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One of those irregular verbs

Stonewall’s move comes after EHRC left the charity’s “Diversity Champions” programme, one of a number of high-profile organisations to do so in the last year.

However, the group says its complaint has nothing to do with that, but rather because EHRC has become allegedly too politicised.

We are right, you are political – presumably the trio is that they are fascists?

3 thoughts on “One of those irregular verbs”

  1. Stonewall’s complaint is being backed by the Good Law Project, a campaigning organisation known for launching numerous judicial review actions against the Government.

    But best known for paying the Phantom Fox-batterer of Old London Town to indulge his loathing of women who dare to have opinions on social media. (Either sense of the last part of that sentence works.)

  2. And thus the Fanatics Activists continue to tear themselves apart.

    The thing I’ve always wondered is why Stonewall even still exists in “Think of the Children” Britain.
    After all, their arguments for allowing physical mutilation of even pre-teens are the same as those traditionally used by the “Paedo Lobby” of old. And those peeps, along with their arguments, are quite Verboten in the UK.

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