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The rhetoric needs to be a little better

There is discussion in newspapers today of MPs being fearful for their physical well-being. I think it profoundly unfortunate that they are. I also think that it is apparent that their safety must be ensured. Whilst safety can never be guaranteed it is apparent that more can be done to protect them. I think doing so would be wise.

But I want to add a discordant note. I do not in any way wish to undermine the significance of MPs’ fear. I wish to show no disrespect to the late Sir David Amess. But MPs are not the only people to know the reality of fear in the UK. Nor was his the only unnecessary, and so to be regretted, death on Friday.

The Treasury is reported to be trying to undermine planned green investment in the UK. There will be countless, especially younger people, who will be profoundly fearful as a result.

If your pensions are not spent according to my mad plan about windmills then this is exactly the same as an MP being stabbed to death while talking to his constituents.

Disagree and you’re a neoliberal!

41 thoughts on “The rhetoric needs to be a little better”

  1. Bloke in North Dorset

    I see its been reported that the police might attend MP’s surgeries. A 5′ nothing female police officer wearing rainbow laces and NHS lapel badge Vs crazed knifeman? If I was an MP I’d prefer to take my chances without them being there adding to the confusion and possible riling up people who are already frustrated enough with the system to want to see their MP.

  2. But if my pension was to be stolen by the windmillers so I’d die in the gutter, I’d be fearful of death myself.

  3. Of the six MPs murdered since The War four were murdered by Mr Biden’s little friends. A fifth was the warmonger Jo Cox.

    As for Steve’s cruel remark: unfortunately it’s perfectly reasonable. But the pass was sold long ago.

  4. “There will be countless, especially younger people, who will be profoundly fearful as a result.”

    Because of the apocalyptic nonsense spouted by fuckwits like Spud.

  5. The dozy fools think that they can ban drilling for oil and gas and ban mining for coal without consequences. There seems to be a fair chance that the energy shortage chickens will come home to roost this winter. Will people know who is to blame or will they just put the blame on Brexit?

  6. Dearieme- I don’t mean to be cruel, but life often is. Apparently the departed legislator was “welcoming” and “supportive” of “refugees”. (Aren’t they all?)

    Weel, he kens noo.

    Reciprocity demands we treat this with the same seriousness MP’s and Sadiq Khan treat rape gangs or mohammedjihad events when the general public are victims – shrug our shoulders and quickly change the subject. Part and parcel, innit?

  7. “Apparently the departed legislator was “welcoming” and “supportive” of “refugees”.”

    “The Stranger within my gate,
    He may be true or kind,
    But he does not talk my talk–
    I cannot feel his mind.
    I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
    But not the soul behind.


    The Stranger within my gates,
    He may be evil or good,
    But I cannot tell what powers control–
    What reasons sway his mood;
    Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
    Shall repossess his blood.”

    Rudyard Kipling – The Stranger

  8. As Steve says, why should the British Establishment be protected from the consequences of their actions while the British people are expected to meekly accept the abuse, beatings, robberies, rapes and murders inflicted on them by third-world imports?

    Let them take their chances like everyone else.

  9. If I we’re organizing Amess’ funeral, I’d tap Ritchie to give the eulogy.

    “Go on, tell them what you told me earlier.”

    What a twat.

  10. Islam has been pulling this shit for 14 centuries. Despite 14 centuries worth of evidence about Islam and warnings by politicians such as Gladstone and Churchill in the 19th century, today’s politician think they know better. I doubt anything will be done until politicians are routinely murdered by Muslims(not that I advocate such a thing) as they seem unconcerned about the general public being murdered and the mass rape of children by “the religion of peace”
    Meanwhile wtf is the potato going on about – that everybody should be free of fear? Personally every time I cycle I’m fearful of being knocked over by an unobservant or careless driver or some wally walking into the road engrossed in his/her mobile phone. Should I ask for police protection ?Meanwhile the potato has nothing to fear as Pork is haram to muslims

  11. @ Steve
    The “suspect” is not a refugee – he is a “British national” of Somali descent, whose father was an adviser to the Somali government , when they had one.
    Genuine refugees fleeing jihadists are not a danger.

  12. Andrew C,

    “But he does not talk my talk–
    I cannot feel his mind.”

    This is why I want controlled immigration. You meet the Indians and Pakistanis who work in computing who come here, they fit in fine. They’re middle class and nominally religious, in the same way that most British people are nominally Christian and don’t take it too seriously.

