Neo-Nazi mercenaries known for their brutality in conflicts in Syria and the 2014 war in Crimea have been deployed by Russia in Ukraine.
The self-styled “task force Rusich”, recruited from nationalist circles in Moscow and St Petersburg, posted images of its troops in the Kharkiv region.
So now their Nazis will fight our Nazis – ;looking at it from the Ukrainian perspective.
As with Apollo, guess they’ll have to hope that our Nazis are better than their Nazis.
Since National Socialism, Greenism and racial hatred at least of whites is the present fashion, I’d have to argue that the word Nazi is simply meaningless except as a form of hate speech.
“… to hope that our Nazis are better than their Nazis.”
Ah, Patrick McGoohan standing on the ice cap…
I sure hope the Good nazis beat the Bad nazis
Are they all the baddies?
John – Mitchell and Webb are underrated (and Peep Show was the most brilliantly subversive conservative comedy since Yes Minister, a fact which seems to have completely flown under the Guardian’s radar) but I’m kinda sorta hoping their other sketch about a gameshow set in the dystopic nightmare world after “The Event” doesn’t also come true.
Many of the separatist militias are as Nazi as the various Ukrainian outfits but they haven’t managed a major breakout and have been dying like flies. They’re resorting to conscripts now. Hopefully this new collection will be as relatively shite as the rest of the Russians.
The Azov holdouts (and regular marines) are still giving the Russians the runaround in Mariupol. They’ve proved their fighting prowess but of course won’t be able contribute elsewhere.
Brosheviks are fapping themselves silly over the idea that there are NATO specialists stuck in Mariupol; they’d worked themselves up to it being a US general the last I saw.
Western countries: “We’ll need to send in the Allies to defeat them.”
“…straight allies, male allies, white allies…”
Do not mention The Event! It will cause distress!
I agree that the word Nazi is often overused.
But the Nationalists of Russia definitely meet the criteria, and have done for a long time. The doctrinal differences between Putin and Adolf are minor.
I presume some of the Ukrainians are too, but they’re unlikely to hold the whole “superior race” thing, being as they are wanting to avoid their fellow Slavs.
Jgh – That’s what I mean! And I’m old enough to remember when lockdowns were the eschatological happening du jour.
Chester – are you aving a laugh?
Russia is a diverse, multicultural shithole with aggressively enforced laws against hate speech and massive, regime-approved, internal migration of Muslims and Asians to its European regions. Far-right extreme nationalists, such as the sainted Alexei Navalny – who you may remember from arslikhan Western hagiography about his love of “democracy” – are Putin’s enemies. United Russia’s political programme is officially “Russian conservatism”, i.e. big tent kleptocracy that happily accomodates Chechen warlords, Jewish oligarchs, Orthodox bishops, metrosexual urbanites, and Eye-gor, the guy who works at the castle… everybody’s welcome as long as you don’t rock the boat or ask too many awkward questions.
Ukraine is only a different flavour of shithole, but they’re definitely a lot more keen (as part of the oligarch-funded ethnogenesis) on being openly racist. Seeing as they literally venerate, and build statues to, WW2 Nazi war criminals and all that. It’s just that the target of their racial supremacism is mostly the “Muscovites” rather than Poles, darkies, etc. (Although they hate them too)
I realise “Hitler” is no longer a historical figure, he’s an all-purpose baddie whose name is invoked to insult everybody from politicians we don’t like to that unpleasant woman behind the counter at the staff canteen, but…
Saying Putin is ideologically aligned with the famous Austrian painter is the wackiest thing I’ve seen since Timmy Mallett had his own TV show. Winston-Bloody-Churchill was objectively a lot closer to Hitler in his political outlook than the Midget of Moscow is.
Option A: Russian forces launched routine military attack at railaway station using standard missile.
Problem: The missile is long obsolete in Russina armoury, so certainly not a routine operation. It is however, still a part of the Ukraine’s armoury.
Option B: Ukraine launched missile as false-flag, to paint Russians as bad, while also preventing Ukrainian civilians fleeing seperatist region.
Option C: Russians special forces sourced long obsolete missile for false-false-flag operation to kill Spiny Norman.
I don’t know what to believe, they are all lying to us. But on the basis of “who benefits?”, the Ukrainians trying to prevent an exodus of ‘their’ people from the disputed seperatist region, while cretaing a timely “outrage” is by far the most plausible.
But no government wouild ever treat its people as expendable assets now, would it?
I’m sure the truth is deployable within 45 minutes.
The lies are so endless, which lies to believe?
. . . the Ukrainians trying to prevent an exodus of ‘their’ people from the disputed seperatist region, while cretaing a timely “outrage” is by far the most plausible.
They’ve been urging them to leave for days and shipping them out by the thousands on trains, by arrangement with the Russians. Another problem with your scenario is that the dastardly Ukrainians would have had to take over Russian and DNR media sites, wherein it was claimed that precision strikes had been made, then no strikes had been made, then the Ukrainians made the strikes.
Another complication is that the Russians have brought the Tocha out of reserve. It’s being used by the 8th Combined Arms Army operating in the Donbas.
If Ukraine didn’t want people to leave by rail, there would have been far easier ways to do so that didn’t involve making a huge effort to have evacuated as many people as possible by rail over the days before. Some kind of “wrong type of leaves on the line” would suffice. Plenty of plausible excuses in wartime – “all trains cancelled today as we need to check many miles of tracks for unexploded munitions” would be convincing enough, no? Could even just try telling people to stay at home as they’ll be safest there, if that’s what they want, why keep telling people to urgently evacuate if the plan is for as few people to leave as possible?
A functioning railway for now benefits Ukraine militarily and has been a major target for Russia – in fact Russia pre-announced that it was targeting the railway, though I’m not aware that this station was listed in advance. This would also make it odd for Ukraine to target its own rail assets, as it’s doing the Russians’ job for them. Clogging up local hospitals that the army may soon be needing and running down their medical supplies would hardly be a genius masterplan either. It’s not as if a few more dead civilians are a necessary PR boost, if anything it just dragged attention away from the discovery of more mass graves in the formerly occupied areas.
There are other options than the three you listed, all of which involved a deliberate and successful hit. It could be a Ukrainian missile that missed its intended target due to some kind of internal failure. Or it could be a Russian or separatist miss, as PJF points out it isn’t like they don’t have any and didn’t use any in their pre-war “exercises”. Or it could be that the missile, be it Russian or Ukrainian, was downed by air defenses (even a friendly fire downing is possible).
If you give yourself a more realistically wide range of options to choose from, you won’t push yourself into the intellectual corner of one unlikely (on the face of it) possibility by “eliminating” other unlikely-sounding options. And cock-up should almost always be considered as a viable alternative to conspiracy.
Aye, I was arguing strongly tongue-in-cheek based upon the “facts” reported in the media.
My point was, since some is provable lies, and the media has lied steadily for decades, how to spot what, if anything, is actually true?
“how to spot what, if anything, is actually true?” My basic system is to trust only what’s not said. Thus if no one says Kiev has fallen then Kiev has not fallen.
The other thing you can sometimes trust is when one side admits to something knowing the other side has photos. Thus the Russians admit to the Moskva’s sinking. But they deny the missile strike because they think/know the Ukes will have no movie of the impact.
Sometimes logic is no help. The Russkis say the Moskva sank in a storm: the weather satellites show no such storm. Why even bother lying about that? The answer is presumably a matter of whom they are lying to i.e. their own downtrodden masses.
Jesus Christ what a bloody shambles. What was he thinking? My money is still on “old man in hurry”.