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Jeez, they’re still trying this argument, are they?

So, what fun:

Republican Glenn Youngkin wins Virginia governor’s race in blow to Biden

But it’s this:

Youngkin made false claims that critical race theory – an analytic framework through which academics examine the ways that racial disparities are reproduced by the law – is rampant in the state’s education system (in fact it is not taught).

No one is actually suggesting that the postgradute intricacies of CRT are taught to four year olds in kindergarten.

There is a thought that the CRT idea is rather strong in how the teachers are taught to teach and consider race. Something that may or may not be true of course but it’s also the thing which is carefully not being denied.

17 thoughts on “Jeez, they’re still trying this argument, are they?”

  1. “critical race theory – an analytic framework through which academics examine the ways that racial disparities are reproduced by the law”

    Really? It’s an ‘analytic framework’ used by ‘academics’ to ‘examine’ the law.

    Oh, that’s OK then.

  2. “Manisha Singh, 48, an analyst, said: “It’s extremely disappointing. I can’t imagine all the lies that were spread to influence voters. I was knocking on doors and people were saying take the porn out of public schools, which is a lie. They were just repeating what they had seen on Fox News.””

    The thing about lies is whether people believe them or not. There’s so much Clownworld trannydom that would have been unbelievable 20 years ago that when you hear something about schools, you have to wonder.

  3. Youngkin made false claims

    In hindsight the “news” has always been full of lying liars who lie, but they’ve either lost the ability to do it smoothly and convincingly due to shrill, incompetent Millennials entering the workforce, or they just don’t care anymore, or both.

    Anyway, idk if this election means much, the 2020 fraud – carried out in real time and broadcast to the entire planet with absolutely zero consequences for the fraudsters but plenty of consequences for people who pointed out the fraud – certainly didn’t. The US is a massively corrupt oligopoly whose politicians are bought and sold, by people hostile to actual Americans, at every level.

    They’re not going to be allowed to vote their way out of what their betters have planned for them. But hopefully there’s a peaceful alternative.

  4. At least they mentioned CRT which people could look up if they wished. RTE (Irish Pravda) had this to say :

    “He turned the conversation instead to local “culture war” issues such as abortion, mask mandates and the teaching of the US’s racial history.”

  5. @Steve The US is a massively corrupt oligopoly whose politicians are bought and sold, by people hostile to actual Americans, at every level.

    Yep, and we are heading in exactly the same direction.

    But hopefully there’s a peaceful alternative.

    I no longer believe there is. Every Western government and every big business is 100% aligned on the green madness and have every intention of imposing it on the proles, regardless of which way they vote. Europe is well behind on the intersectional/anti-white/tranny madness but we’re going to get there, because it’s what the 1% want – divide and rule policies, devoid of logic, original sin with no hope of salvation.

    Perhaps eventually people will be cold enough that warming themselves with a burning mansion or parliament building seems like a good idea.

  6. @Pat

    Virginia has elected a black, female lieutenant governor and a hispanic attorney general. MSNBC, CNN, etc. identify them as racist, hetero, nazi, TERF, rural, white, cis, male skinheads; since republicans cannot ever be, intersectionally, minorities.

  7. Ah, but Greenie, isn’t it racist to elect the WRONG minorities?

    I think what the election really shows is that people get sick of both parties and politicians in general, so keep throwing them out and then electing them back in when they get sick of the other party. Meanwhile, like dogs, politicians keeping wanting to mark their territory leaving big stinking messes behind – errr, excuse me, I meant their legacies.

    As the parties have become more ideologically consistent (presumably Manchin is the last of the Blue Dog Dems), every time there is a change with a 51 to 49 vote the party taking over wants to transform society. Meanwhile, we all careen from one side to the other and have to make our plans to protect ourselves accordingly.

  8. I myself (regrettably) have a master’s degree in a subject which required extensive reading of CRT textbooks. I don’t have to “trust” a news network to know what this discipline is all about.

    When the Left says “CRT isn’t being taught in elementary schools,” even they know that they are lying.

    Think of it this way…in, say, 1925 in Alabama, racism was outward and open. Politicians and many in society were proud to say that they wanted non-white citizens to be physically separated from the rest of the population, and in fact treated African-Americans as second-class citizens with a different application of law enforcement. This was a time when a black man could be lynched simply for looking at a white woman.

    Fast forward to the 1970s, and landlords in New York City were secretly keeping black renters out of certain apartment buildings. In the 1980s, the U.S. was implementing stricter penalties for crack than for cocaine. Today, it’s gotten to the point where even treating black Americans equally to white Americans is considered racist. In other words, the Left is now more than willing to claim that racism can be “coded in language” and make other abstract claims that the most inane behavior can be considered hateful. In fact, just last night as Glenn Youngkin (R) defeated Terry McAuliffe in Virginia, an MSNBC reporter stated that voters who care about education are using code for their “racism.”

    SO, it’s not a huge stretch to say that elementary school teachers are enforcing CRT ideology, without outwardly calling it “CRT.” When a six-year-old girl in Loudon County comes home from school and asks her mother if she’s “evil” for being born white, that tells you that CRT is being taught at this grade level. If that isn’t CRT, then I don’t know what is.

  9. @dearieme
    Can anyone explain to me, please, how the Dems managed to fail to steal this election?

    If it is too blatant, TPTB will be forced to do something. That would lead to awkward questions about 2020. TPTB on both sides really, really don’t want to go there.

    However, watch the New Jersey governor’s race closely.

  10. Dearieme – I reckon the short answer is TPTB are truly bipartisan. After all, the Dems didn’t steal the 2020 election all by themselves.

  11. No one is actually suggesting that the postgradute intricacies of CRT are taught to four year olds in kindergarten.

    There is a thought that the CRT idea is rather strong in how the teachers are taught to teach and consider race. Something that may or may not be true of course but it’s also the thing which is carefully not being denied.

    But that doesn’t matter. What matters is the people who opposes them *called* it CRT – and its not CRT. So that’s a chink in the wall that can be exploited to obfuscate what is actually going on in order to buy time to strengthen their position.

    And you know what? There’s a ton of people who really do think that ‘they’re not teaching racism, they’re teaching the true history’.

    The country is full of useful idiots.

    FFS, Reason Magazine posted an article about how the Loudin county sexual assault wasn’t really about transgender accomodations because, like, the boy was gender-queer, not trangender and so its all a right-wing freak-out over nothing. As if that detail makes a difference.

  12. Follow up to my post of November 3, 2021 at 1:07pm:

    USA Today managed to leave both Republican winners in Virginia out of an article the wrote talking about “candidates of color” who made history on Tuesday night. All of the people mentioned were Democrats.

    Way to go unbiased media!

  13. All of this madness will eventually end. History tells us that. It’s just a matter of when, and not if.

    The side that encroaches upon freedom always loses in the end. The side that tries to separate society into the worthy and unworthy always loses. The side that creates litmus tests for acceptance and threatens to take your livelihood away from you always loses. That’s what happened with Nazism, with social darwinism, with McCarthyism and many other fads. Regardless of whether or not your cause is noble, if you create an environment that makes people live in fear, they will one day triumph over you. If they don’t, they will leave and move to a better environment so that you can stay left behind and watch your dictatorship descend into misery.

    The worry is not whether the West will ever wake up to the insanity of CRT and its effects, and we’ll just learn to get along with each other. Even moderate democrats are sick of the hateful “progressives” at this stage. The true worry is rather how much worse things will have to get before we get to that point.

    If it’s true that we have to go through a civil war or some other kind of hell to resolve all of this, then my only hope is that we go through it as quickly as possible so we can get to the light on the other side.

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