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Well, yes, this’ll work, won’t it?

Now Wadhwa has been interviewed at Guilty Feminist by a fawning Deborah Frances-White, and addresses the question of women who’ve been raped coming along to the crisis centre and expecting to be seen by a biological woman. Frankly, they’re bigots, and need to be educated.

“But if you bring unacceptable beliefs that are discriminatory in nature, we will begin to work with you on your journey of recovery from trauma. But please also expect to be challenged on your prejudices, because how can you heal from trauma and build a new relationship with your trauma, because you can’t forget, and you can’t go back to life before traumatic incident or traumatic incidents. And some of us never, ever had a life before traumatic incidents. But if you have to reframe your trauma, I think it is important as part of that reframing, having a more positive relationship with it, where it becomes a story that empowers you and allows you to go and do other more beautiful things with your life, you also have to rethink your relationship with prejudice. Otherwise, you can’t really, in my view, recover from trauma and I think that’s a very important message that I am often discussing with my colleagues that in various places. Because you know, to me, therapy is political, and it isn’t always seen as that.”

So if you’re looking for a bit of help in overcoming the trauma of rape – from that shoulder to cry on to full blown therapy – you must in fact agree that transwomen are women otherwise you’re a bigot who will never recover.


17 thoughts on “Well, yes, this’ll work, won’t it?”

  1. Executive summary:

    … trauma…trauma…trauma…traumatic…traumatic…traumatic…trauma…trauma.
    I think that’s a very important message that I am often discussing with my colleagues that
    [is there a word missing here? Maybe “trauma?] in various places. Because you know, to me, therapy is political, and it isn’t always seen as that.

  2. . . . women who’ve been raped coming along to the crisis centre and expecting to be seen by a biological woman. Frankly, they’re bigots, and need to be educated.

    Imagine being such a diabolical piece of human garbage that hardly anyone would care if you were beaten to death with a house brick.

  3. you also have to rethink your relationship with prejudice

    I have, turns out we’re great pals and are planning to meet up for a coffee and a Ginsters.

    It’s extraordinary. How on earth did we get to this point?

    Where did you expect a society that’s rejected the perfect sanity of Christ to go? Somewhere good?

    Or put it a different way: a bloke circa 1900, 1600, or 1100 could’ve easily, and confidently, told you what his civilisation was for, what the point is. What’s it all about in 2021, Alfie? Apologising for our ancestors? Worshipping black people? Running up debts? Importing random perverts to annoy the wimmins? Making sure every schoolchild knows that getting their genitals inverted on the NHS is a legitimate lifestyle choice?

    Sooner or later God’ll cut us down. There will be lions, I tell ye, and they won’t be in the mood for no Hakuna Matata.

  4. On another blog a woman commenter was banging on about “trauma”. I enquired whether she meant trauma in the literal sense or the metaphorical. She pretty much accused me of being a Nazi. The word “trauma” seems to carry some mystical aura.

  5. It takes a lot to top Steve on any thread and his contribution on this one is a particularly stellar piece of prose but kudos to PJF.

    ‘Imagine being such a diabolical piece of human garbage that hardly anyone would care if you were beaten to death with a house brick.’

    That is as accurate a summary of my attitude towards this piece of S£$%, that has the gall to actually claim a taxpayer paid salary, as can be enunciated. Speaks volumes that the SNP appointed it…

  6. It is a not a giant mental leap to realise that seeking any sort of “help” from agents /forces of Marxism isn’t going to end well.

    If this creature Wadhwa is advertising help without making it clear what she offers is Marxist evil bullshit…. I’ll join you all and bring my own housebrick.

  7. Lifetimes ago, it was that people aspired to built state-provided provision of services because other providers were steeped in prejustices: unmarried mother seeking help? Hooowah!!!! Single woman seeking mortgage advice? Harridan!!!! Seeking employment advice? Refuse the Sinful Alcohol!

    Build a state that ignores personal circumstances and provides regardless of personal lifes.

    But now those state-provided services have themselves become dogmatic gatekeepers only allowing through those who share their religion.

  8. . . . women who’ve been raped coming along to the crisis centre and expecting to be seen by a biological woman. Frankly, they’re bigots, and need to be educated.

    Well, at least they’re coming to the logical conclusion of their madness. I guess that’s progress of a sort 🙂

  9. If any one is entitled to be angry and bigoted when it comes to ‘people with a penis’ it’s a woman who has been raped.
    Sometimes anger and prejudice is justified

  10. Van_Patten: ’ Speaks volumes that the SNP appointed it…’

    The SNP who have just decided four year olds can self-identify at school, you mean?

    We need to move beyond lions. Xenomorphs would be my choice.

  11. JuliaM

    Definitely had an Aliens’ quote of my own in mind – the one about nuking the place from Orbit..

  12. Julia: I’m currently re-reading Footfall by Niven & Pournelle. The aliens in that are vaguely elephant-like herd animals, but they have a predator on their home world they call a ‘ripper fthuggl’. That sounds suitably nasty as an alternative to leonine retribution. Then of course the Heorot books by the same authors have even nastier species than that.

  13. Legacy of Heorot was great, as was Footfall.

    We need to move beyond lions. Xenomorphs would be my choice.

    The solution is in our own hands; this is why we invented fire.

  14. Julia: I would love to see a grendel in full flight, even if it was only CGI. There is a third novel – Starborn & Godsons – which continues with a well-established colony on Avalon. Not quite as good as the other two IMHO but worth a read.

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