    It’s like the whole thing about refugees. That worked at a time when transport was expensive. So, the asylum seekers were the diplomats, the business people. Not some random guy from Afghanistan with 8 kids.

  13. If people like Murphy and Carrie and the whole Grauniad crew spent less time stirring up hatred against who disagreed with their politics and “social” (but usually anti-social) views, MPs and others would be in less danger!

  14. “@Stonyground You already know the answer… It’ll be Brexit or Climate Change…”

    Well climate change is to blame, just not in the way that people think. Futile attempts to control the weather are the reason for the insane energy policies.

  15. John77 – The “suspect” is not a refugee – he is a “British national” of Somali descent, whose father was an adviser to the Somali government , when they had one.

    Not trying to be rude, but I don’t give a fuck about which administrative excuse this particular retarded ruminant bother used to be here. He should never have been here, and MP’s are to blame for importing the Third World while congratulating themselves on their virtue.

    Genuine refugees fleeing jihadists are not a danger.</b

    There are no "genuine" refugees, and every single one of them is a danger.

  16. “Reciprocity demands we treat this with the same seriousness MP’s and Sadiq Khan treat rape gangs or mohammedjihad events when the general public are victims – shrug our shoulders and quickly change the subject. Part and parcel, innit?”

    “As Steve says, why should the British Establishment be protected from the consequences of their actions while the British people are expected to meekly accept the abuse, beatings, robberies, rapes and murders inflicted on them by third-world imports?

    Let them take their chances like everyone else.”

    Steve and Jonathan win the thread easily. MP shite imported these jihadi mugs–let the grandees take their chances with the rest of us.

  17. ‘There are no “genuine” refugees’: more accurately, almost no “refugee” can reach Britain without passing through a different refuge first. So that means they are not refugees by the time they reach us. They are just shopping for a better welfare state.

  18. Steve,
    I am sure that you don’t have to *try* to be rude: it comes naturally.
    It is not clear but the natural inference to be drawn from the report is that the killer was born here.
    Having met genuine refugees, I can state with the utmost certitude that you are talking utter nonsense.

  19. Bloke in North Korea (Germany province)

    “Genuine refugees fleeing jihadists are not a danger.”

    And you can separate them from the jihadists hiding among the chancers, oops, sorry, refugees?

  20. I think the point still stands – to what advantage is it to the average Briton that we roll out the red carpet and accept any and all who want to come here?
    The typical Establishment types get to virtue signal whilst everyone else suffers the downside.
    We are a small(ish) island off the coast of Europe. Where are all these terribly desperate refugees escaping from? I know the French smell a bit…

  21. I hope someone does an analysis of this in 20 years time:
    a)Sunnis who came via legal routes
    b)Sunnis who came illegally
    And works out which group is more likely to end up in jail.
    I’m betting on a) because government is so completely schit at working out who should be in this country that those who come in on dinghys, avoid the Border Force, and get work in the black economy and keep their heads down are more likely to be better sorts.

  22. @ BlokeinBrum
    I never said that we roll out the red carpet to anyone – nobody smuggled on a boat or lorry from France/Belgium qualifies as “fleeing from imminent danger”, unlike an Afghan interpreter for British forces or a 1930s German Jew.
    Historically England has massively benefited from refugees.

  23. Genuine refugees fleeing jihadists are not a danger.

    Well, quite.

    It’s like Britain has opened its doors to hundreds of thousands of Brown Shirt ‘refugees’ following the Night of the Long Knives.

    Let them stay where they are and kill each other there.

  24. “…or a 1930s German Jew.
    Historically England has massively benefited from refugees.”

    Yes. We’ve been here before, haven’t we? Most of the Jews didn’t come in the 30s. The main period of Jewish immigration was around the turn of the century. When thee UK got immigration from E.Europe. Some via Germany. Some direct from Russia, Poland etc. Benefitted. Depends who you think benefited. People from the East End of London got displaced didn’t. TIt produced the Siege of Sydney Street amongst other incidents. Because it brought a lot of political dissidents. Anarchists were a particular flavour. Socialists of the Marxist persuasion another. Some of who were Jewish. Generally they were a pain in the arse. And of course people weren’t that particular in differentiating who was who. Why, despite history being thoroughly painted over, Mosley was actually quite popular in the East End. Cable Street is as much myth as anything else.

