That indigenes where wipipo have gone should be allowed to complain about the wipipo going there seems to be a standard part of the modern morality tale.
That indigenes who are wipipo should not be allowed to complain about the non-wipipo going to indigene wipipo areas seems to be a standard part of the modern morality tale.
Careful, you’re in danger of starting to notice things….
I think you will find that certain groups will not accept that wipipo are indigenous anywhere. All those preserved bog bodies are black, you know.
Have you really only just noticed this?
There’s no such thing as indigenous Brits. We’re all a mongrel race made up of Celts, Romans, Angles, Saxons, Vikings, Normans, Huguenots, Jews, East Indians, West Indians, and so on. The Guardian told me so.
But if you notice that Africa has lots of different races who don’t get along and violently conquer each other’s territory, then that’s racist because reasons.
I’m always amused by the PC term “First nation” in USA and Canada when they really mean “The previous bunch of ethnic-cleansing genocidal maniacs before the current lot”
Coder Tim: Were I in New Zealand, I’d be strongly inclined to refer to the Maori as the “Second Nation“. (I don’t think they use that terminology over there though, because… well, they know.)
Sam: That’s assuming the lot wiped out by the Maori hadn’t arrived earlier, wiping out the ones before them, who had arrived earlier, wiping out an even earlier lot, who had arrived…
It’s turtles, all the way down.
First Nations is widely used in Canada, or at least by Canadian media, but I’ve never heard it used in the States. But those Canadians are much more politically correct. In the States you’ll often hear Native American used, but I’ve heard Indians I know refer to themselves as Indians. Nearby the local performing arts venue (really quite a nice one) has a sign up from one of the contributors noting that it is from the local Indian tribe (casino money).
Tim. Didn’t the Maori wipe out the Chatham Islanders?
In short, a Somali who rocked up in the UK last March is as British as Earl Spencer, but a Boer whose family has lived in Africa for three hundred years remains an racist interloper forever.
Exactly Snag!!
Indeed a white American whose family has lived in the US for 400 odd years is still a racist interloper, but a black American whose family has lived in the US for 400 odd years is really sorta indigenous. Compared to the white bloke anyway.
Think there’s a bit of a fuss in Quebec because they reckon the Mohawks there came with them when they settled the St Lawrence Valley but the Mohawks claim the previous group there were related to them anyway so it’s still traditional.
I was watching a vid by the commenter Styxhexenhammer a while back. He made the point that white Americans should be considered indigenous to some parts of the country, since the injuns weren’t using the land anyway.
“ In short, a Somali who rocked up in the UK last March is as British as Earl Spencer, but a Boer whose family has lived in Africa for three hundred years remains an racist interloper forever.”
When I worked is SA for a bunch of guys who’d been quite senior in the MK they didn’t have a problem with Afrikaaners but they di with whites of British descent. Their argument was that Afrikaaners only had nominal ties to the Netherlands and they didn’t have Dutch passports. A lot of the whites of a British descent still talked of their links and had maintained passports and citizenship.
When I was in Zimbabwe in 1980 many of the older whites still referred to UK as home even though some had never been there.
“We’re all a mongrel race made up of Celts, Romans, Angles, Saxons, Vikings, Normans, Huguenots, Jews, East Indians, West Indians, and so on. ”
The celts arrived circa 900 bc, long after stonehenge fell out of use circa 1500 bc. DNA studies suggest that the celts were more a cultural thing and just married in, same with the rest. So there is a link from us to the original inhabitants of these isles.
This is just the cultural genocide that people like the guardian are involved with.
We colonised them.
Now they are coming here to colonise us.
But no/one will call it that in polite society.
@ Steve T
The modern fashion is to regards Celts as a culture rather than a race – Celts in different parts of Europe in the centuries before most of them were conquered by the Romans shared a culture without being blood relations.