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Explaining The Guardian

The Guardian editorial: how does a newspaper decide what it thinks?
Our chief leader writer compares today’s team with a golden period of leader writing in the run-up to the first world war

The reason it’s so shit today is that we’ve got a modern history graduate writing our economic editorials.

Not that they actually say that but then as with all editorials getting to the point isn’t the point.

16 thoughts on “Explaining The Guardian”

  1. Today, the Guardian is, of course, a very different paper. Its leader writers are no longer all white men and many have immigrant heritage. They are not all, as in Scott’s day, Oxford graduates in classics. A small group of leader writers meets and discusses the big issues of the day. Once a line is agreed on a subject, correspondents are consulted and once the article is written it is checked to ensure that the view expressed is one the paper would be comfortable with. Finally the editor-in-chief, or the deputy editor, gives the column the green light.

    So.. The Editorial gets written by Committee.. Results are as can be expected.

  2. Bloke in North Dorset

    Finally the editor-in-chief, or the deputy editor, gives the column the green light.

    I thought that was the staff, or is that only for Trans columns?

  3. Grikath, as my great grandfather often used to say “if Moses was a committee, the Jews would still be in Egypt.”

  4. We just shout into the bleeding-heart echo-chamber, and try to write what comes bouncing back at us. Now that it’s a committee rather than an individual we hear the same old shite, except that it’s often more garbled.

  5. Philip.. Do you know of any major news outlet that lets fact-facts interfere with the Narrative?

    The Guardian is one of the worst, but still..

  6. There are historians who write for the Guardian, such as the former Regius professor Richard J Evans but, everytime I read something by him I wonder what happened to his mind? He is full of woke bullshit and intetsectionality. I reckon the current mob did gender or media studies. A degree in journalism surely trumps any other qualification for writing Guardian editorials

  7. I think that some of the green eco-shite against open coal fires is because the Guardian isn’t even any good for lighting them ….

  8. The Editorial gets written by Committee

    But who does the actual writing? Or do they have an app like the artybollocks generator that does the grunt work?

  9. “A degree in journalism surely trumps any other qualification for writing [for the] Guardian”

    Surely the sole qualification is proof you’ve failed any literacy and numeracy test.

  10. The Guardian editorial: how does a newspaper decide what it thinks?

    It waits for the phone call from Bill Gates’ under-valet.

  11. It is not just the leader writers. The so-called economics editor, Larry Eliot, also read history. He routinely displays his ignorance to such a degree that the Guardian rarely permits comments on his articles. Not surprisingly, this clown is also a supporter of brexit.

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