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This is not, in fact, satire

A transgender woman with a deep voice, a square jaw and a penis that you do not want to have sex with is not a man. She is a woman that you don’t find attractive.’

No, really, this is from a pro-trans open letter…..

28 thoughts on “This is not, in fact, satire”

  1. I struggled understanding who was what with all this ‘Trans’ this and ‘Trans’ that stuff.
    I mean, is it a bloke who was born a bloke but thinks they’re a woman, a bird who was born a woman but thinks they’re a bloke, someone who doesn’t have a clue but likes dressing up as farmyard animals?
    Then it hit me:
    Trans man = not a man.
    Trans women = not a woman.

  2. It’s amazing the number of “trans women” who still want to have sex with women. It’s as if nothings changed in their sexuality.

  3. Yep the I’m trans but gay thing still puzzles me, shouldn’t they just cancel each other out.
    I saw they have made a tv series of the graphic novel Y:the last man and in the description it says one ‘remaining cisgender man’ so I suspect it’s been thoroughly wokified which is a shame as I enjoyed the original graphic novel

  4. A Trump or Farage supporter who believes in small government and secure borders is not a a fascist. He is a normie that you happen to disagree with.

    Lemme guess, they’ll make an exception in that case. ^

  5. A verb is transitive when it has an object. I had assumed that a man becomes trans when he has his object cut off. But it’s all insanity so it’s futile to try to make sense of it.

  6. “and in the description it says one ‘remaining cisgender man’ so I suspect it’s been thoroughly wokified which is a shame as I enjoyed the original graphic novel”
    They didn’t go totally bonkers. Trans women still all died becaues of their Y chromosome. Trans men are still no use for future plans because of the lack of testicles. All wrapped up in a bit of sheepish explication so as not to offend the nutters too much.

  7. Dennis, Correct And Therefore Hateful

    ‘A transgender woman with a deep voice, a square jaw and a penis that you do not want to have sex with is not a man. She is a woman that you don’t find attractive.’

    Nope. Women don’t have trouser snakes. Men do. No exceptions.

    However, to repeatedly insist that these attributes mean that the transgender woman is in fact a male is an act of transphobia, because in the UK she is recognised as a woman.

    Note that the appeal here isn’t to science, it’s to legality. Somehow I doubt that if the UK decided next week that transsexuals would be defined legally as farm animals, the writer would not be nearly as keen to acknowledge the UK’s legal recognition as fact.

    You do not have to be attracted to transgender people, finding us unattractive is fine, but to believe that we fundamentally are not and cannot ever be our legally recognised gender is both transphobic and factually incorrect.

    Acknowledging reality as reality is neither hateful nor factually incorrect.

    The above cited woman also notes she would feel the same if the transgender woman in question had lower surgery. So, she would still feel that a transgender woman is a man, even if said woman had a vagina rather than a penis.

    Note that “lower surgery” actually means – in the real world – a male electing to be surgically mutilated. Also note that in the real world, there is no such thing as a surgically created vagina. There is a plastic surgery used to create the approximation of a vagina. There is a difference, and the difference is important.

  8. The old male joke about being a lesbian trapped in a man’s body seems to have been brought to life by these transvestites.

  9. I’m pretty sure that a pathologist examining a dead body would note the square jaw and especially the penis and opine that it was definitely a male.

  10. Note that the appeal here isn’t to science, it’s to legality.

    It is also, unsurprisingly, almost completely inaccurate. A trans-whatever with a gender recognition certificate is legally the incorrect sex (note terminology). However, you have to make some effort over a period of time to get a GRC. Hence why they want to move to self-importance (sorry, was that ‘identification’?)

    Very few trans identifying individuals have a GRC.

  11. You can acknowledge that someone of the same sex is attractive but doesn’t mean you have lustful feelings or want a physical relationship with them

  12. None of the crazy crap would ever have got the least publicity had trannies not been willing for the scum of socialism to use them as cannon fodder. In a new ploy to undermine and destroy western society.

    I don’t care if some mug wants to waste his life pretending to be a woman. It isn’t a problem since most of them look like Desperate Dan in drag anyway.

    But if they are willing to serve as agents of socialist ruin –then severe action is needed against them. The creatures need their delusions beaten out of them. Not because they are deluded-but because those delusions are now weaponised to serve socialist evil.

  13. Trans-alpine Gaul is that part of Gaul you get to after you’ve left the Alps behind and are no longer in the Alps.
    Transylvania is that part of Romania you get to when you’ve left the forests behind and are no longer in the forests.
    Trans-humanism is where you get to when you have left being human behind and progressed onto something not-human.
    So, I understand now. Trans-woman is a person who has left “woman” behind and progressed onwards to something that is not-woman.

  14. Bloke in North Korea (Germany province)

    How about we reclassify the bogs to save everyone trouble:

    Bog for people with penises
    Bog for people with vaginas

  15. ‘… and a penis that you do not want to have sex with is not a man…’

    I’m confused: it’s not clear – is it the penis you don’t want to have sex with, or the thing to which it is attached?

  16. Does this mean lesbians can no longer get offended if a…woman with a penis tries to persuade them into sex?

  17. I’d ignore it quite frankly. The first sentence has the date wrong. 26th October 2022 would be in a years time. So they are either time travelling or just incompetent. Which means the rest is nonsense as well.

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