vision of social justice has been replaced by a desire to perpetuate employment for its staff by the production of ever more meaningless indices.
This is why shareholder primacy. So that those who set up an organisation can force it to continue to be the organisation as it was set up rather than being captured by stakeholders like the employees.
‘For about a decade I worked almost tirelessly, and typically without pay, for TJN’
This is what is annoying him. He and Christensen did the work to set it up and others get the lucrative grants and fat salaries
So he set up wrong.
Quelle surprise…
No Justice in the Tax Justice Network
They could set that line to music..
He and Christensen did the work to set it up and others get the lucrative grants and fat salaries
It’s worth remembering that Murphy isn’t with TJN anymore because he simply cannot get along with anyone for more than a short stretch. And the ones at TJN that he couldn’t get along with were the Old Guard, not the lot presently there. He can bitch all he wants, but if TJN is now not what he wanted it to be, he has only himself to blame. Murphy could have made the effort to work in collaboration with others – but as he always ends up doing – he quit in a huff when he didn’t get His Way.
Decisions have consequences, Richard.
Boo. Hoo.
“TJN’s vision of social justice has been replaced by a desire to perpetuate employment for its staff by the production of ever more meaningless indices.”
So P³ gets another taste of Real Life™. And despite his oft-touted experience has not built in some standard fail-safes against ..enemy occupation?
The man’s incompetency shows in everything.