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Amazin’, innit?

Second, the government does not need to raise any taxes to pay for increased funding for the NHS because the multiplier effect of additional NHS spending is high enough for such spending to pay for itself.

Quite how we’ve run up a £2 trillion national debt after 70 odd years of funding the NHS is difficult to understand.

17 thoughts on “Amazin’, innit?”

  1. As a book title that works as an examination of Elynomics but if it’s about its inventor and leading protagonist, perhaps Perpetual Motion Money Machine Moron would better fit the bill?.

  2. Look upon his works ye mighty, etc etc

    For his next tricks:

    turning base metal into gold using household cleaning products
    provoking nuclear fusion with an old luminous diver’s watch face and the innards of a petrol lawnmower engine
    building the base port of a space elevator with some spare model railway bits

  3. In fairness to him (no that’s not a typo) I agree with the post in totalis the proposed National Insurance hike confirms this is a criminal government that’s the worst in British recorded history – obviously for very different reasons to him but he’s right to criticize the proposal. On the principle even a blind squirrel stumbles across the odd acorn, as well as giving the devil his due, we should at least concede that

  4. Bravefart–In the 1963 “Superman” annual there was a story where Lex Luthor escaped jail by building a time machine with some asprin and an old alarm clock. He went back to Ancient Greece to ask the Gods of Olympus for help against Superman who he falsely represented as a bad guy.

    So you can see Murph has some ground still to cover.

    Even at that tender age I was somewhat sceptical about the plot details . But it was good exciting stuff. And far better than the multi-culti rainbow shite kids today will be poisoned by.

    Van Patten–I agree. If this more thieving for the shite useless NHS is on top of Treason May’s extra 20 billion bribe/handout then 150 billion + is what this bureaucrats hobby is costing UK . + countless lives lost by its bungling.

    Filthy Pierre was right. Homemade nukes are the way to outframe of all this International evil. We need our own nukes. Then we will see what social credit bullshit is worth.

  5. and heres me thinking that for ages he’s been banging on about taxes not paying for spending.

    anyway I am at a loss to see how bunging the nhs an extra few billion is actually going to magic up a few more hospitals and doctors or even get gps to see patients in person (which would be a start) It’s about time we looked at other health systems to see if another way would be better.

    no doubt importing ten of thousands of barely literate peasants from one of the most unhealthiest countries in the world
    Major diseases in Afghanistan
    Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is endemic in Afghanistan, with over 76,000 cases reported per year. …
    HIV. The prevalence of HIV in Afghanistan is 0.04%. …
    Poliomyelitis. …
    Pneumonia. …
    Malnutrition. …
    Leprosy. …
    Typhoid fever. …
    Hepatitis A.
    chronic heart disease
    is going to have no knock on effect on the nhs.

  6. Bloke in North Dorset

    “anyway I am at a loss to see how bunging the nhs an extra few billion is actually going to magic up a few more hospitals and doctors”

    If there’s more money available in should be spent on care. That’s the quickest way ro free up hospital and doctor capacity because of all the bed blocking.

  7. I don’t understand where he gets this – if the NHS makes 1mil but has 900k operating costs then you need to ‘prime the pump’ with 900k.

    From taxes.

    Because they sure as hell aren’t saving any surplus they’ve made.

  8. The multiplier effect of money going into the maws of government, with a couple exceptions too miniscule to think about, is actually a negative number. The friction in the bureaucracy accompanied by inevitable corruption is intense enough to make the output less than the input.

  9. Filthy Pierre was right. Homemade nukes are the way to outframe of all this International evil. We need our own nukes. Then we will see what social credit bullshit is worth.

    Sounds difficult and expensive. Far easier to use the plenty of rope and street lamps that we have. Once both Houses of Parliament and Central and Local Government politicians and bureaucrats and their useful idiots in the universities and fake charities are strung up this country will get a lot more civilised.

  10. Multiplier effect applies to new technologies that typically go through many stages of manufacture. For example early hard disk drives and Apollo spacecraft. Once the technology has matured and the cutting edge ain’t quite so sharp and the process has been simplified to reduce cost, the multiplier effect wanes. AFAIK emptying bedpans has not been a new technology for quite a while.

  11. If there’s more money available in should be spent on care. That’s the quickest way to free up hospital and doctor capacity because of all the bed blocking.

    Do I remember correctly that hospital consultants typically ran a care home ‘on the side’ until increasing gubberment regulation put them out of business…?

    So the bed blocking problem was actually created by gubberment in the first place…?

  12. “Quite how we’ve run up a £2 trillion national debt after 70 odd years of funding the NHS is difficult to understand.”

    First rule of more Government Spending advocates: its always the spending you haven’t done yet that will pay for itself. Spending thats already been done won’t because it wasn’t done ‘right’. [See also Leftist Rule #1: Socialism has never been tried properly]

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