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Actual tax lawyer vs Spud

Dan Neidle
If your domicile is outside the UK then you are a non-dom. That either is or isn’t the case – it’s not a choice.


The first thing to note about non-domiciled status is that it is given to no one if they do not apply for it. In that case the implication in Ms Murthy’s statement that she has to be treated as non-domiciled is simply wrong: she is only non-domiciled because she asked to be so.

3 thoughts on “Actual tax lawyer vs Spud”

  1. Unless the starry-eyed Helen is a piss-take, from her last sentence she is looking handily poised to take over lubrication of the Prof’s rear end from the Pilgrim.

    Helen Heenan says:
    April 7 2022 at 2:33 pm
    As long as you continue to post the threads on this blog Richard, then it clearly makes sense to post first on Twitter. Having just looked at the twitter thread for this topic, there is much discussion about the rights and wrongs of “non-dom” but buried in the responses there is much misinformation and misunderstanding of the facts, that inevitably, given the numbers of responses, don’t always get corrected or addressed in the same way as they do here on the blog. For this last reason, I will always favour the blog, as I know that opposing views will always be addressed.

  2. Given Spud’s propensity for blocking, the oleaginous Helen’s last word should be “suppressed”.

  3. HMRC have been able for about 5 years to override common law status of non-domiciled on the basis of continued residence. It is much harder to claim non-Dom status. And if you do claim remittance status, then you are still liable to pay 30k or 60k, depending on length of residence

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