This autumn she also plays one of the leads in the eagerly awaited reboot of the Ghostbusters franchise.
Eagerly might be a bit much. As to reboot, that means they’re agreeing that the last one was, as many said, shite? And franchise? A movie and a squib is a franchise now?
This appears to be a sequel rather than a reboot. And, ignoring the recent “remake”, 2 movies, a cartoon series, sundry comics, toys etc a franchise makes.
How long before her surname is ‘triggering’..?
I wonder if she is related to Gene Coon who wrote StarTrek and Munsters scripts.
Her husband is called Tracy, he must have had a tough time at school.
Ghostbusters was a highly entertaining movie. Probably worth a sequel. But really not worth the endless attempts to wring a bit more cash out of it.
The ‘franchise’ concept is really just an admission that Hollywood is out of ideas.
They’re doing a Wokebusters sequel?! Part of me wants to believe the studio is just trolling.
>They’re doing a Wokebusters sequel?!
No, they’re pretending that never happened and doing a sequel to Ghostbusters 3*, much to the chagrin of Paul Fieg.
* which is a computer game
She was extremely good in The Leftovers, a series on Sky Atlantic which I strongly recommend.
It actually looks like it might be ok; unlike the sh*tshow that was the 2016 ” Reboot”.–uRY
The whole Ghostbusters thing eludes me. The original movie was passable entertainment, nothing more.
Then again, Hollywood hasn’t been able to produce passable entertainment in a couple of decades, so a half-assed comedy probably looks pretty good these days.
Careful with your criticism, Tim. You’ll get banned from Twitter just like Milo.