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Anyone need a webshop built?

One of our Blokes here wants to pay an offspring to gain some work experience. That means a free webshop to someone who has a product they would like to start selling. Offspring gains the experience (with Bloke, who does this for a living, looking over shoulder), someone gains the webshop and what happens after that, well?


6 thoughts on “Anyone need a webshop built?”

  1. Do people still do this? Most webshops these days are off-the-shelf packaged services: you pay a small fee to an e-commerce provider like Wix who register the domain, they supply a selection of themes/templates (just like WordPress), they can handle card payments, etc. Hardly worth the effort of DIY these days.

  2. @AndrewM Yes, and it works, mostly. If you’re doing only a couple of articles. And can stand the interface. And if it actually allows you to do what you want/need to do. And if there aren’t deep-coded restrictions aimed to gouge out the premium Package at …Fruitesque… price points.

    There is a lot of business opportunities actually adapting templates into working sites optimised for the specific business case.

    Plus it’s good exercise in dealing with Other Peoples’ Messes both client-side and server-side script-wise, and Very Important Training when it comes to Dealing With Clients.
    The kid is lucky.. Most of the time you’ll have to learn a lot of this in Real Lifeā„¢, which is…much less forgiving..

  3. I read it as “wetshop” and was…wait. What? But…a webshop? If nobody else steps up, would an international one be interesting? Am in Ecuador with some specific challenges that make it not an easy business to put up, but it could be done.

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