  25. “Genuine refugees fleeing jihadists are not a danger.”

    Like Khairi Saadallah who claimed to be a refugee fleeing from Islamists in Libya and completely non-dangerously murdered 3 men in a Reading park?

  26. The “suspect” is not a refugee – he is a “British national” of Somali descent, whose father was an adviser to the Somali government , when they had one.

    Seems an odd thing to get snotty about, really.

    Maybe “genuine refugees” are not personally a danger, but if their British-born children stab MPs, blow up tube trains full of people or serially gang rape vulnerable girls in towns all across the country, then “genuine refugees” still constitute a danger.

    It’s the mass importation of Muslims by whatever means, and the encouragement of the continuance of their culture domestically, that is dangerous to us. Existentially so. Our establishment elites have foisted this upon us, so it’s only fair if they directly suffer the consequences now and again.

    Steve appeared quite polite to me. It’s not as if he called you naïve, pedantic wanker or something.

  27. Genuine refugees fleeing jihadists are not a danger.

    Sure, because there’s only about half a dozen of the fuckers a year.

    This problem isn’t ‘refugees’ or ‘immigrants’ in general (although they may cause other problems), but Muslims. Doesn’t matter where they come from, or what colour they are, Muslims cause trouble, from mass child rape to offing people with a bow and arrow. What diversity, huh?

    Almost every Muslim-majority nation on the planet is a dump, where religious minorities face oppression and often murder. Every nation with more than a tiny handful of Muslims is troubled by that minority.

  28. @john77: ’ It is not clear but the natural inference to be drawn from the report is that the killer was born here.’

    Have you read a bit more now about the circumstances of his being here, his father’s possession of a council house, his father’s Twitter account (and his views on Jews) and do you still feel the same as you did when you posted earlier?

  29. @ JuliaM
    I haven’t yet seen all that stuff, but if he grew up in a British council house with an anti-semitic father then it is even more unreasonable to say that he is representative of newly-arrived-refugees.
    I shall seek out some of the information to which you refer.

  30. @ bis
    Both parents of my best friend at school came here in the 1930s from Germany – he was Jewish, she was a Christian of Jewish descent. The father of one of our friends was a Pole who fought for the Polish Air Force in 1939 and then for the RAF in the Battle of Britain – persona non grata to the post-war communist government because he fought against Stalin and Stalin’s allies (but by then he had married a Wren with a Cambridge degree, so he took a job with ICI).
    I have met quite a few ex-German Jews who came over in the 30s and/or their sons while working as an Investment Analyst and know that they have made significant useful contributions to the UK [I am not talking about Warburg etc who just made money, but technical advances such as anti-thrombosis socks and better hospital beds}.

  31. @ MC
    Check what you *think* is your data with Barnabas Fund or someone else who is reliable and objective: there are thousands of Christians persecuted by Muslims (or, in Burma, by Buddhists where Buddhism and non-violence are synonomous) so badly that they have to flee from their villages and the few that flee to Britain is more than half-a-dozen a year.

  32. @ PJF
    He said that there are no genuine refugees
    German Jews, Polish Air Force pilots in the Battle of Britain who could never go home to see their parents, Congolese airlifted out hours before the “other side”‘s “army” (thugs/militia) invaded their town, Christians/Yazidis in regions invaded by ISIS, non-political Kurds in eastern Turkey where the PKK is waging a guerilla against the Turkish state and they get attacked from both sides …
    To call these people fake is not just rude: it is worse.

  33. @John77

    They are not refugees if they have arrived here from a ‘safe’ country (Turkey, France, Italy, wherever). They are obliged to seek refugee status in that safe country, and are no longer refugees if they travel from there to another safe country (ie UK). That is the law by which the UK is bound.

  34. @ JuliaM
    The first stories I find claim that he was born in the UK and worked for the beloved NHS and lived in north London on the same street as a number of actors (so he may have resented how poor he was compared to his neighbours).
    A NHS employee, a neighbour of Labour “luvvies” murdering a Conservative MP who first got elected in a Thatcher landslide … that sounds totally believable.
    Connection with refugees – NIL (except in the imagination of the Daily Wail).

  35. @ snag
    I’ve said that dozens of times!
    AND that France is allegedly safe.
    The genuine refugees should not be blamed for the tossers in Calais.

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