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Ah, so it is actually true then?

Midwifery students are being taught how to help men give birth in a textbook that experts have warned is rife with anatomical fiction.

Edinburgh Napier University told training midwives that they may be caring for a “birthing person” who has male genitalia and a prostate gland, in a bid to support transgender people.

A module guide on how to provide safe care in childbirth told students: “It is important to note that while most times the birthing person will have female genitalia, you may be caring for a pregnant or birthing person who is transitioning from male to female and may still have external male genitalia.

“You need to be familiar with the catheterisation procedure for both female and male anatomy. For this reason, where appropriate, this book refers to the birthing person.”

The guide, obtained by The Telegraph, explained the “male anatomy catheterisation” procedure during birth, commonly used during caesarean section to drain excess fluids, along with diagrams on “ensuring the scrotal area is covered”.

This was all being pooh poohed only yesterday as an invention by extremists.

Perhaps not.

That someone we’re told to refer to as a man – Freddie from The G – gives birth is one thing, but a physical man doing so, how confused do these people need to be?

12 thoughts on “Ah, so it is actually true then?”

  1. All cultures have their fantasies. For some it’s that their king is a god, for others it’s that tractor production is as scheduled. For us it appears that it’s wishful thinking beats anything else. All come crashing down in flames when reality hits back. Which it will do.

  2. Can this be topped for utter insanity? Well, give it a few months.

    A gift to local Tory campaigns, though. ‘The leader of the opposition can’t define a woman, and look what this leads to!’

  3. a birthing person who is transitioning from male to female and may still have external male genitalia

    Whilst we “might” debate if this is biologically possible, I think that we can all agree that in this situation a caesarean section would be a wise precaution.

  4. A gift to local Tory campaigns, though. ‘The leader of the opposition can’t define a woman, and look what this leads to!’

    You might think so. What will actually happen is that all the local Tory campaigns will see a double-sized open goal with a big “Kick it here!” sign in 10′ neon letters, and still manage to completely fuck it up.

    There should be a political equivalent of the “Bet you can’t guess what happens next!” feature from Question of Sport from back when it used to be amusing. It’s useless to try to shame the shameless, but at least we could all laugh at their incompetence.

  5. It’d be interesting to see if any of the students walk out or simply refuse to partake in this fiction. I’d certainly be interested to see if this has come to the attention of ‘Women won’t Weesht’ or other ‘TERF’ groups up in Scotland.

  6. I’m betting that now the Chinese have realised their virus wasn’t as successful as they hoped, they’ve released another one. Otherwise, the BEMs of my youth have landed…

  7. “birthing person who is transitioning from male to female and may still have external male genitalia”

    This is all too complicated for me, but isn’t the whole point of the “birthing person” issue that some trans men may still have fully functional ovaries, womb, birth canal, etc, so can give birth even if they have begun some aspects of the transition process and have some male features? (So such people don’t want to ‘misgendered’ as a ‘mother’ when giving birth – though tbh with everything else up for grabs, I don’t know why they don’t just campaign for the word ‘mother’ to be considered gender-neutral instead.)

    We haven’t started giving functional womb transplants to trans women have we? Whether they “still” have the male anatomy or not, how are they going to give birth?

  8. With the steady advance of this sort of utter lunacy, I’m starting to believe that perhaps life under Vladimir Vladimirovich might be preferable

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