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He is a one, isn’t he?

Critics claim that the overhaul disproportionally benefits Western countries, while potentially hamstringing governments’ ability to set their own tax rates to entice international investment to their shores.

“The expected agreement would see rich OECD countries take the great bulk of new revenues, and would also sharply limit the freedom of others to set their tax rules and defend their tax bases,” said Alex Cobham, chief executive at the Tax Justice Network.

Now that there is an international agreement imposing tax rules he’s against an international agreement imposing tax rules.

Seems a bit strange having just spent two decades shouting for an international agreement imposing tax rules.

6 thoughts on “He is a one, isn’t he?”

  1. Biden can shove his tax agreement up his senile arse.The UK–given decent leadership- could sink the Senile’s scheme easily enough. Make UK a major tax haven and one putting up with no US Federal bullshit. And offer protection to loads of little tax havens for a modest fee each.

  2. “…while potentially hamstringing governments’ ability to set their own tax rates to entice international investment to their shores.”

    Wasn’t hamstringing the entire point?

  3. But how many “tax havens” have signed up to this deal?
    (I am mildly surprised that the above is in lower case, because *someone* ought to to shout it.)
    The agreement is blowing in the wind until they send gunboats to occupy all the tax havens – such as Delaware.

  4. Of course rich countries will gather the majority of the tax, they’re rich countries. 15% of oodles’n’oddles is more than 15% of half-a-shit. And this agreement is for a global *minimum*, so there nothing to stop poor countries having, eg, 250% tax rates so the absolute amount gathered is the same as 15% of RichCountry.

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