From crackpot Covid theorists to antivaxxers, hubris and fear haunt the wellness community
Brigid DelaneyThe randomness of illness is far too frightening for many to contemplate – so they rely on a fiction they’re special and can control their bodies
People nutty enough to believe one stupidity do tend to end up believing many.
Understanding this is the only logical explanation for The Guardian of course.
The randomness of infection outcome is far too frightening for many to contemplate so they rely on the fiction that jackbooted authoritarianism is special and can control it.
And it is the same with many things : the belief that we can change the climate, except at the most lical level, is another classic delusion.
My rationale for not taking the vaccine are based on observation and a realisation that if I were to catch it, then it would have happened last year at its peak, when I was exposed to it on a more frequent basis. I have no illusions or delusions about my immune system.
Unfortunately, Government responses ( esp Aus & NZ) have been so irrational, insane indeed, that it becomes too easy to treat the whole thing as a conspiracy and believe that this is a power grab or imposition of a New Order.
From crackpot Covid theorists to antivaxxers, hubris and fear haunt the wellness community
Projection much?
There seems to me to be a chasm between people who are agin all vaccines and those who refuse only the Covid one.
One does wonder, Otto. But I still suspect that the governments here in Oz are simply a pack of morons.
Of course ScMo’s decision to build nuclear submarines instead of conventionally powered ones does show that an occasional sensible decision can sneak through the gaps. But since our problem with subs is that we really don’t have the ability to build them, I suspect that we’ll stuff up the nukes as we stuffed up the diesel powered ones.
Dearieme is right. I have been vaccinated against 4 infections this year. The ones that occur in a few hundred people a year in the world’s most desolate shitholes.
I did reject rubella vaccination on the grounds that I am not currently planning to get pregnant.
. . . it becomes too easy to treat the whole thing as a conspiracy and believe that this is a power grab or imposition of a New Order.
Conspiracy theorising is partly due to our human tendency for pattern recognition; the same capacity to see Mother Theresa in the randomness of a bagel inclines us to see an overall purpose behind bumbling, stupid shit. Plus, of course, the sure fact that political, bureaucratic and corporate establishments are lying, cheating, bastard cunts.
I see today there is talk of replacing physical driving licenses with “digital documents”. You might say this just part of the modern era, like paying for bus rides with a swipe card or wave of a ‘phone. But then they say it’s to reduce plastic and protect the environment. And since that’s about seventeen and a half minutes of KitKat production, you know they’re lying and thus you know that what they really want is their government app on your digital devices as part of their social credit system (machine gun the lying fuckers into a ditch, etc).
The randomness of illness is far too frightening for many to contemplate – so they rely on a fiction they’re special and can control their bodies
As opposed to the fiction that ostentatious obeisance to the increasingly random diktats of credentialed-but-useless “experts” who palpably don’t know what they’re doing will save you from germs.
Years later I still think of the terminally ill woman in Bali and feel angry that she had signed up for such bullshit – and that she had wasted what was likely to be the final months of her life blaming herself for her illness
Yet I’m fairly certain she blames the small minority of people who declined the Covid jab for illness among the “fully vaccinated” (whatever that means today).
Instead the only people who get sick and die from Covid have a pre-existing illness, or are in some way physically deficient, or have succumbed to the immune system-weakening emotion of fear.
Yes, but all of these things are demonstrably true.
Dr James Rose, a social anthropologist at the University of Melbourne, told me last year that a sense of superiority can pervade the identity of conspiracy-based communities
Natch, but what are we to make of the multimillionaire politicians, celebrities, and oligarchs partying without masks at stupendously lavish events like Obama’s birthday party or the Met Gala, while their masked servants hover facelessly in the background?
The symbology couldn’t be more ham-fistedly obvious if it was in a YA dystopian thriller starring Jennifer Lawrence.
The overseas experience shows that Covid is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated
This is just… ‘ow you say? A fucking lie.
Western countries are jabbed up to the eyeballs, yet infections are soaring. We’re already being prepped for the winter lockdown. Israel has decided to just stick needles in everyone who moves until this thing magically goes away, Australia has reverted to its traditional status as a brutal penal colony.
It’s not really surprising that “the Left”, whatever that means in current year, has fully embraced the public-private partnership for permanent bio-fascism, what’s surprising and disappointing is how nobody has yet introduced them to Ecksian outcomes.
The overseas experience shows that Covid is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated
Uttar Pradesh. 5% vaccinated, Covid almost non-existent.
(cough* Ivermectin *cough)
“Western countries are jabbed up to the eyeballs, yet infections are soaring.” More precisely, positive tests are soaring.
One explanation might be that PCR can pick up the effect of your being vaccinated and confuse it with your having been infected.
Could there be any truth in this conjecture?
It’s useful to compare super-jabbed Israel with hardly-jabbed-or-masked-or-distanced Sweden. Assuming the data published by their governments is quite accurate, it now seems the tests are showing increased infections (& hospitalizations) mainly amongst the double-jabbed. Is this due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or perhaps due to shedding of spike proteins by the mRNA-loaded majority? (The PCR test cannot tell the difference.)
Einstein remarked about the insanity of repeating actions which did not work, in the vain hope they would if tried again. Israel is embarking on 3rd jabs all round…
@Dearieme… I think that @EdP has answered your closing question. If the “right” primer is used in the RT-PCR test, ie it’s keyed on the spike protein, anyone who has had a mRNA jab that causes his/her own cells to express a spike protein in order to trigger the immune system, is, IMHO, most likely to give a positive test result.
Possibly why “cases” are rocketing again but hospitalisations and deaths are refusing to cooperate.
“Could there be any truth in this conjecture?”
PCR is only looking for the RNA, so it would have to detect the injected RNA. The spike protein your cells make using the RNA would not be detected by PCR. I guess it’s not beyond the bounds of probability that enough of the mRNA from those types of vaccines ends up on the end of a swab, but it seems less likely than the hypothesis that vaccination creates early susceptibility to infection.
That you would test positive on an antigen-based test after vaccination is highly plausible, again assuming sufficient quantities of the protein end up where you stick the stick.
Off on a thought experiment, if that early susceptibility is sufficiently common it could account for a substantial proportion of the vaccine’s efficacy, especially when the vaccine is administered at the peak of epidemic curves…
Also remember, that injected RNA will not last long in the hostile territory of your body. Working with RNA in the lab you have to use hygiene procedures that would have the triple-masked quadruple-jabbed labelling you a conspiracy theorist, because the slightest fragment of human skin dust or secretion is like a nuclear weapon for loose RNA.
It’s useful to compare super-jabbed Israel with hardly-jabbed-or-masked-or-distanced Sweden
Israel: 76% of adults double jabbed
Sweden: 70% of adults double jabbed
As I said the other day, looking for correlations one way or the other isn’t easy.
What I want to know is where is the unwellness community & how do I join it? I’m willing to sacrifice a dozen margaritas if that’s what it takes.