Risk of death from HIV-related disease was about 50 times higher for transgender women compared to cisgender women, and the risk of suicide was almost seven times greater.
The HIV part seems simple enough. Whether pre- or post- transition those who changed – for the finding is in the early years, decades back for HIV – were more likely to be having sex with other men. Given the physiology both pre- and post- that’s more likely to have been back bottom than other forms.
The correct test for “higher risk” is therefore against gay men I would have thought. And mortality there, from HIV, was rather high back those decades, no?
The researchers found most of the deaths from suicide and those related to HIV occurred in the first decade studied,…(…)…The data spanned five decades, beginning in 1972,
We might also ponder that the surgery itself wasn’t quite as good back then and that there was rather more disappointment with the decision taken.
Although it should be said that finding significant HIV deaths in the 70s would be a bit of a surprise. Well, maybe late such into the 80s.
’ We might also ponder that the surgery itself wasn’t quite as good back then and that there was rather more disappointment with the decision taken.’
The surgery might be better, but I suspect in future years the disappointment is only going to increase exponentially.
Fixed it:
” Risk of death from HIV-related disease was about 50 times higher for
transgender womenmen compared tocisgenderwomen, and the risk of suicide was almost seven times greater.”Don’t they nearly all get murdered?
Lots of trannies work in the sex industry. Or at least they used to. Now most of them seem to be fat virgins.
the risk of suicide was almost seven times greater
It can’t be a surprise that the mentally ill are more likely to commit suicide?
It’s so reassuring to know that evolution is doing its level best to remove these nutters from the gene pool.
We might also ponder that the surgery itself wasn’t quite as good back then and that there was rather more disappointment with the decision taken.
Surgery isn’t good now. It’s the same Frankenstein shishkebabery, they just do a lot more of it because it’s profitable and there’s a lot more porn-addicted perverts chasing their fetish to its terminal conclusion. Unlike surgery for actual health issues such as a dodgy heart or whatever, “Sexual Reassignment Surgery” isn’t a medical procedure and there are no actual standards. Surgeons can basically do whatever they want, and if you’re not happy with the result there’s nothing you can do about it.
Turns out that butchering people’s genitals and creating a permanent wound in their groin is a Cronenbergian living nightmare of necrotic flesh and constant pain, often accompanied by a permanent stench like that of a corpse’s arsehole.
The web is full of despairing trannies trying to rationalise or warn others about this, but they’re typically censored doubleplusquick because the gender cult really doesn’t want to hear about anything that might puncture its fantasy.
It’s not much better for those poor deluded girls who think they’re “men”. They get a pathetic replica of a penis made out of flesh hewn from their arm and then sewn to their vag like the worst Halloween costume in the universe. Might as well roll up a marzipan dick, at least it wouldn’t scar them for life.
I’m pondering the ironicalness of the fact that I, a “transphobe”, objectively care more about the pain and suffering of trannies than do their “allies”.
A little too ironic.
No doubt life shortening procedures, Steve. Should be applauded not denounced.
I suspect that HIV has been around for a long time, but really only isolated in the early 1980s. No one probably cared enough before then and people were marked down as dying of pneumonia or similar complaints.
@Otto Yes.. My mother, a lifelong nurse, has tales of “the blood/american disease” and the risk of their blood they were warning each other for since the late 60’s.
She also made sure she did not give birth to me and my brothers in a hospital where she knew those people were cared for.. (Amsterdam region, so figures…)
They didn’t know what it was, but nurses being good canaries certainly knew something was going around, and that it wasn’t pretty.
How long is the waiting list?
BiS – they definitely are, this is major surgery we’re talking about, and the prognosis is horrific.
Absolute best case scenario is having an open wound they need to regularly stretch out (because human bodies don’t like having open wounds) for the rest of their naturals. Which tend to be short, because another unfortunate irony is that the sexual gratification which led them to go under the knife goes away when they’re castrated.
It’s not easy to sympathise with trannies, who are often extremely obnoxious individuals with other unlikeable comorbidities such as narcissistic personality disorder and drug addictions. But they are mentally ill, their dopamine addiction means they have impaired judgement, and doctors shouldn’t be allowed to mutilate any human being.
There were unquestionably HIV deaths in the 1970s but none identified, except a handful post hoc. Just insufficient numbers, perhaps virus not so well adapted to H2H transmission at the time, for anyone to notice something going on. Individual patients with odd syndromes don’t tend to get wider attention, big groups (as in half the homosexuals and drug addicts in San Francisco all dropping dead at the same time) do.
Maybe there could even be some parallels to today…
Steve: ’ Might as well roll up a marzipan dick, at least it wouldn’t scar them for life.’
Unless they have an almond allergy!
‘It’s so reassuring to know that evolution is doing its level best to remove these nutters from the gene pool.’
Yeah BiS. Although we can adapt faster than just about anything, there are feedback loops that eliminate the idiots.
Of course I incline to the view that Western civilisation is also on a feedback loop to nowhere. Pretty standard view for a white haired old bloke, so at least something’s still normal.
Julia – 🙂
Lots of parallels between the AIDS scare and now, given how hard it was for Government and media to mitigate that episode of fear mongering I feel the current Covid is not going to go away quietly even if it is just another one of those low level things we have to deal with.
“Surgery isn’t good now. ”
Au contraire, the urologists I meet, and it’s a frighteningly large number (for professional reasons), assure me that nowadays the results are “visually indistinguishable from the real thing”. Externally at least.
Though what would a urologist know?
“I feel the current Covid is not going to go away quietly even if it is just another one of those low level things we have to deal with.”
It is staggering how every government seems to have thrown away several successive opportunities to pull back from the brink and end up with a sensible way out of this that works for everyone. These are Palestinian levels of opportunity-missing. Here in Germany Province of North Korea it feels like we are a couple of ministerial statements from the unclean being hunted through the streets.
And the latest data out of not Palestine is showing us the way. The coming winter will hopefully be much like every other one (because the alternative, where the tin foil hatters are right is unthinkable) with largely old people dying of respiratory infections in similar proportions to the recent past. The unclean will be blamed despite mounting evidence that the virtuous are just as much carriers of disease.
There will still be no widespread resistance until the first booster becomes invalid and people are forced to have a second and third booster. Biggest unknowable is how many unclean will have been removed to places of safety, perhaps “Hygieneanstalt”, for their own protection of course.
” the results are “visually indistinguishable from the real thing”.
Yeah right. There’s a geezer I know ( let’s say professionally) looks like a drop dead gorgeous 25 year old wonan. Big perfectly natural looking tits, a woman’s arse & hips. Kissable lips. Legs go on for ever. Comes in deep bronze decoratively tattooed. There are few men wouldn’t until they got to the dick hanging off the front. That’s a lot of expensive knife work.
I’ve also seen what that sort of thing looks like in its 40s when the skin & muscle tone holds it all together starts to slip. Not helped by the hormones it’s had pumped into it. Looks like a bloody horror story.
Indistinguishable from the real thing for how long?
Freudian of the week!