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Word salad

Irrational markets are maintaining the exuberance that is preventing some from questioning the credibility of populist governments. It will not last. It’s a threat to democracy whilst it does. Greed conquers all, and right now good governance is amongst those things which it overcomes.

What the Hell does that mean? Other than, of course, “I disagree with reality”.

10 thoughts on “Word salad”

  1. Since what I want will make people a lot poorer, the bastards are voting for those populist swine instead?

    But eventually I’ll get control and then I’ll screw ’em!!!! Heh, heh, heh.

  2. The translation as such is as follows:

    ‘Irrational Markets are maintaining the exuberance that is preventing some from questioning the credibility of populist governments’

    We should be in a recession at the moment and the fact we are not is due to artificial stimulus from Private people outside of state control and therefore with malign motivations that I cannot control. This means I am not receiving the recognition or financial reward which my elevated knowledge and wisdom should award to me if the state were in control. Any government pursuing policies which I disagree with is ‘populist’ and a threat to real democracy.

    It will not last. It’s a threat to democracy whilst it does. Greed conquers all, and right now good governance is amongst those things which it overcomes.

    My wisdom is such that any opposition to it is automatically wrong and will not endure. Democracy is agreement with me. I am the way, the light and the resurrections. Whomsoever believeth in me that man surely shall not die. A fair summation given the unique level of economic, financial and political understanding which I bring to Global politics. Good Governance involves the state being in control of all individual activity. Failure to recognize this will lead to the destruction of life on earth.

  3. People are happy with the benefits of free markets, and support governments that maintain them. This must end and government by pompous little twats must prevail.

    The universe contains everything, and right now flamingos and milk bottle tops are amongst those things it encompasses.

  4. In fairness I do also think the exuberance in financial markets is irrational but his observation being in that limited sense correct is along the lines of a blind squirrel stumbling across the odd acorn.

  5. Blojob J WAS “populist” in Dec19. Didn’t take long for the evil little twats true colours–blue-rinsed red–to emerge. Johnson now only has support of 1/3 population who are cowardly virus/vax mugs. The rest see him for the scum he is even if they lack the balls and imagination to bring him down.

  6. Murphy’s prose is in general about as impenetrable as his ludicrous Mind Maps.

    I do, however, admit to missing his “Venn Diagrams for our times”

  7. “Greed conquers all”

    That’s a startling insight from Lord Spudcup. Yes, greed does conquer all, which is why all progress results from co-opting that greed.

    Want people to stop using coal and switch to gas? Make using coal more expensive than using gas, greed will give you the solution you seek.

    Note: *DO NOT* /ban/ coal. That will just create a black market. If you want smoke-free air, make people pay to emit smoke. Do not ban heating your home, do not ban fireplaces, do not ban using coal, just make the emmission of smoke more expensive and raw human greed will propel people to seek out methods of heating their homes that does not emit smoke.

  8. So Murphy thinks that everyone should disbelieve in the existence of governments that he terms “populist”. Jair Bolsonaro should be disregarded as a figment of someone else’s imagination, Trump was a myth, Orban is a bogeyman conjured up by left-wing mothers toscare children into cleaning their teeth ….

  9. “BraveFart

    I do, however, admit to missing his “Venn Diagrams for our times””

    Spud also seems to have quietly given up on his tedious YouTube series. There hasn’t been a new one for 2 months now. Given that his last 5 had a maximum 560 odd views, whilst a goat on a skateboard picked up 75,000 views (I just googled something unlikely, knowing there would be a YouTube video) it’s not surprising. In one sense it’s disappointing. If he’s making videos no-one is watching, at least he’d not doing something else more harmful.

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